Hello,Not sure why this one persists. I think I'll just have a C function that will then call start (nevermind I just get an unresolved external on that. Oh well lol.
Do you get the unresolved external error on the C function when you performed the above? Or, was it still the NASM function that you called from your C function? Insure that, in the entry point property in your project properties window does NOT include the symbols underscore. ie, if the C function is main(), it should be listed under Linker->Advanced->EntryPoint as just main. Note no underscore nor parenthesis ().
Also, those are indeed GCC specific. To set those options in MSVC:
1. Project Settings->C/C++->Code Generation, set Buffer Security Check to Disabled (you will need this.)
2. C/C++->Preprocessor->Ignore Standard Include Path: Yes (/X)
2. Linker->Input->Ignore All Default Libraries: Yes (/NODEFAULTLIB)
3. Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies: $(NOINHERIT)