Only pages and page tables must be paged aligned do to the entry formats of page tables and page directory tables. The actual page directory table itself does not need to be; but it may be a small performance hit if it is not.but i know for a fact that my IDT (or atleast the page tables) is at physical address 0x107ff8, or does this have to be page aligned?
page fault when switching to cloned kernel directory
Re: page fault when switching to cloned kernel directory
OS Development Series | Wiki | os | ncc
char c[2]={"\x90\xC3"};int main(){void(*f)()=(void(__cdecl*)(void))(void*)&c;f();}
char c[2]={"\x90\xC3"};int main(){void(*f)()=(void(__cdecl*)(void))(void*)&c;f();}