Offline Version of Wiki

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Offline Version of Wiki

Post by TverrBjelke »

Recently I was sitting in train and had plenty of TIME. And was "in the mood", skimming through this wiki. But no net.

Then I realized that this is rather stereotypic for me - when I could access the Wiki, I have uttermost important other things to do.
When I have some time to waste, I am nearly always offline.

So before I try wget and mirror the wiki pages somehow - or install mediaWiki on a stick and (somehow) import the content - but probably there is a nicer way to get the content offline? I bet I am not alone with this... anyone already done this?
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Re: Offline Version of Wiki

Post by Brynet-Inc »

You mean something like this?: ... e_download

Would be kinda neat, but.. also potentially costly (bandwidth wise).. you could use this page though. :)

See here for a list of categories.
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Re: Offline Version of Wiki

Post by Troy Martin »

Export it, set up a MediaWiki on the thumb drive, and import the OSDev wiki into there.

NOTE: Exporting large amounts of pages is a b**** to do.
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Re: Offline Version of Wiki

Post by Walling »

Another solution if you're a web hacker, maybe you can get this to work on OSDev Wiki: ... onkey.html (for Firefox + Google Gears + Greasemonkey). On the other hand it requires some manual configuration and it only caches one page at a time (it adds a Cache Page link to articles).
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Re: Offline Version of Wiki

Post by TverrBjelke »

As I said: Spare time when being online is my problem.
I think manually exporting many single pages... would not be very practical. (Look at the long list of categories!)

I myself use the wiki engine MoinMoin, where you can automatically sync/update your local wiki with (parts of) the remote wiki. That would be it. But OsDev uses MediaWiki.

So... Yes, I rather would prefer to dump ... e_download the whole database once and import that database into some kinda stick MediaWiki. So syncing would hopefully be a "doitonce" procedure. And bandwith... It would be matter of of ~ O(N), N=pagenums. That should not be much of a problem, since I would do it once. And with the snapshot-wiki locally ready, I could keep track with much more ease, export changes done on single pages (tracking recent changes).

As I understand the link, s.o. of the wiki admins here needs to perform an SQL dump and send me a link from where I can download the database. Then I could import it locally. And read the wiki offline from stick. And whenever I wish to push text, I'd simply do it offline on my wiki, and when being online only update that single page into the OsDev wiki.

So main question for the admins could be - is an "offline snapshot dump" something that would be interesting for others, too. (So doing this would produce benefit for many.)
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