I'm trying to get a basic floppy driver operational to allow me to read my Command Line from disk into memory. Now most parts of the driver work (recalibrate, seek, Activating/Deactivating motor), yet the actual read seems to fail. I have tried to fix the problem but I can't seem to find the problem. Maybe someone else does?
DMA code:
Code: Select all
mov al,0x06 ;DMA channel 2 Mask
out 0x0A,al ;Mask the Bastard
mov al,0xFF
out 0xD8,al ;Set Master Flip-Flop
mov eax,ebx
out 0x04,al ;low address of buffer
mov al,ah
out 0x04,al ;high address of buffer
mov al,0xFF
out 0xD8,al ;Length Master Flip-Flop
out 0x05,al ;Low count of Sector - 1
mov al,0x01
out 0x05,al ;high count of sector - 1
mov al,dl
mov al,0x01
out 0x81,al ;Page Register number
mov al,0x02
out 0x0a,al ;unmask the bastard
ret ;return to calling procedure
mov al,0x06 ;DMA channel 2 Mask
out 0x0A,al ;Mask the Bastard
mov al,0x46 ;Single Transfer, To Mem, CH2
out 0x0b,al ;output to port
mov al,0x02
out 0x0a,al ;unmask the bastard
ret ;return to calling procedure
Floppy Read Function:
Code: Select all
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov al,'N'
call [0x20028]
mov dx,FD.FIFO ;Port Address
call .CHREADY ;Check if FIFO is ready
mov al,'9'
call [0x20028]
mov al,0x46 ;Read Sector Command
out dx,al
mov al,0x00 ;Disk 0
out dx,al
out dx,al ;Cylinder
out dx,al ;Head
mov al,bl ;Sector Number
out dx,al
mov al,0x02 ;Sector = 512 bytes
out dx,al ;SectorSize
mov al,bl
inc al
out dx,al ;Last Sector Of Track
mov al,0x1B
out dx,al ;Gap Length
mov al,0xFF
out dx,al ;Obsolete Hardware Requirement
call .RSN
mov ecx,0x07
mov al,'M'
call [0x20028]
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
Code: Select all
mov al,[FINT]
cmp al,0xFF
jne .SNI
mov ax,FD.FIFO
mov dx,ax
mov al,'8'
call [0x20028]
mov al,0x08
out dx,al
mov al,'Z'
call [0x20028]
xor al,al
mov [FINT],al
push eax
push edx
in al,dx
and al,0xC0
cmp al,0x80
jne .CH
pop edx
pop eax
push eax
push edx
in al,dx
and al,0xC0
cmp al,0xC0
jne .RC
mov dx,FD.FIFO
in al,dx
pop edx
pop eax
(call [0x20028] is a a system call)