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Well, if timer rolls over to zero during the wait function, then u have a infinite loop. How do you avoid this? especially in userland when there are applications that do things like get_timerticks() and then do a loop waiting for timer to become greater...
is there a kernel way to do this? or is it just something application programmers should be aware of?
I just feel I should point out to anyone using the above snippet that if the process gets no run time during the period where p == end (very likely), this process will go in to an infinite loop.
pcmattman wrote:Or even keep track of when an overflow does occur, and increment a variable numOverflows or something.
If timer is a 32 bit value and numOverflows is a 32 bit value, you could just take michael1234's suggestion and use a 64 bit variable to start with (on architectures that support it).
I just feel I should point out to anyone using the above snippet that if the process gets no run time during the period where p == end (very likely), this process will go in to an infinite loop.
A valid point, and a definite fault in the snippet I posted above.
Realistically you would want to have the process put onto a sleep queue and every timer interrupt check the sleep queue to find if a process needs to be woken. At least, that's one (/yet another) way of doing it .