Here is a problem. I included <go32.h> and <dpmi.h> then I compiled it. It's successful. It made "graphic.o" file.
then I liked with other object files such as kernel.o , memorymanager.o, boot.o and so on.
It occured the erorrs that "undefined reference to '__dpmi_int'", "undefined reference to 'dosmemget'", "undefined reference to '_go32_info_block'" and so on...
I thought when object file is made, it includes thoes func... so it doesn't matter, I thought.
Actually it's my first time developing Operating System. So I don't have any experience developing without libraries.
So, it's kinda hard to me.

Anyway I've searched about VBE. Then I've found some materials. But all of them include <go32.h>, <dpmi.h> or <dos.h>
and so on... , so I tried to include thoes files. But I thought that when I develop OS, I can't include other files. I have to
make my own libraries... THat's what I thought... by the way... If you could help me to make a sense about developing OS
or using thoes funcs, '__dpmi_int', 'dosmemget', '_go32_info_block', I would appreciate it. Thanks for reading it.