------------------------ stage 1 ----------------------------
I use NASM Language to write a program, in which calling bios 13h interrupt of 10h function,which could display a string when booting.
Then I compile it with the following command:
nasm -f bin bootloader.asm -o bootloader
bootloader.asm is my source code.
Then I wrote a program using C language to write the binary file bootloader into the flash disk.
I reboot my PC and it works.When I change the booting order from hard disk to usb flash,it displayed the string Hello World.
------------------------ stage 2 --------------------------------
You know that the Hello World program just stayed in the first section.
Now I would like to write a bootloader named bootloader.asm and a kernel file named kernel.asm by using NASM language.This time I would like to make the kernel in the 2nd sector(bootloader in the 1st sector),and loading the kernel by using the bootloader which still stayed in 1st boot sector.
These two binary files could be copied to usb flash sequenctly by using a C language program I wrote.
but I failed.When booting from usb flash,two strings displayed on the screen.They are:
Disk set success...
Kernel loaded failed...
I have try many ways to find the cause,but I failed.
The reason I guess is that the call bios 13H interrupt of 02 function is wrong.
Now I will send you two asm files(one named bootloader.asm other named kernel.asm) and a C language program which functions as a copy utility to write these two binary files into the usbflash
Code: Select all
ORG 0x7C00
;mov ax,0x9000
;mov ss,ax
;mov sp,0xffff
mov [bootdrv],dl
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov si,3
call load
jmp 0x0000:0x7E00
;push ds
mov ax,0
mov dl,[bootdrv]
int 13h
;pop ds
jc resetfail
mov bp,msgresetsuccess
mov cx,resetsuccesslen
mov dx,0x00
call putstr
mov ax,0
mov es,ax
mov ah,2
mov al,1
mov dx,0
;mov dl,[bootdrv]
mov cx,2
mov bx,0x7E00
int 0x13
jc loadfail
;jc load
mov bp,msgkernelload
mov cx,kernelloadlen
mov dx,0x0400
call putstr
mov bp,msgresetfail
mov cx,resetfaillen
mov dx,0x00
call putstr
dec si
cmp si,0
jne load
jmp 0x0000:0x7E00
; mov bp,msgloadfailed
; mov cx,loadfailedlen
; mov dx,0x0200;
; call putstr
; ret
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov al,0x01
mov bh,0x00
mov bl,0x02
mov ah,0x13
int 0x10
;dw 0xAA55
bootdrv db 0
msgresetfail db 'Disk Reset Failure!',10
resetfaillen equ $-msgresetfail
msgresetsuccess db 'Disk reset success...',10
resetsuccesslen equ $-msgresetsuccess
msgkernelload db 'Loading Kernel...',10
kernelloadlen equ $-msgkernelload
msgloadsuccess db 'Kernel loaded successfully...',10
loadsuccesslen equ $-msgloadsuccess
msgloadfailed db 'Kernel loaded failed...',10
loadfailedlen equ $-msgloadfailed
Code: Select all
;org 0x7E00
section .text
mov bp,mymsg
mov cx,mymsglen
mov dx,0x0301
call display
call console ;Simple Console
db 0x0ea ;machine reboot
dw 0x0000
dw 0xffff
mov bp,msgconsole
mov cx,msgconsolelen
mov dx,0x0401
call display
mov ah,0x00 ;wait for key
int 0x16
cmp al,27 ;check for ESC key
je finish
cmp al,13 ;check for Enter key
je newline
jmp echochar
mov bp,prompt
mov cx,promptlen
mov dx,0x0401
call display
jmp waitkey
mov ah,0x0e
mov bx,0x0007
int 10h
jmp waitkey
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov al,0x00
mov bh,0x00
mov bl,0x02
mov ah,0x13
int 0x10
section .data
mymsg db "Message from sexhunter's Simple Kernel...",10,0
mymsglen equ $-mymsg
prompt db 10,'sexhunter@sexhunter$',10,0
promptlen equ $-prompt
msgconsole db 10,'Console:Press ESC to reboot',10,0
msgconsolelen equ $-msgconsole
Code: Select all
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main ()
char boot_buf[512];
int floppy_desc,file_desc;
file_desc=open ("./bootloader",O_RDONLY);
read (file_desc,boot_buf,510);
close (file_desc);
lseek (floppy_desc,0,SEEK_SET);
write (floppy_desc,boot_buf,512);
char boot_buf1[188]={0};
file_desc=open ("./kernel",O_RDONLY);
read (file_desc,boot_buf,188);
close (file_desc);
lseek (floppy_desc,512,SEEK_SET);
write (floppy_desc,boot_buf,188);
close (floppy_desc);
return 0;