Question about which tools to use, bugs, the best way to implement a function, etc should go here. Don't forget to see if your question is answered in the wiki first! When in doubt post here.
ok seriously me and my friend are so annoyed at kernels and os'es we just wanna smash up our computer. we eventually came to the annoying conclusion were not smart enough to make our own kernel. After looking on the net, we got the source of the linux kernel and decided to add some of our simple but funtional C++ apps that we've been learning for about 8 months.
but i cant compile it and dont know how. I know i dont visit here often its just i am rly annoyed at os development and it irratates me to see so many people can do it except we cant....
i always fail at programming
can someone help? please???? thanks a lot in advance
The Linux API is in C, you can't add C++ functions and expect that all works fine together.
Some guys added C++ support features to the Linux kernel some years ago, but it's not officialy supported.
You must read kernel tutorials and books before start to code (us most of us did one day).
simkinggold wrote:we got the source of the linux kernel and decided to add some of our simple but funtional C++ apps that we've been learning for about 8 months.
As narke said the kernel is written in C. And by 'simple but functional' I'm guessing you mean they are the type of programs that low level C++ courses involve (ie "Input hourly wage, input hours, output wage"). In any case applications are not designed to go into a kernel, and they are run in user mode for a reason.
Doing anything with the Linux kernel will be a lot harder than just following tutorials like Bare Bones on the wiki and making your own OS. What type of functionallity are you trying to add? Have you taken a look at linux kernel modules?
I just don't get why making an os is so hard
What makes you think it would be easy?
Why should we just give up? If I came into contact with one of the Linux developers or developers of Ubuntu we might have a bit of help
Probably not, unless what you're trying to add to the kernel will be useful for others.
simkinggold wrote:I just don't get why making an os is so hard :x
I wouldn't say this on a forum full of OS devs who have worked hard to make their OSes.
simkinggold wrote:Why should we just give up?
For the same reason an infant shouldn't try to compete in the Olympic 100m dash. They aren't ready yet. Giving up isn't the thing to do, but setting realistic goals is. Learn how to crawl before learning how to walk (or run as the case may be).
simkinggold wrote:If I came into contact with one of the Linux developers or developers of Ubuntu we might have a bit of help :?
You can help yourself by learning more about programming, and reading the wiki. If you don't want to help yourself, why should any of us want to help you? (This is a rhetorical question)
I call this deliberately ignoring forum rules (missing required knowledge, repeated making of beginner mistakes).
"Certainly avoid yourself. He is a newbie and might not realize it. You'll hate his code deeply a few years down the road." - Sortie
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