I'd like to join Brendan in thanking Combuster for his hard work and dedication as a moderator here. In that regard, he'll surely be missed. I hope he will continue to frequent the forums and enlighten us all with his valued knowledge and insights.
Now, to everyone else that has posted here to complain about the remaining moderators in any way, shape, or form --SHAME ON YOU. You are all members of the forum that have been here for a while, and as such you should all know better! For everyone complaining about newbies not following the forum rules in this thread, keep in mind you just broke the forum rules yourself.
I'd like to point something out, and thank you pcmattman for doing this also. Look at the motto at the top of the page, next to the osdev.org logo. See it? Good. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you can read it, since you ARE posting here. It reads "The Place to Start for Operating System Developers" (emphasis mine). This isn't some elitist forum that requires years of arcane knowledge and "industry" work in order to participate. In fact, at least one of the moderators here isn't even involved in IT or CS for his day job.
I think each and every one of you needs to go back and reread your first posts to this forum. We were all beginners at some point. Everyone asks the occasional stupid question. If it wasn't for people like Tim Robinson, Pype Clicker, Candy, Brendan, and others, how many of us would still here? Those people are all held in high regard and have done a lot for our community. We should all strive to be more like them.
WIthout newbies, and especially without users willing to help them, the community is just going to wither and die. Sadly, I believe it is already happening, and it can be evidenced by the number of "crap" posts here lately.
If a post irritates you, or you think it is a stupid post, do something novel -- don't post a reply. I don't know about you, but when I was growing up I was taught if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. I'd like to reiterate that right here, but in my own special way: If you can't post something nice, kindly sod off.
With a little bit of hard work and some luck, osdev.org will once again be the close knit helpful community it was in the days of Tim Robinson, Pype Clicker, and everyone else that we all hold dear. I think that's something we'd all very much love to see.