... ootloader/ (the code written in NASM is also attached).
I can run it without a problem when using Virtualbox
But, my question is:
If I move the "HelloString db 'Hello World', 0" right after the HLT instruction, then the output contains some junk ascii code after the original string. Why is that? Moving the HelloString somewhere can mess up with the printing?
Code: Select all
[BITS 16] ; Tell NASM we're in 16-bit mode
[ORG 0x7C00] ; Tell NASM that this code will be loaded at 0x7C00
; to ensure any absolute jumps are calculated correctly
;---------------- BOOTLOADER CODE ----------------;
MOV SI, HelloString ; Store pointer to hello world string in SI
CALL PrintString ; Print the string
HLT ; Stop the processor
;---------------- SCREEN FUNCTIONS ---------------;
PrintString: ; Print a string to screen
; Assume pointer to string to print is in SI
MOV AL, [SI] ; Grab the next character
OR AL, AL ; Check if character is zero
JZ exit_function ; If it is, then return
CALL PrintCharacter ; Else, print the character
INC SI ; Increment pointer for next character
JMP next_character ; Loop
PrintCharacter: ; Print a single character to screen
; Assume character to print is in AL
MOV AH, 0x0E ; Teletype Mode
MOV BH, 0x00 ; Page zero
MOV BL, 0x07 ; Light Gray
INT 0x10 ; Print Character
;------------------ DATA BLOCK ------------------;
HelloString db 'Hello World', 0
;-------------- PADDING / SIGNATURE -------------;
; $ is current line, $$ is first line, db 0 is a 00000000 byte
; So, pad the code with 0s until you reach 510 bytes
TIMES 510 - ($ - $$) DB 0
; Fill last two bytes (a word) with the MBR signature 0xAA55
DW 0xAA55