example: small Kernel for XScale processor

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example: small Kernel for XScale processor

Post by romandy »

I want to develop a small rtos on XScale arm processor.
I search some examples on Google, but i not find an intersesting sample code.
Anybody can help me ? Could you give me an example, in C or pascal?

(P.S.: I develop with FreePascal....)
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Re: example: small Kernel for XScale processor

Post by Laksen »

What kind of code are you looking for? I have a pascal kernel that I intend to port to ARM at some point, but I don't have the hardware to test it on. Developing for ARM with FPC isn't that much different than developing for any other platform with FPC, I think :)

I would be glad to help with questions or anything, although I can't help you with any examples specifically for ARM
http://j-software.dk | JPasKernel - My Object Pascal kernel
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Re: example: small Kernel for XScale processor

Post by romandy »

Thanx for your reply.
"Developing for ARM with FPC isn't that much different than developing for any other platform with FPC "
Are you sure?
I think Xscale is very different than x86...
I have seen a lot of pascal based OS, but it's very hard to port them....

Last edited by romandy on Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: example: small Kernel for XScale processor

Post by Laksen »

You could try and take a look at the LPC2124.pas units in the source tree. They have the -Tembedded option which allows you to select which processor you are using, using -Wp or something like that. You can easily add support for more processors by modifying the compiler source. Embedded development isn't very well supported for any platform yet, but it's pretty easy to get around by just telling it to use linux as a target.
http://j-software.dk | JPasKernel - My Object Pascal kernel
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