ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
So I've gotten a large chunk of my ps2 kybd and mouse driver done and they're working nicely in bochs/qemu etc. Some wierd things happen on real h/w as follows:
In theory I should be able to check bit 5 (0x20 mask) when reading 64h status to see if the data byte at 60h is from the keyboard or the mouse, this works in the emulators but not on real hardware.
For example in the mouse handler IRQ code:
in al,64h
test al,01h ; Wait for the output buffer to be full with data.
jz no_mouse_byte
;test al,20h ; Ensure the data byte that is ready is for the mouse.
;jz no_mouse_byte
Doesn't work on real h/w... the test al,20h for both mouse (JZ) and kybd (JNZ) just stops the keyboard IRQ code from ever happening.. not sure what the deal is there...
The next wierd thing is ... I'm using a USB mouse and I have a touchpad on the laptop. In theory the touchpad should work as a traditional ps2 mouse and the USB mouse should emulate a PS2 but according to the wiki, docs etc. it shouldn't fire IRQ12 but a differently assigned one from the USB BUS. However on my real h/w (laptop) it does fire IRQ12..
Then comes the last bit of wierdness... The mouse packet (assuming 3 byte default mode) has two deltas, x and y. In terms of the mouse, according to the docs, X should refer to vertical movement and Y to horizontal... in the emulator this seems to be switched around, so X is the same as screen X (horiz). and Y is vertical... not sure if anyone else has noticed this?
On the real h/w using the usb mouse.. irq12 fires and it would seem that indeed the x/y are switched.. it also bugs out quite badly..
In theory I should be able to check bit 5 (0x20 mask) when reading 64h status to see if the data byte at 60h is from the keyboard or the mouse, this works in the emulators but not on real hardware.
For example in the mouse handler IRQ code:
in al,64h
test al,01h ; Wait for the output buffer to be full with data.
jz no_mouse_byte
;test al,20h ; Ensure the data byte that is ready is for the mouse.
;jz no_mouse_byte
Doesn't work on real h/w... the test al,20h for both mouse (JZ) and kybd (JNZ) just stops the keyboard IRQ code from ever happening.. not sure what the deal is there...
The next wierd thing is ... I'm using a USB mouse and I have a touchpad on the laptop. In theory the touchpad should work as a traditional ps2 mouse and the USB mouse should emulate a PS2 but according to the wiki, docs etc. it shouldn't fire IRQ12 but a differently assigned one from the USB BUS. However on my real h/w (laptop) it does fire IRQ12..
Then comes the last bit of wierdness... The mouse packet (assuming 3 byte default mode) has two deltas, x and y. In terms of the mouse, according to the docs, X should refer to vertical movement and Y to horizontal... in the emulator this seems to be switched around, so X is the same as screen X (horiz). and Y is vertical... not sure if anyone else has noticed this?
On the real h/w using the usb mouse.. irq12 fires and it would seem that indeed the x/y are switched.. it also bugs out quite badly..
Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
Ok.. so I've solved some of the issues, If I take out the test al,20h from both kybd and mouse they both work again. If I only enable one or the other, then they work perfectly. Once both are enabled together they compete obviously and go a bit haywire.. hence the test al,20h (bit 5) test from 64h read in the respective handlers.. Is there another way to ensure that mouse data only goes to it's handler and the same for kybd?
Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
Something about X and Y coordinates:
I don't want to say the docs are completely wrong,
but my math skills tell me that X is the horizontal axis and Y the vertical one.
So the emulator reacts right.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I don't want to say the docs are completely wrong,
but my math skills tell me that X is the horizontal axis and Y the vertical one.
So the emulator reacts right.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
You are correct.. x/y are the right way around..
the problem i'm having is that if the keyboard driver is running at the same time as the ps2 mouse driver they both go haywire.
kybd on irq1, ps2 mouse on irq 12.
I have two seperate handlers for each and I was trying to use bit 5 (20h) when checking port 64h to ensure each handler only deals with it's own data. It works in the emulators but not on real h/w. I presuming that bit isn't being used on the real system..
Here are the two starting parts of the handlers:
and the keyboard handler does exactly the same except the test al,20h uses a jnz instead.. these handlers are chain-called by my main IRQ handler's, which already handle the EOI's etc.. with iretq, so these handlers just use normal rets (in case anyone was going to point that out). 
Either one works perfectly on it's own... activate both.. and poof! on real h/w... fine in emulators.
the problem i'm having is that if the keyboard driver is running at the same time as the ps2 mouse driver they both go haywire.
kybd on irq1, ps2 mouse on irq 12.
I have two seperate handlers for each and I was trying to use bit 5 (20h) when checking port 64h to ensure each handler only deals with it's own data. It works in the emulators but not on real h/w. I presuming that bit isn't being used on the real system..
Here are the two starting parts of the handlers:
Code: Select all
in al,64h
test al,1
jz no_data_for_mouse_yet
test al,20h
jz not_a_mouse_data_byte

Either one works perfectly on it's own... activate both.. and poof! on real h/w... fine in emulators.
Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
I've scoured the net looking for examples of how one could avoid this conflict or what might cause it ... haven't had any luck yet

I've scoured the net looking for examples of how one could avoid this conflict or what might cause it ... haven't had any luck yet
Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
If the PS/2 controller tells you there's a byte from the keyboard (IRQ1) then you can assume there's a byte from the keyboard; and if the PS/2 controller tells you there's a byte from the mouse (IRQ12) then you can assume there's a byte from the mouse. In both cases you don't need to check anything - the PS/2 controller already told you it's there.
Bit 5 is there for polling. You should be able to use bit 5 in the IRQ handlers to double check, but...
When the keyboard and mouse are USB devices, the BIOS uses SMM code to emulate PS/2 devices. I've seen plenty of people reporting problems with this emulation - basically once you start doing anything a little unusual you start relying on emulation code in the BIOS that's probably never been tested properly. Almost nobody uses polling for keyboard and almost nobody tests bit 5 in their IRQ handlers, so the chance of bit 5 being emulated properly by the BIOS is a lot less likely.
If the PS/2 controller tells you there's a byte from the keyboard (IRQ1) then you can assume there's a byte from the keyboard; and if the PS/2 controller tells you there's a byte from the mouse (IRQ12) then you can assume there's a byte from the mouse. In both cases you don't need to check anything - the PS/2 controller already told you it's there.
Bit 5 is there for polling. You should be able to use bit 5 in the IRQ handlers to double check, but...
When the keyboard and mouse are USB devices, the BIOS uses SMM code to emulate PS/2 devices. I've seen plenty of people reporting problems with this emulation - basically once you start doing anything a little unusual you start relying on emulation code in the BIOS that's probably never been tested properly. Almost nobody uses polling for keyboard and almost nobody tests bit 5 in their IRQ handlers, so the chance of bit 5 being emulated properly by the BIOS is a lot less likely.
For all things; perfection is, and will always remain, impossible to achieve in practice. However; by striving for perfection we create things that are as perfect as practically possible. Let the pursuit of perfection be our guide.
Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
Im not convinced that the bit 5 thing is supported, at least not in all real systems, and as you say the SMM bios code is likely to be dodgy.
I see your point about using that for a polling model, which I certainly wouldn't be using. Both kybd and mouse code are using their respective irq's and handlers.
I removed the bit 5 check totally and the whole thing still works beautifully in both bochs and qemu, still have the issue on real h/w that when both are active - neither work, but disable on or the other and the other works perfectly on it's own. So I know the kybd code is "right", and the mouse code is "right", but something about having them on together isn't happy. I happen to do the kybd init first, then the mouse init.
and then
I don't see anything in the init code that could cause a conflict.. and assuming that when the IRQ1 or 12 is fired the byte read from 60h doesn't need to be checked to see if it's a mouse or kybd byte then this should all be 100%.
MOUSE HANDLER CODE: (note it has some non reentrant stuff and some excessive things just for testing related to screen pos etc)
and kybd handler:
I see your point about using that for a polling model, which I certainly wouldn't be using. Both kybd and mouse code are using their respective irq's and handlers.
I removed the bit 5 check totally and the whole thing still works beautifully in both bochs and qemu, still have the issue on real h/w that when both are active - neither work, but disable on or the other and the other works perfectly on it's own. So I know the kybd code is "right", and the mouse code is "right", but something about having them on together isn't happy. I happen to do the kybd init first, then the mouse init.
Code: Select all
; Perform full keyboard diagnostics / self-test.
call kybd_ctrl_self_test
test al,al
jz short kybd_ok0
call kybd_ctrl_interface_test
test al,al
jz short kybd_ok1
; Install our customer IRQ1 ISR.
INSTALL_IRQ_HANDLER 1,ps2_kybd_handler
; Ensure the keyboard controller is enabled and the output buffer is empty.
; -> This will allow IRQ1 to fire, as it won't with a full buffer.
call kybd_enable
call wait_kybd_out_empty
; Ensure all LEDs are off and the states are stored.
call kybd_clear_leds
mov [_ps2_numlock],0
mov [_ps2_capslock],0
mov [_ps2_scrolllock],0
mov [ps2_led_states],0
xor al,al
Code: Select all
call wait_mouse_in_empty
mov al,0a8h
out 64h,al
call wait_mouse_in_empty
mov al,020h ; Read Command (compaq status byte).
out 64h,al
call wait_mouse_out_full
in al,60h
or al,00000010b ; Enable IRQ12 (bit 1).
mov bl,al
call wait_mouse_in_empty
mov al,060h ; Write Command (compaq status byte).
out 64h,al
call wait_mouse_in_empty
mov al,bl
out 60h,al
mov bl,0f6h ; Tell the mouse to use default settings.
call ps2_mouse_write
call ps2_mouse_read
mov bl,0f4h ; Enable the mouse.
call ps2_mouse_write
call ps2_mouse_read
; Install our PS2 (IRQ12) Mouse Handler.
INSTALL_IRQ_HANDLER 12,ps2_mouse_handler
MOUSE HANDLER CODE: (note it has some non reentrant stuff and some excessive things just for testing related to screen pos etc)
Code: Select all
push rsi
in al,64h
test al,01h ; Wait for the output buffer to be full with data.
jz no_mouse_byte
in al,60h ; Read a data byte.
mov rsi,offset mouse_packet
xor rbx,rbx
mov bl,[mouse_cycle]
add rsi,rbx
mov [rsi],al
add [mouse_cycle],1
cmp byte [mouse_cycle],3 ; Only if we've had all 3 data bytes should we do anything.
jne no_mouse_byte
; We now have the full data-packet, let's process it.
mov [mouse_cycle],0 ; Reset the cycle value.
mov rsi,offset mouse_packet
mov bl,[rsi] ; Read the flags byte.
test bl,80h
jnz no_mouse_byte ; Ignore Y Overflow.
test bl,40h
jnz no_mouse_byte ; Ignore X Overflow.
; Obtain the Mouse Deltas.
xor eax,eax
mov al,[rsi+2] ; Y-Delta
test bl,20h ; Is the Y-Delta Negative Flag Set?
jz short no_neg_y
or eax,0ffffff00h
mov [mouse_delta_y],eax
xor eax,eax
mov al,[rsi+1] ; X-Delta
test bl,10h ; Is the X-Delta Negative Flag Set?
jz short no_neg_x
or eax,0ffffff00h
mov [mouse_delta_x],eax
mov byte [mouse_button0_state],0
mov byte [mouse_button1_state],0
mov byte [mouse_button2_state],0
; Update the primary 3 button states.
test bl,04h
jz no_middle_button_press
mov byte [mouse_button2_state],1
push rbx
MONITOR_WRITE k_mouse0,000044ffh
pop rbx
test bl,02h
jz no_right_button_press
mov byte [mouse_button1_state],1
push rbx
MONITOR_WRITE k_mouse1,000044ffh
pop rbx
test bl,01h
jz no_button_press
mov byte [mouse_button0_state],1
push rbx
MONITOR_WRITE k_mouse2,000044ffh
pop rbx
; Update the Mouse/Screen Coordinates.
mov eax,[mouse_delta_x]
add [mouse_x],eax
mov eax,[mouse_delta_y]
sub [mouse_y],eax
cmp [mouse_x],799
jl cx0
mov [mouse_x],0
jmp m_pos_constrainedx
cmp [mouse_x],0
jge m_pos_constrainedx
mov [mouse_x],799
cmp [mouse_y],599
jl cy0
mov [mouse_y],0
jmp m_pos_constrainedy
cmp [mouse_y],0
jge m_pos_constrainedy
mov [mouse_y],599
; Draw test pixels.
push rdi
mov rdi,[kmonitor_view_addr]
xor rax,rax
mov eax,[mouse_y]
imul eax,(800*4)
add rdi,rax
xor rax,rax
mov eax,[mouse_x]
shl eax,2
add rdi,rax
mov eax,0025ff9fh
mov [rdi],eax
pop rdi
pop rsi
Code: Select all
; Wait for full buffer and read scan-code.
jz ps2_buffer_not_full_yet
call kybd_enc_read_buffer ; Read the scan-code into AL.
mov [_ps2_scancode],al ; Store it.
; Check for extended scan-codes.
mov byte [_ps2_extended],0 ; Set extended scan-code state to default.
cmp al,0e0h
jne short check_ext_scan1
mov byte [_ps2_extended],1 ; Store that it is an extended scancode.
jmp handle_ext_codes
cmp al,0e1h
jne short check_ext_done
mov byte [_ps2_extended],1 ; Store that it is an extended scancode.
jmp handle_ext_codes
; Handle LED Modifier Toggle Keys.
jne short scan0_01
cmp [_ps2_capslock],0
jne short scan0_00
mov byte [_ps2_capslock],1
mov bh,[ps2_led_states]
or bh,00000100b
mov [ps2_led_states],bh
call kybd_set_leds
jmp scancodes_done
mov byte [_ps2_capslock],0
mov bh,[ps2_led_states]
and bh,11111011b
mov [ps2_led_states],bh
call kybd_set_leds
jmp scancodes_done
jne short scan0_03
cmp [_ps2_numlock],0
jne short scan0_02
mov byte [_ps2_numlock],1
mov bh,[ps2_led_states]
or bh,00000010b
mov [ps2_led_states],bh
call kybd_set_leds
jmp scancodes_done
mov byte [_ps2_numlock],0
mov bh,[ps2_led_states]
and bh,11111101b
mov [ps2_led_states],bh
call kybd_set_leds
jmp scancodes_done
jne short scan0_05
cmp [_ps2_scrolllock],0
jne short scan0_04
mov byte [_ps2_scrolllock],1
mov bh,[ps2_led_states]
or bh,00000001b
mov [ps2_led_states],bh
call kybd_set_leds
jmp scancodes_done
mov byte [_ps2_scrolllock],0
mov bh,[ps2_led_states]
and bh,11111110b
mov [ps2_led_states],bh
call kybd_set_leds
jmp scancodes_done
cmp al,0fah ; ignore keyboard cmd ack in buffer?
je short ps2_buffer_not_full_yet
; Set corresponding key to on for a make code.
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,al
mov byte [key_states+ebx],1
; Set the key to off for a break code.
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,al
mov byte [key_states+ebx],0
call ps2_kybd_get_ascii
xor ah,ah
call generic_kybd_handler
MONITOR_WRITE_BYTE [_ps2_scancode],00ff0000h
Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
Ok so I tried making a few more changes, added in support in the handlers to check if there is more than 1 byte's worth of data waiting at 60h and if so read it immediately else terminate the handler and wait for the next irq. Once again it works perfectly under the emulators (bochs, qemu) .. still .. and if one or the other (either kybd or mouse) is running on real h/w it works.. if both are active.. it's now gone from haywire to nothing.. neither kybd or mouse do anything at all.. as if the irq's don't even get called anymore.. this is driving me nuts!
Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
OK did some more fiddling and move code around and this was the result.. quite puzzling:
;Original steps..
Disable PIC
Init Keyboard
Enable PIC
Disable PIC
Init Mouse
Enable PIC
This worked under the emulators but not on my real h/w... so I tried:
Disable PIC
Init Keyboard
Init Mouse
Enable PIC
This no longer worked under bochs anymore either.. still worked under qemu.. then:
Disable PIC
Init Mouse
Init Keyboard
Enable PIC
This now worked under the emulators AND on my real h/w (dell laptop)... tried it on another desktop machine and absolutely nothing.. no kybd or mouse firing.
Has anyone actually gotten a legacy mouse (ps2 and or usb emulated) / kybd (ps2 and or usb emulated) setup working together on all machines?!
;Original steps..
Disable PIC
Init Keyboard
Enable PIC
Disable PIC
Init Mouse
Enable PIC
This worked under the emulators but not on my real h/w... so I tried:
Disable PIC
Init Keyboard
Init Mouse
Enable PIC
This no longer worked under bochs anymore either.. still worked under qemu.. then:
Disable PIC
Init Mouse
Init Keyboard
Enable PIC
This now worked under the emulators AND on my real h/w (dell laptop)... tried it on another desktop machine and absolutely nothing.. no kybd or mouse firing.
Has anyone actually gotten a legacy mouse (ps2 and or usb emulated) / kybd (ps2 and or usb emulated) setup working together on all machines?!
Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
I didn't test to see if it worked for USB devices with BIOS PS/2 emulation. To be honest I didn't care if this would work or not - a good OS needs USB device drivers, and should disable any BIOS PS/2 emulation before attempting to initialize the PS/2 controller.
The way I did it was to begin with initializing the PS/2 controller - install dummy IRQ handlers, enable the IRQs in the PIC, disable IRQs in PS/2 controller, do controller self tests and detect how many PS/2 ports the controller supports, send a "do self test" command to each PS/2 port and see what device IDs come back (if any - it's good to have time-outs everywhere), then enable IRQs in the PS/2 controller, then start device drivers (using the device IDs returned by the devices to determine which device drivers to use for which PS/2 ports).
When a byte arrives the PS/2 controller's code sent it to the relevant device driver, and when the keyboard/mouse device driver wanted to send a byte it asked the PS/2 controller's driver to send it. The keyboard/mouse drivers don't need to do anything except sending/receiving bytes to/from the PS/2 controller driver; and don't need to care which PS/2 port they're connected to, and don't need access to any I/O ports, and don't mess with IRQs or the PS/2 controller's setup at all.
I think at least some of your problem is that your "init_kybd_driver" code messes with the PS/2 controller's configuration while the mouse driver is relying on the PS/2 controller's configuration...
In the past, I've gotten PS/2 keyboards and mouses working, including auto-detecting if there's one or 2 PS/2 ports, auto-detecting which devices are plugged into which PS/2 ports and supporting any combination of devices (e.g. dual keyboard, dual mouse, etc); and working on all computers and all emulators I had at the time. Unfortunately this was a several years ago and I'm not sure where the code went (I shifted to a new computer 3 times and started the OS again from scratch a few times too).johnsa wrote:Has anyone actually gotten a legacy mouse (ps2 and or usb emulated) / kybd (ps2 and or usb emulated) setup working together on all machines?!
I didn't test to see if it worked for USB devices with BIOS PS/2 emulation. To be honest I didn't care if this would work or not - a good OS needs USB device drivers, and should disable any BIOS PS/2 emulation before attempting to initialize the PS/2 controller.
The way I did it was to begin with initializing the PS/2 controller - install dummy IRQ handlers, enable the IRQs in the PIC, disable IRQs in PS/2 controller, do controller self tests and detect how many PS/2 ports the controller supports, send a "do self test" command to each PS/2 port and see what device IDs come back (if any - it's good to have time-outs everywhere), then enable IRQs in the PS/2 controller, then start device drivers (using the device IDs returned by the devices to determine which device drivers to use for which PS/2 ports).
When a byte arrives the PS/2 controller's code sent it to the relevant device driver, and when the keyboard/mouse device driver wanted to send a byte it asked the PS/2 controller's driver to send it. The keyboard/mouse drivers don't need to do anything except sending/receiving bytes to/from the PS/2 controller driver; and don't need to care which PS/2 port they're connected to, and don't need access to any I/O ports, and don't mess with IRQs or the PS/2 controller's setup at all.
I think at least some of your problem is that your "init_kybd_driver" code messes with the PS/2 controller's configuration while the mouse driver is relying on the PS/2 controller's configuration...
For all things; perfection is, and will always remain, impossible to achieve in practice. However; by striving for perfection we create things that are as perfect as practically possible. Let the pursuit of perfection be our guide.
Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
I love these forums!
I remembered posting some detailed information about my old PS/2 code a long long time ago...
I love these forums!

I remembered posting some detailed information about my old PS/2 code a long long time ago...
For all things; perfection is, and will always remain, impossible to achieve in practice. However; by striving for perfection we create things that are as perfect as practically possible. Let the pursuit of perfection be our guide.
Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
sigh.. everytime i change the code around or touch one line the whole thing changes.. add an extra in al,60h dummy read somewhere and its all different..
I think.. that i'm just not going to bother with this.. haha.. it seems too unreliable and dodgy to even be a viable option anymore..especially with usb->ps2 type emulation.
So the 2 questions now are ..
#1... is it a viable option to assume no ps2 support at all anymore and go straight for pure usb? (after all the machines i have don't even have ps2 ports anymore)
#2... if one is true and we can assume usb is a much better standard with more features.. can we disable any usb->ps2 emulation for mouse/kybd programmatically? and is this necessary or can we just ignore port 60/64 altogether?
I think its time to spend more coding time on pci/usb hub stuff and work towards that for all hids...
I think.. that i'm just not going to bother with this.. haha.. it seems too unreliable and dodgy to even be a viable option anymore..especially with usb->ps2 type emulation.
So the 2 questions now are ..
#1... is it a viable option to assume no ps2 support at all anymore and go straight for pure usb? (after all the machines i have don't even have ps2 ports anymore)
#2... if one is true and we can assume usb is a much better standard with more features.. can we disable any usb->ps2 emulation for mouse/kybd programmatically? and is this necessary or can we just ignore port 60/64 altogether?
I think its time to spend more coding time on pci/usb hub stuff and work towards that for all hids...

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Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
My new laptop has a native PS/2 keyboard (and it came to the stores about 8 months ago), so I'd definately say PS2 is still a requirement.johnsa wrote:#1... is it a viable option to assume no ps2 support at all anymore and go straight for pure usb?
That and people not buying new keyboards/mice 'cause they still work. For my own collection, 12/13 boxes do not have USB keyboard or mouse connected (I use a pair of PS/2 kvm switches).
Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
While my machine count isn't quite that high (4 desktop machines, 5 laptops, 1 thin client), 3 of the desktop machines use a PS/2 mouse/keyboard through a PS/2 KVM switch. The other desktop supports PS/2 as well as USB, but uses bluetooth instead. IIRC, it's one of those bluetooth devices that operates as a regular wireless USB keyboard/mouse until the bluetooth portion of it gets initialized. That means that I can use it during boot to change BIOS settings and such.Combuster wrote:My new laptop has a native PS/2 keyboard (and it came to the stores about 8 months ago), so I'd definately say PS2 is still a requirement.johnsa wrote:#1... is it a viable option to assume no ps2 support at all anymore and go straight for pure usb?
That and people not buying new keyboards/mice 'cause they still work. For my own collection, 12/13 boxes do not have USB keyboard or mouse connected (I use a pair of PS/2 kvm switches).
I'm fairly certain all my laptops have USB based keyboards and track pads however.
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Re: ps2 mosue and keyboard interfacing
I know my laptop's trackpad is PS/2, and I'm 60% sure my keyboard is too. It's about 1-2 years old. My desktop uses a PS/2 mouse and keyboard also, but that one's a bit older.
Owner of Fawkes Software.
Wierd Al wrote: You think your Commodore 64 is really neato,
What kind of chip you got in there, a Dorito?