In the end I wrote my own and the code is below. It works correctly but has no error checking. Anything better out there?
Code: Select all
org 0x7C00
jmp short begin
%define bsOemName bp+0x03 ; OEM label (8)
%define bsBytesPerSec bp+0x0B ; bytes/sector (dw)
%define bsSecsPerClust bp+0x0D ; sectors/allocation unit (db)
%define bsResSectors bp+0x0E ; # reserved sectors (dw)
%define bsFATs bp+0x10 ; # of fats (db)
%define bsRootDirEnts bp+0x11 ; Max # of root dir entries (dw)
%define bsSectors bp+0x13 ; # sectors total in image (dw)
%define bsMedia bp+0x15 ; media descriptor (db)
%define bsSecsPerFat bp+0x16 ; # sectors in a fat (dw)
%define bsSecsPerTrack bp+0x18 ; # sectors/track
%define bsHeads bp+0x1A ; # heads (dw)
%define bsHidden bp+0x1C ; # hidden sectors (dd)
%define bsSectorHuge bp+0x20 ; # sectors if > 65536 (dd)
%define bsDriveNumber bp+0x24 ; (dw)
%define bsSigniture bp+0x26 ; (db)
%define bsVolumeSerial bp+0x27 ; (dd)
%define bsVolumeLabel bp+0x2B ; (11)
%define bsSysID bp+0x36 ; (8)
times 0x3B db 0 ; Code starts at offset 0x3E
mov [bsDriveNumber], dl ; BIOS passes drive number in DL
xor eax, eax
xor esi, esi
xor edi, edi
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov bp, 0x7c00
; read in the root cluster
; check for the filename
; if found save the starting cluster
; if not then error
;fatstart = bsResSectors
;rootcluster = bsResSectors + (bsFATs * bsSecsPerFat)
; 4 + (2 * 254) = sector 512
;datastart = bsResSectors + (bsFATs * bsSecsPerFat) + ((bsRootDirEnts * 32) / bsBytesPerSec)
; 4 + (2 * 254) + ((512 * 32) / 512) = sector 544
;cluster X starting sector
; starting sector = (bsSecsPerClust * (cluster# - 2)) + datastart
mov ax, [bsSecsPerFat]
shl ax, 1 ; quick multiply by two
add ax, [bsResSectors]
mov [rootstart], ax
mov bx, [bsRootDirEnts]
shr bx, 4 ; bx = (bx * 32) / 512
add bx, ax ; BX now holds the datastart sector number
mov [datastart], bx
mov bx, 0x8000
mov si, bx
mov di, bx
call readsector
; Search for file name, and find start cluster.
mov cx, 11
mov si, filename
repe cmpsb
jz ff_done ; note that di now is at dirent+11
add di, byte 0x20
and di, byte -0x20
cmp di, [bsBytesPerSec]
jnz ff_next_entry
; load next sector
dec dx ; next sector in cluster
jnz ff_next_sector
add di, 15
mov ax, [di] ; AX now holds the starting cluster #
; At this point we have found the file we want and know the cluster where the file starts
mov bx, 0x8000 ; We want to load to 0x0000:0x8000
call readcluster
cmp ax, 0xFFF8 ; Have we reached the end cluster marker?
jg loadfile ; If not then load another
jmp 0x0000:0x8000
; Read a sector from disk, using LBA
; input: EAX - 32-bit DOS sector number
; ES:BX - destination buffer
; output: ES:BX points one byte after the last byte read
; EAX - next sector
push dx
push si
push di
push eax ; Save the sector number
mov di, sp ; remember parameter block end
push byte 0 ; other half of the 32 bits at [C]
push byte 0 ; [C] sector number high 32bit
push eax ; [8] sector number low 32bit
push es ; [6] buffer segment
push bx ; [4] buffer offset
push byte 1 ; [2] 1 sector (word)
push byte 16 ; [0] size of parameter block (word)
mov si, sp
mov dl, [bsDriveNumber]
mov ah, 42h ; EXTENDED READ
int 0x13 ;
mov sp, di ; remove parameter block from stack
pop eax ; Restore the sector number
jnc read_ok ; jump if no error
push ax
xor ah, ah ; else, reset and retry
int 0x13
pop ax
jmp read_it
inc eax ; next sector
add bx, 512 ; Add bytes per sector
jnc no_incr_es ; if overflow...
mov dx, es
add dh, 0x10 ; ...add 1000h to ES
mov es, dx
pop di
pop si
pop dx
; Read a cluster from disk, using LBA
; input: AX - 16-bit cluster number
; ES:BX - destination buffer
; output: ES:BX points one byte after the last byte read
; AX - next cluster
push cx
mov [tcluster], ax ; save our cluster value
;cluster X starting sector
; starting sector = (bsSecsPerClust * (cluster# - 2)) + datastart
xor cx, cx
sub ax, 2
mov cl, byte [bsSecsPerClust]
imul cx ; EAX now holds starting sector
add ax, word [datastart] ; add the datastart offset
xor cx, cx
mov cl, byte [bsSecsPerClust]
call readsector
dec cx
cmp cx, 0
jne readcluster_nextsector
; Great! We read a cluster.. now find out where the next cluster is
push bx ; save our memory pointer
mov bx, 0x7E00 ; load a sector from the root cluster here
push bx
mov ax, [bsResSectors]
call readsector
pop bx ; bx points to 0x7e00 again
mov ax, [tcluster] ; ax holds the cluster # we just read
shl ax, 1 ; multipy by 2
add bx, ax
mov ax, [bx]
pop bx ; restore our memory pointer
pop cx
msg_Load db "Loading... ", 0
msg_Error db "No "
filename db "PURE64 SYS", 0
datastart dw 0x0000
rootstart dw 0x0000
tcluster dw 0x0000
times 510-$+$$ db 0
sign dw 0xAA55