As a little gag, we useI like languages
Code: Select all
times 510-($-$$) hlt
I searched by Google for this version, and found this as the only search result: (Korean?)

As a little gag, we useI like languages
Code: Select all
times 510-($-$$) hlt
I hope that I really understood what 'strcmp' does. It looks, whether the command is known and directs the program to the corresponding subroutine. Otherwise the message is "command unknown". To my knowledge it does the same work without Carry Flag. Just go and try it.I think you misunderstood what the strcmp call does. It sets the carry flag (stc, jc works for jumping) if the strings are equal and clears it (clc, jnc works for jumping) if the strings are not equal. You appear to have taken out the entire functionality of the kernel's shell.
Could you be more specific, please?Fix a few bugs
Haven't seen any OSDev tuts in Dutch either, I've seen them in French though. Besides, Belgium has 3 national languages: Dutch, French and German. All of them are tought in school including EnglishKevin wrote:Well, so there are already enough tutorials in English, no?
Hm, Belgium... I've never seen a tutorial in Dutch or French - probably I wouldn't understand too much of the latter, but I might have chances with the former. I like languages, and that doesn't only include English.
Dutchies are too good at English.Creature wrote:Haven't seen any OSDev tuts in Dutch either
Not to mention that everything written in Dutch that concerns computers somehow looks to be aimed at digibeten and dummy's. I've seen things like 'cache' and 'CPU' (CVE anyone?) translated - it's ugly.Combuster wrote:Dutchies are too good at English.Creature wrote:Haven't seen any OSDev tuts in Dutch either
I'm aware of that (well, I didn't know that German is tought everywhere in Belgium), but as one of the Lowlevel admins (German OS-Dev community) I've obviously seen lots of German tutorials.Creature wrote:Besides, Belgium has 3 national languages: Dutch, French and German. All of them are tought in school including English.
I guess you call it ugly because you're not used to it. English words aren't any better per se.jal wrote:Not to mention that everything written in Dutch that concerns computers somehow looks to be aimed at digibeten and dummy's. I've seen things like 'cache' and 'CPU' (CVE anyone?) translated - it's ugly.