OS -->USB ?

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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by Sam111 »

yep , that made since to me.

How ever is their any examples of doing the host controller (ie, OHCI and UHCI) stuff.
I am find this a little confusing what to write to and where?

After that I would think the mass storage spec would just be send a certain packet to the
host controller which sends it to the usb device. And the usb device recoginze a read / write by the packet it is sent. The mass storage spec's should have a diagram of what a packet for reading/writing should look like ...etc etc
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by djmauretto »

it seems that you did not want to seek, request the code without understanding it is not good, even for me it was hard #-o to understand USB, then after having studied and tested for a month has become more user friendly and fun :D
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by Dex »

This is some very basic code, to run on DexOS.

Code: Select all

;;                                                                                  ;;
;; Project          :   DexOS                                                       ;;
;; Ver              :   00.01                                                       ;;
;; Author           :   Dex                                                         ;;
;;                  ;   From info at http://www.frontiernet.net/~fys/newbasic.htm   ;;
;; Website          :   www.dex4u.com                                               ;;
;; Forum            :   http://jas2o.forthworks.com/dexforum/                       ;;
;; wiki             :   http://tonymac.asmhackers.net/Wiki/pmwiki.php               ;;
;; Date             :   October 10, 2006                                            ;;
;; Filename         :   USB.ASM                                                     ;;
;; Assembler Command:   FASM usb.asm usb.dex                                        ;;
;; Copy Right Owners:   Team DexOS (c)2002-2008                                     ;;
;;                                                                                  ;;
;;                                                                                  ;;
;; Team DexOS       :   0x4e71, bubach, crc, Dex, hidnplayr, jas2o, roboman         ;;
;;                  :   Solidus, smiddy, tony(mac), viki.                           ;;
;;                                                                                  ;;
;;                                                                                  ;;
;; Disclaimer       :                                                               ;;
;; This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either           ;;
;; expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied                 ;;
;; warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The          ;;
;; entire risk as to the quality and performance of this software is with           ;;
;; you.                                                                             ;;
;; In no event will the author's, distributor or any other party be liable to       ;;
;; you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or                   ;;
;; consequential damages arising out of the use, misuse or inability to use         ;;
;; this software (including but not limited to loss of data or losses               ;;
;; sustained by you or third parties or a failure of this software to operate       ;;
;; with any other software), even if such party has been advised of the             ;;
;; possibility of such damages.                                                     ;;
;;                                                                                  ;;
	ORG   0x400000			; where our program is loaded to
	jmp   start			; jump to the start of program.
	db    'DEX2'			; We check for this, to make shore it a valid Dex4u file.

 ; Start of program.                                  ;
start:					;
	mov   ax,18h			; set ax to nonlinear base
	mov   ds,ax			; add them to ds
	mov   es,ax			; and es.
 ; Get calltable address.                             ;
	mov   edi,Functions		; this is the interrupt
	mov   al,0			; we use to load the DexFunction.inc
	mov   ah,0x0a			; with the address to dex4u functions.
	int   40h			;
 ; Get base add on.                                   ;
	call  [GetBaseAddOn]		;
	mov   dword[BaseAddOn],eax	;
	mov   [UHCIframes1],0xd00000
	sub   [UHCIframes1],eax
 ; Print detect string.                               ;
	mov   esi,DetectS		; this point's to our string.
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	call  [DetectPciBus]		;
	jnc   FoundPCI			;
	mov   esi,PCIBoisNS		; not found, so post
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	jmp   usb_done			; And exit
 ; Found PCI BIOS                                     ;
FoundPCI:				;
	mov   esi,PCIBoisFS		; found it, cont.
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
 ; Find USB devices                                   ;
	mov   word[index],00h		; start with 0
FindUSBL:				;
	call  FindUSB			;
	or    ah,ah			; if ah = !0, then no more
	jnz   justatest 		; usb_done
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		;
	add   eax,40h
	mov   edx,0x00051000
	call  [PciRegWrite32]

	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		;
	add   eax,44h
	mov   edx,0x24220002
	call  [PciRegWrite32]

 ; Try to enable current PCI port found               ;
	mov   esi,EnableS		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	call  pci_enable		; enable PCI->USB port
	jnc   pci_enable_good		;
	mov   esi,e_bad_s		; print bad_enable string
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	jmp   usb_done			;  and exit to DexOS
pci_enable_good:			;
	mov   esi,e_good_s		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
 ; Allocate Frame List Buffer                         ;
	xor   edx,edx
	mov   dx,[IOAddr]		; dx -> IOaddr space
	call  alloc_f_list		;
       ; jnc   frame_ok                 ;
       ; mov   esi,no_memory_s          ;
       ; call  [PrintString]            ; this call the print function.
	jmp   usb_get_next		;
	jmp   justatest
 ; Try to enable all USB ports on current hub         ;
      ;  mov  dx,[IOAddr]                ; dx -> IOaddr space
      ;  call usb_enable                 ; enable USB ports
	mov   esi,nextline		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	inc   [index]			;
	cmp   [index],256		;
	jb    FindUSBL			;
usb_done:				;
       call  [WaitForKeyPress]
	mov   esi,nextline		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	call  [GetTextPos]
	mov   [SaveXY],ax

	call  [SetCursorPos]
	mov   esi,UsbNo
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	mov   dx,[IOAddr]
	add   dl,10h			; Port 1 status
	jmp   @f
	mov   [yesNo],0
	in    ax,dx		       ; Read port
	bt    eax,7		       ; Port present?
	jnc   .endirq
	lea   edx,[edx+2]	       ; Next port
	bt    eax,0
	jnc   .loop
	mov   [yesNo],1
	cmp   [yesNo],bl
	je    NoChange
	cmp   [yesNo],1
	je    YES
	mov   bl,[yesNo]
	mov   ax,[SaveXY]
	call  [SetCursorPos]
	mov   esi,UsbNo
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	call  Beep2
	jmp   NoChange
	mov   bl,[yesNo]
	mov   ax,[SaveXY]
	call  [SetCursorPos]
	mov   esi,UsbYes
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	call  Beep1
	call  [KeyPressedNoWait]
	cmp   al,0
	je    loop1

    ;    mov   edi,[UHCIframes1]
    ;    add   edi,64h
    ;    mov   byte[es:edi],0
    ;    mov   esi,[UHCIframes1]
    ;    call  [PrintString]
	mov   esi,nextline		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
; on entry
;  dx = io space start (base)
; on exit
;  carry = status
alloc_f_list:				;
	pushad				;
	mov   edi,UHCIframes		;
	mov   eax,UHCIframes		;
	add   eax,dword[BaseAddOn]	;
	mov   eax,0xd00000		;
	mov   edi,[UHCIframes1] 	;
	push  eax			;
	mov   al, 1			; write 1's (terminate)
	mov   ecx,1024*4		; 1024 bytes
	rep				;
	stosb				;
 ; Global reset                                       ;
	mov   ax,4			; Stop HC and reset
	out   dx,ax			;
	mov   ax,2			; Global reset must be kept for 10ms at least
	call  [SetDelay]		;
	xor   eax,eax			; End global reset
	out   dx,ax			;
	mov   ax,2			;
	call  [SetDelay]		;
.wait:					;
	in    eax,dx			; Read Command/Status
	bt    eax,10101b ;5+16                  ; test HChalted bit
	jnc   .wait			;
	mov   ax,2			;
	out   dx,ax			; Reset host controller
.wait2: 				;
	in    ax,dx			;
	bt    eax,1			;
	jc    .wait2			;
	xor   eax,eax
	mov   dx,[IOAddr]		; dx -> IOaddr space
	add   dx,04			; dx = io space from caller
	out   dx,ax

	pop   eax			; restore physical address
	mov   dx,[IOAddr]		; dx -> IOaddr space
	add   dx,08			; dx = io space from caller
	out   dx,eax			; store it
	dec   dx			; make dx = 06h
	dec   dx			;
	xor   ax,ax			; write a zero
	out   dx,ax			;  to frame number register

      ;  mov   dx,[IOAddr]              ; dx -> IOaddr space
      ;  call  usb_enable
       ; mov   dx,[IOAddr]              ; dx -> IOaddr space
       ; mov   ax,0081h                 ; MaxPacket=64,Run
       ; out   dx,ax                    ; Execute schedule
	popad				;
	clc				; frame is set okay
	ret				;
alloc_f_err:				;
	popad				;
	stc				;
	ret				;

; Enable the PCI->USB hardware
; on entry
;  nothing
; on exit
;  carry = status
pci_enable:				;
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		;
	add   eax,4			; read word at 0004h (command reg)
	call  [PciRegRead16]		; read it (returns in DX)
	jc    no_enable 		;
	push  dx			; save it
	and   dx,0000000101b		; bus master enable/io access enable
	cmp   dx,0000000101b		; are they both already set?
	pop   dx			; restore ax
	je    good_enable		; yes, so don't toggle them
	or    dx,0000000101b		; no, so set bits 0 and 2, then
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		;
	add   eax,4			; Write word at 0004h (command reg)
	call  [PciRegWrite16]		; write it
	jc    no_enable 		;

	   ;;; ??? do we need to check to see if enabled as wanted;;;

good_enable:				;
	clc				; else, good enable
	ret				;
	stc				; enable failed
	ret				;

;               NAME:                   FindPciClass
;               DESCRIPTION:    Write a 32-bit register
;               PARAMETERS:                     BH              Class
;                                               BL              Sub class
;                                               CH              Interface
;                                               AX              Device number
;               RETURNS:                        NC              Success
;                                               BH              Bus
;                                               BL              Device
FindPciClass:				; uses ebx ecx
	push  eax			;
	push  edx			;
	push  esi			;
	mov   esi,eax			;
	movzx eax,bx			;
	shl   eax,16			;
	mov   ah,ch			;
	mov   ebx,eax			;
	mov   ecx,80000008h		;
FindPciClassLoop:			;
	mov   eax,ecx			;
	cli				;
	mov   dx,0CF8h			;
	out   dx,eax			; send our request out
	mov   dx,0CFCh			;
	in    eax,dx			; read back 32bit value.
	sti				;
	xor   al,al			;
	cmp   eax,ebx			;
	jne   FindPciClassNext		;
	or    esi,esi			;
	jz    FindPciClassOk		;
	sub   esi,1			;
FindPciClassNext:			;
	add   ecx,100h			;
	cmp   ecx,81000008h		;
	jne   FindPciClassLoop		;
	stc				;
	jmp   FindPciClassDone		;
FindPciClassOk: 			;
	pushf				;
	xor   ecx,80000000h		;
	mov   ebx,ecx			;
	popf				;
	shr   ecx,8			;
	clc				;
FindPciClassDone:			;
	pop   esi			;
	pop   edx			;
	pop   eax			;
	ret				;

; finds a USB card/hub on given PCI index
; on entry:
;  dev_index = index
; on exit:
;  ah = 00h if card found
FindUSB:				; uses ebx ecx edx esi edi
	mov   bh,0x0c			; (USB = base=C, sub=3)
	mov   bl,0x03			;
	mov   ch,00			;
	xor   eax,eax			;
	mov   ax,word[index]		; Move index into ax
	call  FindPciClass		; 
	jnc   UFoundOne 		; on return: bh = bus
	mov  ah,01			;            bl = dev num/func num
	ret				;

 ; print found USB controller.                        ;
	mov   esi,FoundUSBTS		; print found USB controller
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	mov   [bus_num],ch		; save bus/dev/function
	mov   [dev_func],cl		;
	shr   bl,4			;
	mov   dword[EbxsSave],ebx	;
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		; read word at 0000h (Vendor ID)
	call  [PciRegRead16]		; read it (returns in DX)
	mov   word[VendorID],dx 	; save it
	mov   ax,dx			;
	call  HexToAscii		;
	mov   dword[VendorASCIIid],eax	;
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		;
	add   eax,2			; read word at 0002h (Device ID)
	call  [PciRegRead16]		; read it (returns in DX)
	mov   word[DeviceID],dx 	; save it
	mov   ax,dx			;
	call  HexToAscii		;
	mov   dword[DeviceASCIIid],eax	;
	call  dev_names 		; get vendor and device names
	mov   esi,VendorIDS		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.              
	mov   ax,[VendorID]		;
	call  [WriteHex16]		; print VendorID
	mov   esi,Vendor_N		; print vendor name
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function. 
	mov   esi,DeviceIDS		; print device type
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function. 
	mov   ax,[DeviceID]		;
	call  [WriteHex16]		; print VendorID
	mov   esi,Device_N		; print device name
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function. 
	mov   esi,BusNumberS		; 
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	mov   al,[bus_num]		; bh = Bus Number
	xor   ah,ah			;
	call  [WriteHex16]		; print Bus Number
	mov   al,'/'			; print a slash
	call  [PrintChar]		;
	mov   al,[dev_func]		; bl = Dev Number
	shr   al,03			;  (bits 7-3)
	xor   ah,ah			;
	call  [WriteHex16]		; print Dev Number
	mov   al,'/'			; print a slash
	call  [PrintChar]		;
	mov   al,[dev_func]		; bl = Func Number
	and   al,00000111b		;  (bits 2-0)
	xor   ah,ah			;
	call  [WriteHex16]		; print Func Number
	mov   esi,CommandRS		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		; 
	mov   al,4			; read word at 0004h (Command Reg)
	call  [PciRegRead16]		; read it (returns in DX)
	mov   ax,dx			;
	call  [WriteHex16]		;
	mov   esi,StatusRS
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		; 
	mov   al,06h			; read word at 0006h (Status Reg)
	call  [PciRegRead16]		; read it (returns in DX)
	mov   ax,dx			;
	call  [WriteHex16]		;
	mov   esi,RevisionS		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		; 
	mov   al,08h			; read byte at 0008h (Revision Byte)
	call  [PciRegRead8]		; read it (returns in DL)
	mov   al,dl			;
	call  [WriteHex8]		;
	mov   esi,ClassCodeS		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		; 
	mov   al,0Bh			; read byte at 000Bh (Class)
	call  [PciRegRead8]		; read it (returns in DL)
	mov   al,dl			;
	call  [WriteHex8]		;
	mov   al,'/'			; print a slash
	call  [PrintChar]		;
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		; 
	mov   al,0Ah			; read byte at 000Ah (Sub Class)
	call  [PciRegRead8]		; read it (returns in DL)
	mov   al,dl			;
	call  [WriteHex8]		;
	mov   al,'/'			; print a slash
	call  [PrintChar]		;
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		; 
	mov   al,09h			; read byte at 0009h (Program Inter.)
	call  [PciRegRead8]		; read it (returns in DL)
	mov   al,dl			;
	call  [WriteHex8]		;
	mov   esi,CacheS		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		; 
	mov   al,0Ch			; read byte at 000Ch (Cache Line Size)
	call  [PciRegRead8]		; read it (returns in DL)
	mov   al,dl			;
	call  [WriteHex8]		;
	mov   esi,BusLatS		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		;
	mov   al,0Dh			; read byte at 000Dh (Bus Latency)
	call  [PciRegRead8]		; read it (returns in DL)
	mov   al,dl			;
	call  [WriteHex8]		;
	mov   esi,HeaderS		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function.  
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		;
	mov   al,0Eh			; read byte at 000Eh (Header Type)
	call  [PciRegRead8]		; read it (returns in DL)
	mov   al,dl			;
	call  [WriteHex8]		;
	mov   esi,SelfTestS		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function. 
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		;
	mov   al,0Fh			; read byte at 000Fh (Self Test)
	call  [PciRegRead8]		; read it (returns in DL)
	mov   al,dl			;
	call  [WriteHex8]		; 
	mov   esi,IOPortsS		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function. 
	; don't do high word???
	;mov   eax,[EbxsSave]           ;
	;mov   al,22h                   ; read word at 0022h (base address 4)
	;call  [PciRegRead16]           ; read it (returns in DX)
	;mov   ax,dx                    ;
	;call  [WriteHex16]             ;
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		;
	mov   al,20h			; read word at 0020h (base address 4)
	call  [PciRegRead16]		; read it (returns in DX)
	and   dx,0FFFEh 		; clear bit 0 ???
	mov   [IOAddr],dx		; save if for testing the devices
	mov   ax,dx			;
	call  [WriteHex16]		;
	push  ax			; save address space start
	mov   al,'-'			; 
	call  [PrintChar]		;
	pop   ax			;
	add   ax,31			; print address space end
	call  [WriteHex16]		;
	mov   esi,IRQNumS		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function. 
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		;
	mov   al,3Ch			; read byte at 000Fh (IRQ #)
	call  [PciRegRead8]		; read it (returns in DL)
	mov   al,dl			;
	call  [WriteHex8]		; 
	mov   esi,IntNumS		;
	call  [PrintString]		; this call the print function. 
	mov   eax,[EbxsSave]		;
	mov   al,3Dh			; read byte at 000Fh (INT #)
	call  [PciRegRead8]		; read it (returns in DL)
	mov   al,dl			;
	add   al,09h			; (A-D)
	call  [WriteHex8]		; 
	mov  ah,00			; found one, continue

;  opens 'devnums.bin' and finds a line starting with 'V xxxx'
;   where xxxx = VendorID.
;  once found, copys the string found after 'V xxxx ' to Vendor_N+3
;   then continues to find 'D xxxx ' where xxxx = DeviceID.
;  if 'V xxxx' found before device number is found, then error.
;  if number is found, then copies to Device_N+3
dev_names:				; uses all es
	pushad				;
	mov   [BFPointer],buffer	;
CommandsLoop:				;
	mov   esi,[BFPointer]		;
	cmp   byte[esi],13		; check for a ret
	jne   No_Ret			;
	inc   esi			; inc past
	mov   [BFPointer],esi		;
	jmp   CommandsLoop		; in case of more then one
No_Ret: 				;
	cmp   byte[esi],10		; check for line feed
	jne   Commands			;
	inc   esi			; inc past
	mov   [BFPointer],esi		;
	jmp   CommandsLoop		; in case of more then one
;; Commands.                                                                        ;;
Commands:				;
;; Test for 'END'                                                                   ;;
	mov   esi,[BFPointer]		; Check for 'end'
	mov   ecx,3			; Number of letters to check
	mov   edi,cEND1 		;
	repe  cmpsb			;
	je    dev_names_d		; it's a match / jump to exit
	mov   esi,[BFPointer]		; Check for 'END'
	mov   ecx,3			;
	mov   edi,cEND			;
	repe  cmpsb			;
	je    dev_names_d		;
;; Test for 'DEVICE'                                                                ;;
	mov   esi,[BFPointer]		; Check for 'DEVICE'
	mov   ecx,6			;
	mov   edi,cDEVICE		; LOAD
	repe  cmpsb			;
	je    ItIsDEVICE		;
	mov   esi,[BFPointer]		; Check for 'LOAD'
	mov   ecx,6			;
	mov   edi,cDEVICE1		;
	repe  cmpsb			;
	je    ItIsDEVICE		;
;; Test for 'VENDOR'                                                                ;;
	mov   esi,[BFPointer]		; Check for 'load'
	mov   ecx,6			;
	mov   edi,cVENDOR		;
	repe  cmpsb			;
	je    ItIsVENDOR		;
	mov   esi,[BFPointer]		; Check for 'LOAD'
	mov   ecx,6			;
	mov   edi,cVENDOR1		;
	repe  cmpsb			;
	je    ItIsVENDOR		;
	jmp   dev_names_d		;
ItIsVENDOR:				;
	 mov   esi,[BFPointer]		;
	 add   esi,7			;
	 mov   eax,dword[ds:esi]	;
	 cmp   eax,[VendorASCIIid]	;
	 je    VendorFound		;
ItIsDEVICE:				;
	 mov   esi,[BFPointer]		;
	 add   esi,7			;
	 mov   eax,dword[ds:esi]	;
	 cmp   eax,[DeviceASCIIid]	;
	 je    DeviceFound		;
NoDeviceFound:				;
	 add   esi,4			;
	 mov   ecx,52			;
DeviceFoundLoop1:			;
	 lodsb				;
	 cmp   al,13			;
	 je    DeviceFoundExit		;
	 cmp   al,10			;
	 je    DeviceFoundExit		;
	 loop  DeviceFoundLoop1 	;
	 jmp   dev_names_d		;
VendorFound:				;
	 mov   edi,Vendor_N1		;
	 jmp   VendorFound1		;
DeviceFound:				;
	 mov   edi,Device_N1		;
VendorFound1:				;
	 add   esi,4			;
	 mov   ecx,52			;
DeviceFoundLoop:			;
	 lodsb				;
	 cmp   al,13			;
	 je    DeviceFoundExit		;
	 cmp   al,10			;
	 je    DeviceFoundExit		;
	 stosb				;
	 loop  DeviceFoundLoop		;
	 jmp   dev_names_d		;
DeviceFoundExit:			;
	inc   esi			; inc pointer
	mov   [BFPointer],esi		;
DeviceFoundExit1:			;
	mov   esi,[BFPointer]		;
	cmp   byte[esi],13		; check for a ret
	jne   No_Ret1			;
	inc   esi			; inc pointer
	mov   [BFPointer],esi		;
	jmp   DeviceFoundExit1		; in case of more then one
No_Ret1:				;
	cmp   byte[esi],10		; check for line feed
	jne   Commands			;
	inc   esi			; inc past
	mov   [BFPointer],esi		;
	jmp   DeviceFoundExit1		; in case of more then one
dev_names_d:				;
	popad				;
	ret				;

; Enable the current USB port
; on entry
;  dx = io space start (base)
; on exit
;  carry = status
usb_enable:				;
	   call get_port_zero		; returns bits in ax
	   mov	bx,ax			;
	   and	bx,0001000000000100b	;
	   cmp	bx,0001000000000100b	;
	   je	usb_e_zero		;
	   or	ax,0001000000000100b	;
	   call put_port_zero		; write ax to port_zero status
	   call get_port_one		; returns bits in ax
	   mov	bx,ax			;
	   and	bx,0001000000000100b	;
	   cmp	bx,0001000000000100b	;
	   je	usb_e_one		;
	   or	ax,0001000000000100b	;
	   call put_port_one		; write ax to port_one status

; on entry
;  dx = io starting address (base)
; on exit
;  ax = port 1 (of 2) status/control register contents
get_port_zero:				;
	   add	dx,10h			; USB port 1 register (base+10h)
	   in	ax,dx			;  word sized
	   and	ax,0001111111111111b	; bits 15-13 reserved

; on entry
;  dx = io starting address (base)
;  ax = port 1 (of 2) status/control register contents
; on exit
;  ax = port 1 (of 2) status/control register contents after write
put_port_zero:				;
	   add	dx,10h			; USB port 1 register (base+10h)
	   and	ax,0001111111111111b	; bits 15-13 reserved
	   out	dx,ax			; put it
	mov   ax,2			; Global reset must be kept for 10ms at least
	call  [SetDelay]		;
	   in	ax,dx			;  word sized
	   and	ax,0001111111111111b	; bits 15-13 reserved

; on entry
;  dx = io starting address (base)
; on exit
;  ax = port 2 (of 2) status/control register contents
get_port_one:				;
	   add	dx,12h			; USB port 2 register (base+12h)
	   in	ax,dx			;  word sized
	   and	ax,0001111111111111b	; bits 15-13 reserved

; on entry
;  dx = io starting address (base)
;  ax = port 2 (of 2) status/control register contents
; on exit
;  ax = port 2 (of 2) status/control register contents after write
	   add	dx,12h			; USB port 2 register (base+12h)
	   and	ax,0001111111111111b	; bits 15-13 reserved
	   out	dx,ax			; put it
	mov   ax,2			; Global reset must be kept for 10ms at least
	call  [SetDelay]		;
	   in	ax,dx			;  word sized
	   and	ax,0001111111111111b	; bits 15-13 reserved
; HexToAscii16                          ; convert word hex, to ascii hex
;  Input:
;      hex_val
; Output:
;      inbuff
HexToAscii:				;
	push  esi			;
	push  ecx			;
	push  ebx			;
	mov   word[hex_val],ax		;
HexToAsciiHex32:			;
	mov   ecx,4			;
	mov   bx,[hex_val]		;
	mov   esi,inbuff		;
loop_digit:				;
	rol   bx,4			;
	mov   al,bl			;
	and   al,0Fh			;
	add   al,90h			;
	daa				;
	adc   al,40h			;
	daa				;
	mov   byte[esi],al		;
	inc   esi			;
	dec   ecx			;
	jnz   loop_digit		;
 ; terminator                                         ;
	mov   esi,inbuff		;
	mov   eax,[esi] 		;
	pop   ebx			;
	pop   ecx			;
	pop   esi			;
	ret				;

 ; Beep                                               ;
Beep1:					;
	pushad				;
	mov   [Hz],0x200		;
	call  Sound			;
	mov   ax,5			;
	call  [SetDelay]		;
	call  NoSound			;
	popad				;
	ret				;
Beep2:					;
	pushad				;
	mov   [Hz],0x100		;
	call  Sound			;
	mov   ax,5			;
	call  [SetDelay]		;
	call  NoSound			;
	popad				;
	ret				;
 ; Sound                                              ;
Sound:					;
	mov   bx,[Hz]			;
	mov   ax,0x34dd 		;
	mov   dx,0x0012 		;
	cmp   dx,bx			;
	jnc   Done1			;
	div   bx			;
	mov   bx,ax			;
	in    al,0x61			;
	test  al,3			;
	jnz   A99			;
	or    al,3			;
	out   0x61,al			;
	mov   al,0xb6			;
	out   0x43,al			;
A99:					;
	mov   al,bl			;
	out   0x42,al			;
	mov   al,bh			;
	out   0x42,al			;
Done1:					;
	ret				;

 ; NoSound                                            ;
NoSound:				;
	in    al,0x61			;
	and   al,11111100b		;
	out   0x61,al			;
	ret				;
 ; Data.                                              ;
 ; Commands.     ;
cDEVICE       db 'DEVICE ',0
cDEVICE1      db 'device ',0
cVENDOR       db 'VENDOR ',0
cVENDOR1      db 'vendor ',0
cEND	      db 'END ',0
cEND1	      db 'end ',0

Hz	      dw  0
yesNo	      db  0
SaveXY	      dw  0
UHCIframes1   dd  0
BaseAddOn     dd  0
inbuff	      dd  0
hex_val       dw  0
DeviceASCIIid dd  0
VendorASCIIid dd  0
BFPointer     dd  0
VendorID      dw  0
DeviceID      dw  0
bus_num       db  0
dev_func      db  0
EbxsSave      dd  0
index	      dw  0
UsbYes	      db  13,13,'USB Device Pluged in.   ',0
UsbNo	      db  13,13,'No USB Device Pluged in.',0
e_good_s      db  'Successful.',0
e_bad_s       db  'Error!',0
no_memory_s   db  13,'Out of memory',0
DetectS:      db  13,'Detecting PCI BIOS ... ',0
EnableS:      db  13,13,'Enabling PCI bus...',0
PCIBoisFS:    db  ' found. ',0
PCIBoisNS:    db  ' NOT found!',13,0
FoundUSBTS:   db  13,13,'Found USB Controller:  ',0
VendorIDS:    db  13,'           Vendor ID:  ',0
DeviceIDS:    db  13,'           Device ID:  ',0
BusNumberS:   db  13,'  Bus #/Dev #/Func #:  ',0
CommandRS:    db  13,'    Command Register:  ',0
StatusRS:     db  13,'     Status Register:  ',0
RevisionS:    db  13,'       Revision Code:  ',0
ClassCodeS:   db  13,' Class/Sub/Interface:  ',0
CacheS:       db  13,'     Cache Line Size:  ',0
BusLatS:      db  13,'         Bus Latency:  ',0
HeaderS:      db  13,'         Header Type:  ',0
SelfTestS:    db  13,'      Self Test Byte:  ',0
IOPortsS:     db  13,'       Address Space:  ',0
IRQNumS:      db  13,'          IRQ Number:  ',0
IntNumS:      db  13,'          INT Number:  ',0

Vendor_N:     db  ' - '
Vendor_N1:    times  52  db ' '
Vendor_N2:    db ' ',0

Device_N:     db  ' - '
Device_N1:    times  52  db ' '
Device_N2:    db ' ', 0

nextline:     db ' ',13,0

IOAddr	     dw  ?			; Address space of port  (32 bytes)

file  'VendorID.txt'
include 'Dex.inc'			; Here is where we includ our "DexFunctions.inc" file
UHCIframes    rb     1024
You will also need these.
PS: rename Dex.asm to Dex.inc
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by Sam111 »

Thanks for the help. It will take me along time. To understand it.

But My main question is how do you test things like this.

Bochs , If you are how do you test these thing like in/out port stuff to see if it is working correctly. (without having to blindly write the whole thing and pray that it works or you can find the bug.) Basically can I test my in/out port read/writes under a windows os and then when I know their working move them to my kernal.

I am thinking about using inline asm in a c file to test if it is working under windows. But I am afraid that windows will restrict me from doing something.

Do you guys have any suggestions about the easiest way to test your device driver programs (in/out port commands ) without having to keep updating the kernel and runing bochs each time.

Bochs worked great for learning bootloader and GDT LDT pmode ,..etc
But I havn't found an easy way to test in/out commands.

What would be nice is if I could just have a c file that I use inline asm to test the in/out commands are working. However I am afraid that if I am under an os while testing the in/out commands their may be restriction setup by the os I am under thus preventing me from getting the whole picture.
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by Combuster »

Welcome to the real world of OS development, I hope you enjoy the challenge :D

Seriously, it is a better idea to find a good way to test applications under your own OS. No real OS in its right mind would let you access I/O ports directly. And even if you could it would cause more trouble than its worth.
"Certainly avoid yourself. He is a newbie and might not realize it. You'll hate his code deeply a few years down the road." - Sortie
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by Sam111 »

Ok so if I get this straight the only way to test a device driver (in/out port commands ) for devices like usb , cdrom ,...etc etc.

Is to create a interrupt function for the device in your kernel code
And in the interrupt function do the in/out testing port stuff.

Use bochs and grub to test the kernel with the new int function created.

If something goes wrong change/fix the kernel function recompile/relink the files.
Then use bochs and grub repeat until you final get it.

Also each time you have to remake the img file with the new compiled kernel on it for bochs. Gee

But if that's the only way to test so be it thanks.
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by pcmattman »

Then use bochs and grub repeat until you final get it.

Also each time you have to remake the img file with the new compiled kernel on it for bochs.
I don't know about anybody else, but I have to do that every time I test - which can be as many times as once a minute. I just have a Makefile which builds the images and things for me so I just run "make all", "make install", and finally "make test".

I am also working to move it all into one big makefile which can also build my ramfs image, compile drivers, and compile the testsuite of applications to run under my OS.

Is to create a interrupt function for the device in your kernel code
You need to get out of this concept of "Creating interrupt functions". In protected mode your device driver generally doesn't provide an interrupt interface (because interrupts can be quite slow in some circumstances), but some other method to provide the functionality it needs. It may receive interrupts (ie, IRQs) though.
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by geppy »

Not sure if you got docs you need but having direct links will not hurt:
UHCI: http://developer.intel.com/technology/usb/uhci11d.htm
EHCI: http://www.intel.com/technology/usb/ehcispec.htm
1394 OHCI: http://storm.net.nz/static/files/ohci_11.pdf
USB OHCI ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/supportinforma ... ir1_0a.pdf

usb.org - it only has description of logic how usb works but you'll need it, and I think you have it already

here is some of my old code that I was able to find, it might help you to start:


Code: Select all

  mov  rsi, [rax]           ;rax is mem mapped addr of EHCI regs
  mov  rcx, rsi
  mov  rdx, rsi
  shr  rcx, 32		      ;ecx = HCSPARAMS
  and  esi, 0ffh	      ;esi = CAPLENGTH, lowest byte
  shr  rdx, 32+12	      ;edx = HCSPARAMS, bit 12 = bit 0 of ecx
  and  ecx, 1111b	      ;ecx = N_PORTS
  add  esi, eax 	      ;esi = beginning of Operational Registers
  and  edx, 0fh 	      ;edx = N_CC, Number of Companion Cntrl

Code: Select all

;function determmines if a device present on any of the 2 ports
  ;read status from PORTSCx (PORT Status Command)
  lea  edx, [rax+10h]	      ;EDX = PORTSC1
  mov  esi, .portsc2
  xor  eax, eax
  in   ax, dx
  test al, 1		      ;check Current Connect Status
  jnz  .connected	      ;should be 1 if port present & used
  add  edx, 2		      ;EDX = PORTSC2
  mov  esi, .ret
  in   ax, dx
  test al, 1		      ;check Current Connect Status
  jz   .ret		      ;2nd port also 0 - exit

  ;you could setup interrupts here, maybe temporary 

  ;wait for power to become stable 

   xor  eax, eax
  ;set reset
  or   eax, (1 shl 9)	      ;set bit 9, Port Reset
  out  dx, ax

  ;keep reset signal for 50ms
  ;you need separate DELAY function called here

  ;clear reset
  in   ax, dx
  and  eax, not (1 shl 9)
  out  dx, ax

  ;delay for resetrecovery 10ms
  ;required only if data transfer done shortly after reset
  ;you need separate DELAY function called here

  ;enable USB port - bit 2
  in   ax, dx
  or   eax, (1 shl 2)
  out  dx, ax

  ;wait for bit 2 to be enabled, 300ms timeout
  ;you need separate DELAY function called here
  ;after 300ms following code executed
  xor  eax, eax
  in   ax, dx
  test al, (1 shl 2)
  jz   .enable_port

  ;clear bits 1 & 3 by writing 1
  in   ax, dx
  or   eax, 1010b
  out  dx, ax

  jmp  rsi

Last edited by geppy on Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by EddyDeegan »

Rambly post deleted :)

I wish we'd had USB 20 years ago when I was writing my first proper code projects. Now there is a lot of catching up to do... I grok the mindset of the OP. There is a lot of info out there but the right guide can be elusive!

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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by Sam111 »

I know this is a little off the topic but I am working in visual studio's on my computer.
The skeleton files for some of the kernel will not compile. Mainly for 2 reason's

For example

Code: Select all

struct gdt_entry
    unsigned short limit_low;
    unsigned short base_low;
    unsigned char base_middle;
    unsigned char access;
    unsigned char granularity;
    unsigned char base_high;
} __attribute__((packed));

Code: Select all

is a GNU compiler specific setting

Do I really need this or can I take it out. Because when I take it out my error's drop from 7 to like 3. I think their is a pragma statment for packing in visual studio's 2005 but I don't want to use this stuff if I don't have to.

Does anybody know what this __attribute__((packed)) does I would think when you define a structure as above the varables are stored linearly right after one another kind of like an array.

Sorry for my ignorance about this.

My second error has to do with __asm__ __volatile__ this was working fine under gnu compiler's but now I have to find the equivalent to it in VS 2005.

I know I can use __asm { code ...} in VC but I am worried about the __ __volatile__ part.
Because I read that this prevents the compiler from trying to optimize it.
Don't know if their is an equivalent thing I can do or if I even need it?
I think their might be a switch to turn off compiler optimization though I don't know if this corrosponds to volatile.

Also My last few errors where intrinsic function, cannot be defined errors C2169
I get where it is coming from it is when I have functions defined like memcpy.
VS 2005 is getting screwed up from their memcpy and my memcpy I think this is the problem.

But I don't know how to resolve this one tried going into the property setting's and turning on
Enable Intrinsic Function doesn't work either way? I original setup an empty project and set to compile C in the project properties page. Then I started adding .c files to my source folder.

Normally I am working either with IDE Dev C++ mingw or gcc command line linux shell.
But I wanted to make everything work under visual studio's as I have alot of cool projects here .
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by ru2aqare »

Sam111 wrote:Does anybody know what this __attribute__((packed)) does I would think when you define a structure as above the varables are stored linearly right after one another kind of like an array.
For the msvc compilers, you need to use

Code: Select all

#pragma pack(push, 1)

typedef struct AlignedStruct
    uint16 limit_low;
    uint16 base_low;
    uint8 base_middle;
    // etc.
} AlignedStruct;

#pragma pack(pop)
Sam111 wrote: My second error has to do with __asm__ __volatile__ this was working fine under gnu compiler's but now I have to find the equivalent to it in VS 2005.
I don't think there is an equivalent, but you can get around by using inline assembly. I would still recommend that all assembly code be in assembly files...
Sam111 wrote: But I don't know how to resolve this one tried going into the property setting's and turning on
Enable Intrinsic Function doesn't work either way? I original setup an empty project and set to compile C in the project properties page. Then I started adding .c files to my source folder.
For some reason, under specific optimization options, msvc will replace copy loops with calls to memcpy, and try to link in one of its user-mode libraries - which is probably not what you want. You can force memcpy and memmove to always generate inline code by

Code: Select all

extern "C" {
void memcpy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t length); // or similar

#pragma intrinsic(memcpy)
This will generate a rep movsd loop where memcpy is used.
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by Sam111 »

I don't think there is an equivalent, but you can get around by using inline assembly. I would still recommend that all assembly code be in assembly files...
Ya , I agree but sometimes I have to do in/out asm commands in my c code for my device drivers. What I did is create a few functions that use the inline asm tags to do in/out asm command reads/writes.

I could write the whole kernel in asm but I chose's to use external c files exactly like some of the example kernel's in os dev.

I am just wondering if the lack of volatile key word will effect my kernel in a bad way?

About the #pragma pack(push, 1) . Is this the same stuff as setting the alignment option in my compiler setting?

I am just new to this kind of statement why do we even need it and what is the 1 , 2 ,4 ,..n for?

I have always wondered about the difference in extern "C" and setting the compiler to compile to C with /Td C. They don't seem to be the same?
For some reason, under specific optimization options, msvc will replace copy loops with calls to memcpy, and try to link in one of its user-mode libraries
Is their away to turn this on/off in the compiler or linker settings.
Because I have a lot of previous code that I am using that gives these error's
I was wondering if their is a simple setting without having to do #pragma and extern "C" {} everytime. Maybe /Oi or /Ox option? I still don't get what the hell all this intrinisic stuff is thought memcpy is a function that would only be recongnized if the header file was include so if I define memcpy and never include their's I should have no problem?
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by Sam111 »

Wait found this

Code: Select all

// do not use strlen intrinsic
#pragma function(strlen)

Code: Select all

// use intrinsic forms of memset and strlen
#pragma intrinsic(memset, strlen)
Wonder if it's the function one i should use not the intrinisic one.
I have seen these setting's in the compiler like turn on/off intrinisic functions ...
But that didn't work I will try what you said above and see if it works tonight when I get home. Thanks again for all your help.
You guy's rock. =D>
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by Sam111 »

Sorry for the triple post but this was interesting
This clears what packing is and how to use it in both visual studio and gcc compilers.

Still have yet to try it and yet to figure out the virtual problem/intrinsic problem.
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Re: OS -->USB ?

Post by ru2aqare »

Sam111 wrote:Ya , I agree but sometimes I have to do in/out asm commands in my c code for my device drivers. What I did is create a few functions that use the inline asm tags to do in/out asm command reads/writes.

Code: Select all

extern "C" {
void outportbyte(uint port, uint8 value);
void outportword(...); // etc

#pragma intrinsic(outportbyte, ...)

#define IoPortWriteByte(port, value) outportbyte(port, value)
This should eliminate most of the need for assembly code. Check MSDN for the exact declarations of outportbyte and the rest.
Sam111 wrote: About the #pragma pack(push, 1) . Is this the same stuff as setting the alignment option in my compiler setting?
Yes, it's the same, except that its effect is local. The compiler option affects every file you compile.
Sam111 wrote: I am just new to this kind of statement why do we even need it and what is the 1 , 2 ,4 ,..n for?
You need n > 1 for performance reasons (aligned memory access is always faster than unaligned or misaligned memory access). You need n = 1 for interoperability with other code (assembly, GRUB, whatnot).
Sam111 wrote: I have always wondered about the difference in extern "C" and setting the compiler to compile to C with /Td C. They don't seem to be the same?
Don't know the answer to that, I compile my kernel code as C++ (but actually use only the function overloading feature of C++).
Sam111 wrote: I was wondering if their is a simple setting without having to do #pragma and extern "C" {} everytime. Maybe /Oi or /Ox option? I still don't get what the hell all this intrinisic stuff is thought memcpy is a function that would only be recongnized if the header file was include so if I define memcpy and never include their's I should have no problem?
Move the intrinsics to a separate header file, and just include that header. Intrinsic means the compiler knows how to generate correct assembly code for a specific function (for example, outportbyte). This means that every time you call outportbyte, the compiler emits an "out dx, al" instruction instead of calling a function (which is usually written in assembly or linked in from a library). Intrinsics reduce execution time.
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