I've been looking at the output of the memory map spat out by the linker (when using the -Map [filename] flag) and it seems that when there are any symbols that get defined past the 32k mark, GRUB refuses to load the kernel, stating that it's an "Invalid or unsupported executable format". I've literally linked this to my code size-- the program compiles and runs until I add enough lines of code (any code whatsoever) that would make the total size greater than 32k in the memory map. Specifically (since I'm starting my first section at the 1MB mark) it fails when ebss comes out to greater than...
Hmm. After checking that again, it seems it's failing when it gets close to 32k, not right at it.
This is *really* bizzare. I'm going to spit out any files I think might be relevant here, tell me if something jumps out at you that I've done wrong. Note: my loader uses hand-converted FASM code from example NASM code, there's a potential that something went screwey in there, but it's very simplistic.
Linker Script:
Code: Select all
ENTRY (loader)
. = 0x00100000;
.text :{
.rodata ALIGN (0x1000) : {
.data ALIGN (0x1000) : {
.bss : {
sbss = .;
ebss = .;
Code: Select all
Allocating common symbols
Common symbol size file
gp 0x6 build/core.o
idtp 0x6 build/idt.o
gdt 0x18 build/core.o
conPos 0x4 build/consoleio.o
idt 0x800 build/idt.o
Memory Configuration
Name Origin Length Attributes
*default* 0x0000000000000000 0xffffffffffffffff
Linker script and memory map
0x0000000000100000 . = 0x100000
.text 0x0000000000100000 0x1020
.text 0x0000000000100000 0x2be build/consoleio.o
0x0000000000100000 strlen
0x0000000000100025 setColor
0x0000000000100032 write
0x000000000010006b writec
0x000000000010014a scrollScreen
0x000000000010020e clearScreen
0x0000000000100256 writenum
*fill* 0x00000000001002be 0x2 00
.text 0x00000000001002c0 0x1f2 build/core.o
0x00000000001002c0 kmain
*fill* 0x00000000001004b2 0x2 00
.text 0x00000000001004b4 0x4de build/exception-interrupts.o
0x00000000001004b4 isrs_install
0x000000000010095c fault_handler
*fill* 0x0000000000100992 0x2 00
.text 0x0000000000100994 0x133 build/gdt.o
0x0000000000100994 gdt_set_gate
0x0000000000100a23 gdt_install
*fill* 0x0000000000100ac7 0x1 00
.text 0x0000000000100ac8 0x3b2 build/hardware-interrupts.o
0x0000000000100ac8 irq_install_handler
0x0000000000100ada irq_uninstall_handler
0x0000000000100aed irq_remap
0x0000000000100bbd irq_install
0x0000000000100e1b irq_handler
*fill* 0x0000000000100e7a 0x2 00
.text 0x0000000000100e7c 0xa9 build/idt.o
0x0000000000100e7c idt_set_gate
0x0000000000100ee3 idt_install
*fill* 0x0000000000100f25 0x3 00
.text 0x0000000000100f28 0xdc build/system.o
0x0000000000100f28 memcpy
0x0000000000100f5d memset
0x0000000000100f92 memsetw
0x0000000000100fc9 inportb
0x0000000000100fe6 outportb
.text 0x0000000000101004 0x1c build/loader.o
0x0000000000101010 loader
.iplt 0x0000000000101020 0x0
.iplt 0x0000000000000000 0x0 build/consoleio.o
.rodata 0x0000000000102000 0x458
.rodata 0x0000000000102000 0x241 build/core.o
*fill* 0x0000000000102241 0x3 00
.rodata 0x0000000000102244 0x214 build/exception-interrupts.o
.rel.dyn 0x0000000000102458 0x0
.rel.iplt 0x0000000000000000 0x0 build/consoleio.o
.rel.text 0x0000000000000000 0x0 build/consoleio.o
.rel.flat 0x0000000000000000 0x0 build/consoleio.o
.data 0x0000000000103000 0xa0
.data 0x0000000000103000 0x4 build/consoleio.o
0x0000000000103000 consoleColor
.data 0x0000000000103004 0x0 build/core.o
*fill* 0x0000000000103004 0x1c 00
.data 0x0000000000103020 0x80 build/exception-interrupts.o
0x0000000000103020 exception_messages
.data 0x00000000001030a0 0x0 build/gdt.o
.data 0x00000000001030a0 0x0 build/hardware-interrupts.o
.data 0x00000000001030a0 0x0 build/idt.o
.data 0x00000000001030a0 0x0 build/system.o
.igot.plt 0x00000000001030a0 0x0
.igot.plt 0x0000000000000000 0x0 build/consoleio.o
.flat 0x00000000001030a0 0x1e8
.flat 0x00000000001030a0 0x25 build/gdt-install.o
0x00000000001030a0 setGdt
0x00000000001030bd idt_load
*fill* 0x00000000001030c5 0x3 00
.flat 0x00000000001030c8 0x99 build/irq.o
0x00000000001030c8 irq0
0x00000000001030cf irq1
0x00000000001030d6 irq2
0x00000000001030dd irq3
0x00000000001030e4 irq4
0x00000000001030eb irq5
0x00000000001030f2 irq6
0x00000000001030f9 irq7
0x0000000000103100 irq8
0x0000000000103107 irq9
0x000000000010310e irq10
0x0000000000103115 irq11
0x000000000010311c irq12
0x0000000000103123 irq13
0x000000000010312a irq14
0x0000000000103131 irq15
*fill* 0x0000000000103161 0x3 00
.flat 0x0000000000103164 0x124 build/isr.o
0x0000000000103164 isr0
0x000000000010316e isr1
0x0000000000103178 isr2
0x0000000000103182 isr3
0x000000000010318c isr4
0x0000000000103196 isr5
0x00000000001031a0 isr6
0x00000000001031aa isr7
0x00000000001031b4 isr8
0x00000000001031bc isr9
0x00000000001031c6 isr10
0x00000000001031ce isr11
0x00000000001031d6 isr12
0x00000000001031de isr13
0x00000000001031e3 isr14
0x00000000001031e8 isr15
0x00000000001031ef isr16
0x00000000001031f6 isr17
0x00000000001031fd isr18
0x0000000000103204 isr19
0x000000000010320b isr20
0x0000000000103212 isr21
0x0000000000103219 isr22
0x0000000000103220 isr23
0x0000000000103227 isr24
0x000000000010322e isr25
0x0000000000103235 isr26
0x000000000010323c isr27
0x0000000000103243 isr28
0x000000000010324a isr29
0x0000000000103251 isr30
0x0000000000103258 isr31
.bss 0x00000000001032a0 0x48a0
0x00000000001032a0 sbss = .
COMMON 0x00000000001032a0 0x4 build/consoleio.o
0x00000000001032a0 conPos
COMMON 0x00000000001032a4 0x1e build/core.o
0x00000000001032a4 gp
0x00000000001032aa gdt
*fill* 0x00000000001032c2 0x1e 00
COMMON 0x00000000001032e0 0x820 build/idt.o
0x00000000001032e0 idtp
0x0000000000103300 idt
.bss 0x0000000000103b00 0x0 build/consoleio.o
.bss 0x0000000000103b00 0x0 build/core.o
.bss 0x0000000000103b00 0x0 build/exception-interrupts.o
.bss 0x0000000000103b00 0x0 build/gdt.o
.bss 0x0000000000103b00 0x40 build/hardware-interrupts.o
0x0000000000103b00 irq_routines
.bss 0x0000000000103b40 0x0 build/idt.o
.bss 0x0000000000103b40 0x0 build/system.o
.bss 0x0000000000103b40 0x4000 build/loader.o
0x0000000000107b40 ebss = .
LOAD build/consoleio.o
LOAD build/core.o
LOAD build/exception-interrupts.o
LOAD build/gdt.o
LOAD build/hardware-interrupts.o
LOAD build/idt.o
LOAD build/system.o
LOAD build/gdt-install.o
LOAD build/irq.o
LOAD build/isr.o
LOAD build/loader.o
OUTPUT(cd/kernel.elf elf32-i386)
.comment 0x0000000000000000 0x23
.comment 0x0000000000000000 0x23 build/consoleio.o
0x24 (size before relaxing)
.comment 0x0000000000000000 0x24 build/core.o
.comment 0x0000000000000000 0x24 build/exception-interrupts.o
.comment 0x0000000000000000 0x24 build/gdt.o
.comment 0x0000000000000000 0x24 build/hardware-interrupts.o
.comment 0x0000000000000000 0x24 build/idt.o
.comment 0x0000000000000000 0x24 build/system.o
0x0000000000000000 0x0
0x0000000000000000 0x0 build/consoleio.o
0x0000000000000000 0x0 build/core.o
0x0000000000000000 0x0 build/exception-interrupts.o
0x0000000000000000 0x0 build/gdt.o
0x0000000000000000 0x0 build/hardware-interrupts.o
0x0000000000000000 0x0 build/idt.o
0x0000000000000000 0x0 build/system.o
Code: Select all
public loader
extrn kmain
section '.text'
align 4
dd 0x1BADB002,0x00000003,0xE4524FFB
STACKSIZE equ 0x4000
mov esp, stack_loc+STACKSIZE ; set up the stack
push eax ; pass Multiboot magic number
push ebx ; pass Multiboot info structure
call kmain ; call kernel proper
hlt ; halt machine should kernel return
jmp hang
section '.bss'
;align 32
Code: Select all
#Generate the objects list. Essentially, every .c and .asm file needs a
#corresponding .o file to be linked in. Pretty simple, even though it
#looks like creepy voodoo code.
#Note: This does *not* use quotes, so don't come in here and try to
#space it out to make it all pretty. Learned that the hard way I did...
OBJS := $(patsubst source/%.c,build/%.o,$(wildcard source/*.c)) \
$(patsubst assembly/%.asm,build/%.o,$(wildcard assembly/*.asm))
vpath %.c source
vpath %.h include
vpath %.asm assembly
.PHONY : all
all: core.iso
core.iso : cd/kernel.elf
mkisofs -R -quiet -b grub/stage2_eltorito -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o core.iso cd
@echo ISO Created. Build seems to be completely successful. Hooray!
cd/kernel.elf : $(OBJS)
ld -T linker.ld -melf_i386 -Map map.txt -o cd/kernel.elf $^
build/%.o : %.asm
./fasm $< $@
build/%.o : %.c
gcc -o $@ -c $< -Wall -Wextra -fno-builtin -nostdlib -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -m32 -Iinclude
.PHONY : clean
-rm -f build/*.o
-rm -f core.iso
-rm -f cd/kernel.elf