I followed James tutorials for paging (Nicely done).
Well problem is when i am trying to come out of the routine that changes cr0 to enable paging.
Code: Select all
void switch_page_directory(page_directory_t *dir)
unsigned short *t= (unsigned short *)0xB8000;//added for testing
current_directory = dir;
asm volatile("mov %0, %%cr3":: "r"(&dir->tablesPhysical));
u32int cr0;
asm volatile("mov %%cr0, %0": "=r"(cr0));
cr0 |= 0x80000000; // Enable paging!
asm volatile("mov %0, %%cr0":: "r"(cr0));
goto down;//short jump to flush queue
*t='A';//This works fine both on Qemu and on real machine
//puts("Paging Set\n");//If this is uncommented, works on qemu, triple faults on real PC
for(;;);//If this is commented works fine on qemu but triple faults on real machine
This means there is something wrong with call and ret, hence wrong with SS and ESP.
I searched forum and found fixes to James paging.c but even after adding those snippets could get rid off it.
I am not creating an elf file rather a pure binary using gcc and fc7 to be loaded by my Second Stage Bootloader.
Please help!