I printed the information in multiboot_info struct to screen, so could anybody tell me what are they?

I should have posted that link in my original post since it doesn't contain the information i need. (At least, i couldn't find it in it). I'm asking, for example, what is the "cmdline" parameter?Tommy wrote:GRUB Multiboot Specification
OK, but how in the world it got set "/kernel" in my bootloader?Gnu.org wrote: If bit 2 of the `flags' longword is set, the `cmdline' field is valid, and contains the physical address of the command line to be passed to the kernel. The command line is a normal C-style zero-terminated string.
Code: Select all
kernel /kernel
Thanks for the reply. I don't know where "menu.lst" file is located actually. But here is my "link.ld", "boot.s" and Makefile.JohnnyTheDon wrote:In your menu.lst file, you must have writtenEverything on that line except the first 'kernel' is your command line. Its just a convenient way to pass some information to the kernel. Your kernel is NOT an application. The command line is completely static, not an input/output system.Code: Select all
kernel /kernel
And I would assume that your kernel is in ELF format. How are you compiling and linking it?
Code: Select all
/* Link.ld -- Linker script for the kernel - ensure everything goes in the */
/* Correct place. */
/* Original file taken from Bran's Kernel Development */
/* tutorials: http://www.osdever.net/bkerndev/index.php. */
.text 0x100000 :
code = .; _code = .; __code = .;
. = ALIGN(4096);
.data :
data = .; _data = .; __data = .;
. = ALIGN(4096);
.bss :
bss = .; _bss = .; __bss = .;
. = ALIGN(4096);
end = .; _end = .; __end = .;
Code: Select all
; boot.s -- Kernel start location. Also defines multiboot header.
; Based on Bran's kernel development tutorial file start.asm
MBOOT_PAGE_ALIGN equ 1<<0 ; Load kernel and modules on a page boundary
MBOOT_MEM_INFO equ 1<<1 ; Provide your kernel with memory info
MBOOT_HEADER_MAGIC equ 0x1BADB002 ; Multiboot Magic value
; NOTE: We do not use MBOOT_AOUT_KLUDGE. It means that GRUB does not
; pass us a symbol table.
[BITS 32] ; All instructions should be 32-bit.
[GLOBAL mboot] ; Make 'mboot' accessible from C.
[EXTERN code] ; Start of the '.text' section.
[EXTERN bss] ; Start of the .bss section.
[EXTERN end] ; End of the last loadable section.
dd MBOOT_HEADER_MAGIC ; GRUB will search for this value on each
; 4-byte boundary in your kernel file
dd MBOOT_HEADER_FLAGS ; How GRUB should load your file / settings
dd MBOOT_CHECKSUM ; To ensure that the above values are correct
dd mboot ; Location of this descriptor
dd code ; Start of kernel '.text' (code) section.
dd bss ; End of kernel '.data' section.
dd end ; End of kernel.
dd start ; Kernel entry point (initial EIP).
[GLOBAL start] ; Kernel entry point.
[EXTERN main] ; This is the entry point of our C code
; Load multiboot information:
push eax
push ebx
; Execute the kernel:
cli ; Disable interrupts.
call main ; call our main() function.
jmp $ ; Enter an infinite loop, to stop the processor
; executing whatever rubbish is in the memory
; after our kernel!
Code: Select all
# Makefile for JamesM's kernel tutorials.
# The C and C++ rules are already setup by default.
# The only one that needs changing is the assembler
# rule, as we use nasm instead of GNU as.
SOURCES=boot.o main.o common.o monitor.o
CFLAGS=-nostdlib -nostdinc -fno-builtin -fno-stack-protector
all: $(SOURCES) link
-rm *.o kernel
ld $(LDFLAGS) -o kernel $(SOURCES)
nasm $(ASFLAGS) $<
Oh my... Got it, thank you very much!salil_bhagurkar wrote:menu.lst is in your floppy image that you use to boot into your OS. When you mount the floppy image, to put the kernel inside it, you can open this file by locating the directory boot/grub inside it.
Code: Select all
timeout 1
title JamesM's Tutorial
root (fd0)
kernel /kernel
You are well-advised to actually try to understand what you are doing, instead of just going step by step through a tutorial that you don't understand. All of your questions are the result of plain ignorance. You don't seem to know GRUB, you don't even know what you are compiling too, you don't understand the multiboot specification (and instead of blaming yourself you are blaiming the spec), etc. etc. There is some Required Knowledge(TM) before starting to develop an OS!iskra wrote:Oh my... Got it, thank you very much!
Well. In fact, I couldn't express myself clearly. I was following this tutorial and just finished the GDT and IDT part. But tutorial didn't describe some points clearly (it's a great tutorial as a whole, though) the ones i asked in this thread actually. So, i advanced to the GDT part but looked back and saw that i didn't learn how my kernel booted, so i decided to learn what is all about multiboot and GRUB. So i searched through internet, and gathered whatever i find. I know what i'm compiling. I just looked wrong place for certain information because i assumed members of a struct called "multiboot_info" should be in a document named "multiboot specification".jal wrote:You are well-advised to actually try to understand what you are doing, instead of just going step by step through a tutorial that you don't understand. All of your questions are the result of plain ignorance. You don't seem to know GRUB, you don't even know what you are compiling too, you don't understand the multiboot specification (and instead of blaming yourself you are blaiming the spec), etc. etc. There is some Required Knowledge(TM) before starting to develop an OS!iskra wrote:Oh my... Got it, thank you very much!