I'm new to the idea of OS development so I decided to follow the Wiki here http://wiki.osdev.org/Bare_bones as C is my language of choice. My code matches to that on the wiki and I have followed the instructions exactly. However, running Bochs I get a stream of "you suck messages":
Code: Select all
00000321341d[CPU0 ] UndefinedOpcode: ff causes exception 6
00000321341d[CPU0 ] exception(06 h)
00000321341d[CPU0 ] interrupt(): vector = 6, INT = 0, EXT = 1
00000321342i[CPU0 ] BxError: instruction with opcode=0xff
00000321342i[CPU0 ] mod was c0, nnn was 7, rm was 7
00000321342i[CPU0 ] WARNING: Encountered an unknown instruction (signalling illegal instruction)
Many thanks!