On my laptop, I'm running openSUSE 11. And because my floppy drive doesn't work I was thinking of testing and debugging my OS using virtualbox. It works really well with oses such as haiku (
http://www.haiku-os.org). But I can't even get a "virtual" grub booting floppy to work

. I've followed the tutorial on
Loopback_Device and that didn't work, I also followed that tutorial and in /mnt/myfloppy and ran
# dd if=stage1 of=/dev/loop0 bs=512 count=1
# dd if=stage2 of=/dev/loop0 bs=512 seek=1
but all i got when i "virtualised" it is i got "GRUB" printed on the screen for as long as I kept the virtual machine running.
Can someone help me create a virtual floppy.
A virtual machine is the only type of machine my OS is ever going to see.
Thanks in advanced