As I said previously, the solution is not to link in the C run-time library. MSVC as a compiler does not generate Windows-specific code (there are examples of replacing specific for loops with calls to memcpy, but that's another issue). It's just a compiler.rdos wrote:I always link the C runtime library (with BC 5.5), and it includes a whole set of Windows API functions, even if I set target to Win32 console and don't use any Windows API function explicitly. I haven't tried with more recent versions of M$ compilers, but with MSVC 6 (or something like that), it brought in lots of Windows API functions, many more than BC 5.5 did. Either you have written extremely simple code, or VS has been improved.
However, I don't use Visual Studio 6 (and have never use the Borland C compiler). After having using VS 2oo5 for years, VS6 was a pain to code in, when I had to use it on one occasion.