kmtdk wrote:well
if you got VBE 3.0 you can use Pmode
combuster is one of the best here at graphic's.
Yes you can in VBE 3, that's what i was saying but my post was not clear.
You can chnage mode but "get " functions are not operationnal (so you have to call them before going in PMode)
Unfortunaly as i said none of the
virtual machine got VBE 3 card
You can have also a PM interface in VBE 2 but only for 3 functions i believe to manage window ,granularity (if no LFB) and color
So in this case you haveto change mode before going to PM, and keep it unless ...
And at last it was not a personnal attack for combuster so dont be sad !!
I have read the FAQ and VESA standard too !