I had the same issue with the order of the A8 vs. setting the compaq status byte.. I eventually had the a8 first, but it's still very suspect and only works now and then.
If it wasn't for the fact that a lot of machines still have REAL ps2 ports I'd completely ignore this as it seems to be highly suspect.. I'm not sure if there is such a thing as a working ps2 init tbh
In any event here is my ps2 init code (based on my work and Brendans input) - perhaps this can be a starting point for us to get this working 100%? : -
Code: Select all
; Call before writing to 60h/64h.
push rcx
push rbx
mov rbx,[k_ms_since_boot]
add rbx,100
in al,64h
test al,02h
jz short kybd_wait0_done
mov rcx,[k_ms_since_boot]
cmp rcx,rbx
jl short kybd_wait0
pop rbx
pop rcx
; Call before reading from 60h.
push rcx
push rbx
mov rbx,[k_ms_since_boot]
add rbx,100
in al,64h
test al,01h
jnz short kybd_wait1_done
mov rcx,[k_ms_since_boot]
cmp rcx,rbx
jl short kybd_wait1
pop rbx
pop rcx
; Empty the 8042 output buffer.
push rcx
push rbx
xor rcx,rcx
mov rbx,16 ; 16bytes = maximum size of 8042 buffer.
in al,64h
test al,01h
jz short no_8042_data
in al,60h
inc rcx
cmp rcx,rbx
jle short flush8042
pop rbx
pop rcx
; Wait for keyboard controller or mouse to return ACK.
push rcx
push rbx
mov rbx,[k_ms_since_boot]
add rbx,500
in al,60h
cmp al,0fah
je short kybd_wait2_done
mov rcx,[k_ms_since_boot]
cmp rcx,rbx
jl short kybd_wait2
pop rbx
pop rcx
; Wait for Keyboard/Mouse to send Reset 0aah,00h
push rcx
push rbx
mov rbx,[k_ms_since_boot] ; Current ms since boot.
add rbx,500 ; Maximum ms to wait.
in al,60h ; This should be 0aah BAT passed.
cmp al,0aah
je short reset_ackok
cmp al,0fch
je short reset_ack_fail
mov rcx,[k_ms_since_boot]
cmp rcx,rbx
jl short kybd_wait3
reset_ack_fail: ; Device returned 0fch instead of 0aah or timeout.
in al,60h ; Read in 00h (Device ID) too.
pop rbx
pop rcx
; Write to PS2 Device B (mouse).
; -> Command Byte in BL.
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0d4h
out 64h,al
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,bl
out 60h,al
; Return Device B ID
; -> BL is ID.
mov bl,0f2h ; Get MouseID command.
call ps2_deviceB_write
call kybd_wait_ack
call kybd_ctrl_out_full
in al,60h ; Read MouseID byte.
; Sample Rate in BL
; (10,20,40,60,80,100,200)
push rbx
mov bl,0f3h ; Set Packet Sample-Rate Command.
call ps2_deviceB_write
call kybd_wait_ack
pop rbx
call ps2_deviceB_write
call kybd_wait_ack
; Resolution in BL
; (0=1pixel/mm,1=2pixel/mm,2=4pixel/mm,3=8pixel/mm)
push rbx
mov bl,0e8h ; Set Packet Sample-Rate Command.
call ps2_deviceB_write
call kybd_wait_ack
pop rbx
call ps2_deviceB_write
call kybd_wait_ack
; Set PS/2 Device B (Mouse) Scaling 2:1
mov bl,0e7h
call ps2_deviceB_write
call kybd_wait_ack
; Set PS/2 Device B (Mouse) Scaling 1:1
mov bl,0e6h
call ps2_deviceB_write
call kybd_wait_ack
; Enable PS/2 Streaming Mode.
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov bl,0eah ; Ensure stream mode is enabled.
call ps2_deviceB_write
call kybd_wait_ack
; Enable PS/2 Device B (Mouse).
mov bl,0f4h
call ps2_deviceB_write
call kybd_wait_ack
; Disable PS/2 Device B (Mouse).
mov bl,0f5h
call ps2_deviceB_write
call kybd_wait_ack
; Enable Keyboard (Device A).
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0aeh
out 64h,al
; Disable Keyboard (Device A).
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0adh
out 64h,al
; Set active scancode set on device A.
; Set typematic rate/delay on device A.
; Set typematic rate/delay on device B (dual keyboard PS2).
; Set LED states on Device A - Keyboard.
; BH -> Input Keyboard LEDS
; Bit 0: Scroll lock LED | Bit 1: Num lock LED | Bit 2: Caps lock LED
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0edh
out 60h,al
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,bh
out 60h,al
; Clear LED states on Device A - Keyboard.
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0edh
out 60h,al
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0
out 60h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
; Set LED states on Device B - (dual keyboard PS2).
; Reset the PC via Keyboard Controller.
mov bl,0d1h
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0d1h
out 64h,al
; writes 11111110 to the output port (sets reset system line low)
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0feh
out 60h,al
; Initialize the PS/2 Controller Interface and Attached Devices.
; Begin Initialization - Enable Aux Port and
; Determine PS2 Controller Type.
call kybd_wait_8042 ; Ensure we empty out the 8042 data port if it still has data in it.
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty ; Wait for keyboard controller to be ready to receive a command.
mov al,0a8h ; Enable PS2 Aux Port and Mouse.
out 64h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty ; Wait for keyboard controller to be ready to receive a command.
jnc short ps2_init00
mov [ps2_init_failed],1 ; Timeout when trying to communicate with ps2 controller.
mov al,020h ; Send command 20h (read configuration byte).
out 64h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
call kybd_ctrl_out_full ; Wait for the data to be ready.
jnc short ps2_init01
mov [ps2_init_failed],1 ; Timeout when trying to communicate with ps2 controller.
in al,60h ; read configuration byte (no ACK).
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty ; Wait for keyboard controller to be ready to receive a command.
jnc short ps2_init02
mov [ps2_init_failed],1 ; Timeout when trying to communicate with ps2 controller.
mov al,060h ; Send command 60h (set configuration byte).
out 64h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
jnc short ps2_init03
mov [ps2_init_failed],1 ; Timeout when trying to communicate with ps2 controller.
mov al,0 ; New configuration byte (Enable PS/2 device A and B and no BAT flag).
out 60h,al
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
jnc short ps2_init04
mov [ps2_init_failed],1 ; Timeout when trying to communicate with ps2 controller.
mov al,0a7h ; Send command a7h (disable device B).
out 64h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty ; Wait for keyboard controller to be ready to receive a command.
jnc short ps2_init05
mov [ps2_init_failed],1 ; Timeout when trying to communicate with ps2 controller.
mov al,020h ; Send command 20h (read configuration byte).
out 64h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
call kybd_ctrl_out_full ; Wait for the data to be ready.
jnc short ps2_init06
mov [ps2_init_failed],1 ; Timeout when trying to communicate with ps2 controller.
in al,60h ; read configuration byte.
test al,00100000b ; Is Device B still Enabled?
jnz short dual_ps2
; Single Port PS/2 Controller.
mov [ps2_ctrl_type],0
mov [ps2_deviceB_type],0 ; Since single port, device B must be none.
mov [ps2_deviceB_use],0 ; Ensure Device B is marked as unusable.
jmp short got_ps2_type
; Dual Port PS/2 Controller.
mov [ps2_ctrl_type],1
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty ; Wait for keyboard controller to be ready to receive a command.
jnc short ps2_init07
mov [ps2_init_failed],1 ; Timeout when trying to communicate with ps2 controller.
mov al,060h
out 64h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty ; Wait for keyboard controller to be ready to receive a command.
jnc short ps2_init08
mov [ps2_init_failed],1 ; Timeout when trying to communicate with ps2 controller.
mov al,00110000b ; disable ? Re-Enable both devices but leave IRQs off.
out 60h,al
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
jnc short ps2_dualdone
mov [ps2_init_failed],1 ; Timeout when trying to communicate with ps2 controller.
mov [ps2_deviceA_use],1 ; Ensure so-far that both devices are flagged usable.
mov [ps2_deviceB_use],1
; We now know if the PS2 Controller is single/dual device
; -> Perform Interface tests on attached devices.
; -> From here it's safe to ignore the general
; -> PS2 timeouts as it should be in place.
; -> We'll ack. device specific timeouts now.
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0f5h ; Disable scanning for device A (keyboard).
out 60h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
; Perform Interface Test on Device A.
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0abh ; Device A Interface Test command.
out 64h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
call kybd_ctrl_out_full
in al,60h
mov [ps2_deviceA_res],al
mov al,[ps2_deviceA_res]
test al,al
jz short devA_int_ok
mov [ps2_deviceA_use],0 ; Device A Interface Test failed, mark device unusable.
jmp test_devB
; Perform Reset of Device A.
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0ffh ; Reset device A command.
out 60h,al
call kybd_wait_reset_ack ; Keyboard might not ACK reset, so wait for 0aah instead.
jnc short deDevA
mov [ps2_deviceA_type],0 ; ACK from Device A failed, mark it as unusable for now.
mov [ps2_deviceA_use],0
; Disable Scanning on Device A again.
; -> Only if device responded to reset (use=1).
cmp [ps2_deviceA_use],1
jne short test_devB
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0f5h ; Disable scanning for device A (keyboard).
out 60h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
jnc short test_devB
mov [ps2_deviceA_use],0 ; Disable Device A scanning failed, mark as unusable.
; Perform Interface Test on Device B.
cmp [ps2_deviceB_use],0
je no_disable_devB ; No Device B so skip.
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty ; Disable packet sending (mouse) / disable device B.
mov al,0d4h
out 64h,al
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0f5h
out 60h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0a9h ; Test Mouse Port (Device B) command.
out 64h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
call kybd_ctrl_out_full
in al,60h
mov [ps2_deviceB_res],al
mov al,[ps2_deviceB_res]
test al,al
jz short no_disable_devB
mov [ps2_deviceB_use],0 ; Device B Interface Test failed, mark device unsuable.
jmp no_devB_reset
; Perform Reset of Device B if present.
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0d4h
out 64h,al
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0ffh
out 60h,al
call kybd_wait_reset_ack ; Reset Command might not ACK, rather wait for 0aah.
jnc short no_disable_devB
mov [ps2_deviceB_use],0 ; Reset of Device A failed, so mark it not usable.
mov [ps2_deviceB_type],0
; Disable Scanning on Device B again.
; -> Only if device responded to reset (use=1).
cmp [ps2_deviceB_use],1
jne short no_descanB
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty ; Disable packet sending (mouse) / disable device B.
mov al,0d4h
out 64h,al
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0f5h
out 60h,al
call kybd_wait_ack
jnc short no_descanB
mov [ps2_deviceB_use],0 ; Disable Device B scanning failed, mark as unusable.
; Identify Device A if it's still usable.
cmp [ps2_deviceA_use],1
jne short identifyB ; Only identify device A if still present and usable.
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0f2h ; Send the get keyboard ID command to encoder.
out 60h,al
mov rdi,offset ps2_deviceA_type
mov dword [rdi],0 ; Ensure device type is 0.
call kybd_wait_ack ; Wait for the ACK byte 0fah.
jnc short ps2_idA00
mov [ps2_deviceA_type],0 ; ACK from Device A failed, mark it as unusable for now.
mov [ps2_deviceA_use],0
jmp short identifyB ; Go on to Device B identification.
mov [rdi+0],al ; byte 0 = 0fah.
call kybd_ctrl_out_full
jc short identifyB ; If this happens ID was only 1 byte.
in al,60h
cmp al,0fah
je short ps2_idA00 ; Sometimes we get a double ACK? so ignore it..
mov [rdi+1],al ; byte 1 = ?
call kybd_ctrl_out_full
jc short identifyB ; ID was 2 bytes long.
in al,60h
mov [rdi+2],al ; byte 2 = ?
call kybd_ctrl_out_full
jc short identifyB ; ID was 3 bytes long.
in al,60h
mov [rdi+3],al ; byte 3 = ? (shouldn't happen as ids are 3 bytes or less).
; Identify Device B if it's still usable.
cmp [ps2_deviceB_use],1
jne short no_devB_identify ; No device B present or responding so skip identify.
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0d4h
out 64h,al
call kybd_ctrl_in_empty
mov al,0f2h ; Send Get Mouse ID / identify command.
out 60h,al
mov rdi,offset ps2_deviceB_type
mov dword [rdi],0
call kybd_wait_ack ; Wait for the ACK byte 0fah.
jnc short ps2_idB00
mov [ps2_deviceB_type],0 ; ACK from Device B failed, mark it as unusable for now.
mov [ps2_deviceB_use],0
jmp short no_devB_identify ; Identify Device B Failed.
mov [rdi+0],al ; byte 0 = 0fah.
call kybd_ctrl_out_full
jc short no_devB_identify ; If this happens ID was only 1 byte.
in al,60h
cmp al,0fah
je short ps2_idB00 ; Sometimes we get a double ACK? so ignore it..
mov [rdi+1],al ; byte 1 = ?
call kybd_ctrl_out_full
jc short no_devB_identify ; ID was 2 bytes long.
in al,60h
mov [rdi+2],al ; byte 2 = ?
call kybd_ctrl_out_full
jc short no_devB_identify ; ID was 3 bytes long.
in al,60h
mov [rdi+3],al ; byte 3 = ? (shouldn't happen as ids are 3 bytes or less).
; If Device B is a PS2 Mouse and
; it's ID = 0, perform mouse specific init sequence
; to determin enhanced type (wheel, 5 button).
cmp [ps2_deviceB_use],1 ; No Device B so skip.
jne short ps2_done
cmp [ps2_deviceB_type],000000fah ; Mouse ID reported seems to be correct, no need to determine enhanced state (Could've been inited by another pc on kvm?).
jne short ps2_done
mov bl,200
call ps2_deviceB_set_sample
mov bl,100
call ps2_deviceB_set_sample
mov bl,80
call ps2_deviceB_set_sample
call ps2_get_deviceB_id
cmp al,3
jne short ps2_done ; ID remained 0 so we've got a std. PS/2 mouse.
mov [ps2_deviceB_packet],4 ; Update the packet size as we know we have at least a scroll wheel.
mov rdi,offset ps2_deviceB_type
mov [rdi+1],al ; Store the updated ID byte.
mov bl,200
call ps2_deviceB_set_sample
mov bl,200
call ps2_deviceB_set_sample
mov bl,80
call ps2_deviceB_set_sample
call ps2_get_deviceB_id
cmp al,4
jne short ps2_done ; ID remained 3 so we've got a PS/2 mouse with scroll wheel.
mov [ps2_deviceB_packet],4 ; Update the packet size as we know we have a scroll wheel + 5 buttons.
mov rdi,offset ps2_deviceB_type
mov [rdi+1],al ; Store the updated ID byte.
MONITOR_WRITE_BYTE [ps2_init_failed],00ff0000h
MONITOR_WRITE_BYTE [ps2_ctrl_type],00ffff00h
MONITOR_WRITE_DWORD [ps2_deviceA_type],00f0ff00h
MONITOR_WRITE_DWORD [ps2_deviceB_type],00ff00f0h
MONITOR_WRITE_BYTE [ps2_deviceA_res],00ffff0fh
MONITOR_WRITE_BYTE [ps2_deviceB_res],00fffff0h
MONITOR_WRITE_BYTE [ps2_deviceA_use],00ffff00h
MONITOR_WRITE_BYTE [ps2_deviceB_use],00ffff00h
; PS/2 Controller Driver Data / Variables.
; Possible Identification ID's returned.
;0xFA AT keyboard with translation (not possible for device B)
;0xFA, 0xAB, 0x41 MF2 keyboard with translation (not possible for device B)
;0xFA, 0xAB, 0xC1 MF2 keyboard with translation (not possible for device B)
;0xFA, 0xAB, 0x83 MF2 keyboard without translation
;0xFA, 0x00 Standard mouse
;0xFA, 0x03 Mouse with a scroll wheel
;0xFA, 0x04 5 button mouse with a scroll wheel
;0xFA, 0x08 Typhoon 6byte packet mouse
ps2_init_failed db 0 ; [ 0 = ps2 controller is ready, 1 = ps2 controller init failed ]
ps2_ctrl_type db 0 ; [ 0 = single port, 1 = dual port ]
ps2_deviceA_type dd 0 ; [ 0 = none, else use table above ]
ps2_deviceB_type dd 0 ; [ 0 = none, else use table above ]
ps2_deviceA_res db 0 ; [ Result Byte from device A interface test (0=ok) all else = h/w failure ]
ps2_deviceB_res db 0 ; [ Result Byte from device B interface test (0=ok) all else = h/w failure ]
ps2_deviceA_use db 1 ; [ 0 = Not usable, 1 = usable ]
ps2_deviceB_use db 1 ; [ 0 = Not usable, 1 = usable ]
ps2_deviceA_packet dd 1 ; [ Size in bytes of Device A packet ]
ps2_deviceB_packet dd 3 ; [ Size in bytes of Device B packet ]
It's written for FASM .. and you can just replace or remove the monitor write macro calls...