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Post by matio »

I have used the code from the james molloy tutorial. I am trying to use the keyboard suppport from bkerndev. When I press any key it will
1) Put "S" to the screen
2) Not do anything

I am using a UK keyboard


Code: Select all

// main.c -- Defines the C-code kernel entry point, calls initialisation routines.
//           Made for JamesM's tutorials <>

#include "monitor.h"
#include "descriptor_tables.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "paging.h"
#include "multiboot.h"
#include "fs.h"
#include "initrd.h"
#include "task.h"

extern u32int placement_address;
u32int initial_esp;

/* KBDUS means US Keyboard Layout. This is a scancode table
*  used to layout a standard US keyboard. I have left some
*  comments in to give you an idea of what key is what, even
*  though I set it's array index to 0. You can change that to
*  whatever you want using a macro, if you wish! */
unsigned char kbdus[128] =
    0,  27, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8',	/* 9 */
  '9', '0', '-', '=', '\b',	/* Backspace */
  '\t',			/* Tab */
  'q', 'w', 'e', 'r',	/* 19 */
  't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p', '[', ']', '\n',	/* Enter key */
    0,			/* 29   - Control */
  'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', ';',	/* 39 */
 '\'', '`',   0,		/* Left shift */
 '\\', 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v', 'b', 'n',			/* 49 */
  'm', ',', '.', '/',   0,				/* Right shift */
    0,	/* Alt */
  ' ',	/* Space bar */
    0,	/* Caps lock */
    0,	/* 59 - F1 key ... > */
    0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
    0,	/* < ... F10 */
    0,	/* 69 - Num lock*/
    0,	/* Scroll Lock */
    0,	/* Home key */
    0,	/* Up Arrow */
    0,	/* Page Up */
    0,	/* Left Arrow */
    0,	/* Right Arrow */
    0,	/* 79 - End key*/
    0,	/* Down Arrow */
    0,	/* Page Down */
    0,	/* Insert Key */
    0,	/* Delete Key */
    0,   0,   0,
    0,	/* F11 Key */
    0,	/* F12 Key */
    0,	/* All other keys are undefined */

unsigned char inportb (unsigned short _port)
    unsigned char rv;
    __asm__ __volatile__ ("inb %1, %0" : "=a" (rv) : "dN" (_port));
    return rv;

/* Handles the keyboard interrupt */
void keyboard_handler()
    unsigned char scancode;

    /* Read from the keyboard's data buffer */
    scancode = inportb(0x60);

    /* If the top bit of the byte we read from the keyboard is
    *  set, that means that a key has just been released */
    if (scancode & 0x80)
        /* You can use this one to see if the user released the
        *  shift, alt, or control keys... */
        /* Here, a key was just pressed. Please note that if you
        *  hold a key down, you will get repeated key press
        *  interrupts. */

        /* Just to show you how this works, we simply translate
        *  the keyboard scancode into an ASCII value, and then
        *  display it to the screen. You can get creative and
        *  use some flags to see if a shift is pressed and use a
        *  different layout, or you can add another 128 entries
        *  to the above layout to correspond to 'shift' being
        *  held. If shift is held using the larger lookup table,
        *  you would add 128 to the scancode when you look for it */
        monitor_write(kbdus[scancode], 0, 15);

int main(struct multiboot *mboot_ptr, u32int initial_stack)
    initial_esp = initial_stack;
    // Initialise all the ISRs and segmentation
    // Initialise the screen (by clearing it)
    // Initialise the PIT to 100Hz
    asm volatile("sti");

    // Find the location of our initial ramdisk.
    ASSERT(mboot_ptr->mods_count > 0);
    u32int initrd_location = *((u32int*)mboot_ptr->mods_addr);
    u32int initrd_end = *(u32int*)(mboot_ptr->mods_addr+4);
    // Don't trample our module with placement accesses, please!
    placement_address = initrd_end;

    // Start paging.

    // Start multitasking.

    // Initialise the initial ramdisk, and set it as the filesystem root.
    fs_root = initialise_initrd(initrd_location);

    // Create a new process in a new address space which is a clone of this.
    int ret = fork();

    monitor_write("fork() returned ", 0, 3);
    monitor_write(", and getpid() returned ", 0, 3);
    monitor_write("\n============================================================================\n", 0, 15);

    // The next section of code is not reentrant so make sure we aren't interrupted during.
    asm volatile("cli");
    // list the contents of /
    int i = 0;
    struct dirent *node = 0;
    while ( (node = readdir_fs(fs_root, i)) != 0)
        fs_node_t *fsnode = finddir_fs(fs_root, node->name);

        if ((fsnode->flags&0x7) == FS_DIRECTORY)
	    monitor_write(node->name, 0, 2);
            monitor_write("\t(directory)\n",  0, 15);
	    monitor_write(node->name, 0, 15);
            monitor_write("\n\t contents: \"",  0, 15);
            char buf[256];
            u32int sz = read_fs(fsnode, 0, 256, buf);
            int j;
            for (j = 0; j < sz; j++)
                monitor_put(buf[j],  0, 15);
            monitor_write("\"\n",  0, 15);
    monitor_write("\n",  0, 15);
    asm volatile("sti");

    return 0;
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Re: Keyboard

Post by ruisleipa »

Maybe you should consider enabling interrupts before running the handler in and endless loop.

EDIT: And you shouldn't be running it in a loop, because it is an iterrupt handler. - Real Mode MultiTasking Operating System
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Re: Keyboard

Post by kop99 »

Code: Select all

        /* Here, a key was just pressed. Please note that if you
        *  hold a key down, you will get repeated key press
        *  interrupts. */

        /* Just to show you how this works, we simply translate
        *  the keyboard scancode into an ASCII value, and then
        *  display it to the screen. You can get creative and
        *  use some flags to see if a shift is pressed and use a
        *  different layout, or you can add another 128 entries
        *  to the above layout to correspond to 'shift' being
        *  held. If shift is held using the larger lookup table,
        *  you would add 128 to the scancode when you look for it */
        monitor_write(kbdus[scancode], 0, 15);
You should better use keybuffer...

Code: Select all

[-X Why do you insert that section in main?
Keyboard interrupt will rise whenever key is pressed. You don't have to do it!
And lf you wanna poll the key, that is so bad way.
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