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;XIX System 19 Bootsector - Version 1.00
;The purpose of this bootsector is simply to load
;the second stage of the XIX Bootloader, normally
;called the Bootloader.
;This is the case, in order to circumvent the now-
;restricting 512 (actually ~440) byte limit of the
;MBR, and to allow future implementations of error
;handling, error logging, hardware diagnostics,
;portability, and multi-boot support.
;For full documentation, read the source-enclosed
;bootsector.img.doc file.
[BITS 16] ;Assembler Directive denoting 16-bit Real-Mode
[ORG 0x7C00] ;Assembler Directive denoting residence at 0x7C00 in memory
begin: ;function that jumps over the data section and into the boot sequence
jmp boot
;Section for Functions
prntstr: ;function that will print a string, loaded into SI, on screen
mov ah, 0x0E ;place 0x0E (teletype function) into AH
mov bh, 0x00 ;set page number to page 1
mov bl, 0x000E ;set attribute to Green Text, Black Background, non-Flashing
.nxtchar ;label to jump to if AL is not equal to Null Char
lodsb ;load the string residing in SI, into AL for printing
or al, al ;check to see if AL = Null Character
jz .ret ;if zero, jump to label to return to main program
int 0x10 ;call int 0x10 to print the string
jmp .nxtchar
.ret ;label to jump to if AL = Null Character
readdsk: ;function that will reset the disk, then read it into 0x8000
mov ah, 0x00 ;place 0x00 (reset function) into AH
mov dl, [bootdrv] ;reset drive
int 0x13 ;call int 0x13 to reset drive
jc .rstdsk ;jmp to .rstdsk if carry flag is set (reset failed)
mov ax, 0x8000 ;load 0x8000 into AX register (can't directly manipulate ES
mov es, ax ;set ES to contents of AX (location of memory to read to)
xor bx, bx ;set offset to 0x0000
mov ah, 0x02 ;place 0x02 (read function) into AH
mov al, 0x01 ;read 1 sectors
mov ch, 0x01 ;read 1 track
mov cl, 0x02 ;read 2 sectors ahead of track 1
mov dh, 0x00 ;read from head 0
mov dl, [bootdrv] ;read from drive
int 0x13 ;call int 0x13 to read from disk
jc .rddsk ;if carry flag is set (read unsuccessfull) try again
;Section for Strings
sysmess db 'XIX System 19 Bootsector - Version 1.00',13,10,10,0 ;string to print system information
;13 = character return
;10 = new line
;0 = null character (end string)
dsksucc db 'Disk Reading Successfull, Will now Load Stage 2',13,10,0
;Section for Variables
bootdrv db 0 ;variable to store drive number
;Main Program
mov [bootdrv], dl ;load the boot-drive number into the bootdrv variable
lea si, [sysmess] ;load effective address of string sysmess into SI
call prntstr ;call the function to print the string
call readdsk ;call the function to load from disk into memory
lea si, [dsksucc] ;dsksucc into SI
call prntstr ;call the function to print the string
jmp 0x8000:0x0000 ;jump to instruction residing in 0x7E00 (stage 2 bootloader)
hlt ;halt the processor from executing this instruction
;Necessities for the Bootsector
times 510-($-$$) db 0 ;fill unused space upto 510 bytes (0x1FE)
signature dw 0xAA55 ;append the bootloader signature to last 2 bytes (0x1FE-0x200)