Nice to hear from you, and I hope you eventually get over your problem, but:
1. I do not believe that you problem lies in the code snippet you pasted above.
2. I in fact believe it lies in your putch() method.
3. Or in the way you initialize the pointer to the video framebuffer.
For points 1 & 2: Try making sure you advance the video pointer as you go on. I have a sneaky suspicion, (not having access to your code, and honestly, even if I did, I probably wouldn't read it) that what's happening is this:
You say you can call putch(char-not-null-terminated), yet you can't call putch(char-null-terminated). with a little debugging, maybe what's going on is that the video pointer is not advancing, so in the first case, the single character is displayed, and then the function exits, which is not a problem.
But when a NULL is encountered, your function probably prints the null (by putting a NULL into the framebuffer, thereby overwriting the 'A'), and you see nothing. In any event, I think the problem lies in your putCh() method.
You may also want to get accustomed to debugging your own code, since if you can't debug something as simple as that by yourself, you're going to end up spamming the forums for almost everything
By all means, feel free to post up your putch() implementation, and if someone is interested, you should get replies
--All the best
17:56 < sortie> Paging is called paging because you need to draw it on pages in your notebook to succeed at it.