I've been trying to list usb devices following this thread
So far I have an lspci alike working using shiner's source code @ this thread
My lspci lists a USB Host Controller by Intel so I started reading Universal Host Controller Interface (UHCI) Design Guide.
I have issues trying to do next step:
2) Reset Host
I don't get what to send to the pci device to do that operation.2.1.1 USBCMD USB COMMAND REGISTER
I/O Address: Base+ (00−01h)
Default Value: 0000h
Attribute: Read/Write
Size: 16 bits
Bit = 1
Host Controller Reset (HCRESET). When this bit is set, the Host Controller module resets its internal
timers, counters, state machines, etc. to their initial value. Any transaction currently in progress on
USB is immediately terminated. This bit is reset by the Host Controller when the reset process is
Thanks for your time.