I'm posting here to ask if someone already had the same problem as me
In BOCHS, Qemu and VMWare my VBE module switches mode and displays my GUI properly (except VirtualBox which doesn't support VBE)
But in VirtualPC it doesn't work at all
I call int0x10 with EAX=0x4F00 to get informations about the device ; I store a list of available modes
For each mode I call int0x10 with EAX=0x4F01 to get informations about it ; I filter the 8 bits/pixel modes and modes that don't support linear frame buffer
Then I try switching to mode 0x12e (but the mode doesn't matter), and here the strange thing happens:
VirtualPC's window gets resized to the size of the mode I chose... but the call fails (EAX = 0xFE at the end of interrupt 0x10)
If I simply ignore the errorcode and try writing to the framebuffer, I can't: if I write a byte to it and read it back, its value has not been modified
The content of the frame buffer is full of 0xFF bytes despite the screen being black (it should be white

I know that's not the kind of problems where people on a forum can help you, but I'm stuck on this for a long time now and I just have no idea about what is going on

Who knows, maybe someone encountered the same problem and could help