Protected mode setting of video modes(without BIOS)

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Protected mode setting of video modes(without BIOS)

Post by earlz »

Hi, I was very surprised when I went to look at drawing in protected mode

It is missing setting video modes without VBE or BIOS(and therefore without messy VBE crap and without real mode)

Well, I happen to have quite a bit of code for setting the video mode by writing directly to the VGA registers. Included is
[*]640x480x2 colors
[*]320x200x4 colors(this is not mode 0x05! there is some differences..)
[*]640x480x16 colors
[*]720x480x16 colors
[*]320x200x256 colors
[*]320x200x256 colors-mode X(I don't remember what that means though)

I also have code for modifying the font used in text modes as well as a 8x16 bitmap font(in C code) and 8x8 bitmap font.

Should I try to add this in the protected mode drawing page or make a new page?

Btw, this code was adapted from some other source. It was originally designed for real-mode, I changed it so it would work in protected mode.. I think it might be John Fine's or another one of those old OS gurus
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Re: Protected mode setting of video modes(without BIOS)

Post by JohnnyTheDon »

That stuff is on the VGA page:
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Re: Protected mode setting of video modes(without BIOS)

Post by Combuster »

I added a link and updated the page - apparently "writing a driver" was assumed to be too obvious to mention.

As for Mode X - it has two (mixed) meanings. It either refers to
- Any planar 256 color mode (i.e. unchained with access to 256k video memory)
- Specifically the 320x240x8 mode, again unchained
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