If I look at more C Tutorials wouldn't that not help me at all because they teach to use an OS's C Commands and not just C Commands?
There is no such thing as a "C command". I have not a clue where you got that from.
If you mean a "C command" as in printf(), then you are referring to a CRT (C Runtime Library) which depends on the systems user mode System API. In other words, its OS dependent. If you are referring to something else, please elaborate.
Is there something that says what you can use?
In kernel land, you can only use the BIOS's API via interrupts, and only in real or v86 mode. Every single thing else you will need to do yourself.
Tutorials on making drivers? Available drivers, how to use them?
Dont look for these tutorials until you have a good foundation for your OS. When making these drivers, look for tutorials on the hardware device you are looking for as well as the data sheets for the device. Google can be helpful here. Oh, and looking for generic driver tutorials will not be very helpful.