1: Something that looks like an attempt at executing code from video memory. You'd have to check bochs' dump to see if that indeed is the case...
2: That's GRUB trying to see if the bios supports some obscure function - it doesn't depend on it, so you can just ignore it.
Re: Multitasking
Sorry for answering old question, but I think it's worth to know.
Note that this is NOT the correct structure (I don't know why JamesM simply amalgamate unused bits), read intel manuals about paging data structures and put the unused bits in the right place (check my fpos for reference).
I've asked this once in FPC mailing list, here's the answer (the developers even add it to the wiki):How would the following C code be defined in Pascal?
Code: Select all
typedef struct page
u32int present : 1; // Page present in memory
u32int rw : 1; // Read-only if clear, readwrite if set
u32int user : 1; // Supervisor level only if clear
u32int accessed : 1; // Has the page been accessed since last refresh?
u32int dirty : 1; // Has the page been written to since last refresh?
u32int unused : 7; // Amalgamation of unused and reserved bits
u32int frame : 20; // Frame address (shifted right 12 bits)
} page_t;
Code: Select all
Unsigned_7 = 0 .. (1 shl 7) - 1;
Unsigned_20 = 0 .. (1 shl 20) - 1;
page_t = bitpacked record
present : boolean;
rw : boolean;
user : boolean;
accessed : boolean;
dirty : boolean;
unused : Unsigned_7;
frame : Unsigned_20;
Re: Multitasking
I actually got my answer to this from your OS. Thanks very much. I did change the way it was done because I noticed James M had just joined the bits, even though the intel manuals state it differently. So I followed the intel manual.
@leledumbo: I just would like to thank you, your OS has helped me quite a few times when I got lost converting C code, it pushed me back in the right direction
@leledumbo: I just would like to thank you, your OS has helped me quite a few times when I got lost converting C code, it pushed me back in the right direction
Gizmic OS
Currently - Busy with FAT12 driver and VFS
Currently - Busy with FAT12 driver and VFS
Re: Multitasking
You're welcome
, btw I just upload a new version. Please check it out.