Question about which tools to use, bugs, the best way to implement a function, etc should go here. Don't forget to see if your question is answered in the wiki first! When in doubt post here.
I just released the first version of my ATA IDE PIO 1.0 library. This library is coded in NASM and is free. You can download this library by clicking here
The procedures/functions that are included in this library are:
All prototypes are shown in the C/C++ style. The library uses the StdCall for all the procedures/functions. All the procedures/functions are heavily commented and documented. For the first version, the Q&A section of the documentation and some other parts (like tutorial and etc) are missing. I will do my best writing these as soon as possible. Please let me know what you think. The library is ATA1 compliant.
Last edited by XCHG on Fri Nov 09, 2007 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
On the field with sword and shield amidst the din of dying of men's wails. War is waged and the battle will rage until only the righteous prevails.
And the award for biggest necro of the year goes to...
Seriously dude, this topic is from November '07. Read the dates before replying from the search tool.
EDIT: XCHG hasn't visited since the middle of last year, as well.
EDIT2: Damn, it's not in the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, either. Looks like you're outta luck here.
Solar wrote:It keeps stunning me how friendly we - as a community - are towards people who start programming "their first OS" who don't even have a solid understanding of pointers, their compiler, or how a OS is structured.
lol I saw that post, I think it was from 2001 haha.
I had never seen this post, so I can't say I'm completely sorry that it was resurrected. It seems like a cool library, I'm not so sure why it was coded in Assembly as libraries are generally meant to be portable.
I remember this thread from the first time XCHG posted it -- I may have downloaded the file. However, it is not on my main HD. Which means, it's either on my backup HD, or I burned it to a CD, or I never saved a copy (maybe because I didn't like the code). I'll look on my CDs, but if it's on my backup HD it may be a week before I can look for it there. So if somebody else can find it first, please do.
Yeah, Dex was right. That link shows "Not in archive".
I understand that it was stupid to load up that topic (really stupid ) but this link is posted in Wiki at the ATA PIO Mode and I liked the functions XCHG wrote (just names of them). I thought it will be great to use that lib but while opening link I got some stupid sites with stupid content.
Sorry, dudes....
Don't think a ****, but in ukrainian schools English is TOO BAD!
Bewing, I tried... But google shows "Nothing founded". Great?
If you find it on your CDs (Maybe a week or even months after I post this message) please, load up this topic ONCE AGAIN and upload the source... Thanks!
Don't think a ****, but in ukrainian schools English is TOO BAD!
Nope, I checked my backups -- and if I ever downloaded it, I didn't save it.
Maybe if you PM XCHG about his library code, he might get the message sometime.