In Linux, when I use printf("%1.22f\n", (double)0.12345678901234567890) I get about 17 decimal places worth of precision, on mine I get about 7 decimal places of precision. I typecast on both Linux and my OS to (double) to ensure that one isn't using "float" or "long double".
Here's my code for printing the float (and compensate for 2 digits worth of rounding), it's a mish-mash of different OSS/PD code.
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static void print_double(double d, size_t precision)
double di, df, pr, tmp;
/* if it's zero, just print the '0' and exit */
if(d == 0.0)
{ print_char('0'); return; }
/* if it's a negative integer, print '-' and make the integer absolute */
else if (d < 0)
d = fabs(d);
/* break the double into fraction (df) and integer (di) parts */
df = modf(d, &di);
/* print the integer portion */
/* round up if necessary */
if (df != 0)
pr = df * pow(10, precision+1);
modf(pr, &pr);
/* we need to extract the last+1 decimal place and see if we should round up */
while(pr > 10.0){ pr /= 10; }
/* if it's 4, we should check the next decimal place to see if it's >= 5 */
if(pr == 4)
pr = df * pow(10, precision+2);
modf(pr, &pr);
while(pr > 10.0){ pr /= 10; }
if(pr >= 5){ df = df + (0.1 / pow(10, precision)); }
if(pr >= 5){ df = df + (0.1 / pow(10, precision)); }
/* calculate the fractional portion to print */
while (df != 0 && precision--)
df = df * 10;
df = modf(df, &di);
Any ideas?