I'm tinkering with bootloaders (passionate autodidact, I like to learn how things work by either building one or tearing one apart) and had some trouble working with one on Virtual PC 2007. I've got it down to a very simple repro. My fear is that I'm missing something obvious, but damned if I know what.
To be as totally simple as possible, I'm using a "hello world" bootloader and not my own.
This code (from here: http://www.viralpatel.net/taj/tutorial/ ... loader.php)
Code: Select all
[BITS 16] ;Tells the assembler that its a 16 bit code
[ORG 0x7C00] ;Origin, tell the assembler that where the code will
;be in memory after it is been loaded
MOV SI, HelloString ;Store string pointer to SI
CALL PrintString ;Call print string procedure
JMP $ ;Infinite loop, hang it here.
PrintCharacter: ;Procedure to print character on screen
;Assume that ASCII value is in register AL
MOV AH, 0x0E ;Tell BIOS that we need to print one charater on screen.
MOV BH, 0x00 ;Page no.
MOV BL, 0x07 ;Text attribute 0x07 is lightgrey font on black background
INT 0x10 ;Call video interrupt
RET ;Return to calling procedure
PrintString: ;Procedure to print string on screen
;Assume that string starting pointer is in register SI
next_character: ;Lable to fetch next character from string
MOV AL, [SI] ;Get a byte from string and store in AL register
INC SI ;Increment SI pointer
OR AL, AL ;Check if value in AL is zero (end of string)
JZ exit_function ;If end then return
CALL PrintCharacter ;Else print the character which is in AL register
JMP next_character ;Fetch next character from string
exit_function: ;End label
RET ;Return from procedure
HelloString db 'Hello World', 0 ;HelloWorld string ending with 0
TIMES 510 - ($ - $$) db 0 ;Fill the rest of sector with 0
DW 0xAA55 ;Add boot signature at the end of bootloader
However, they all exhibit pretty much the same behavior.
Is there some aspect of Virtual PC's emulation I'm not aware of? I'm less concerned about getting VPC to work as I am about understing WHY this is happening.