I've been trying to code my own filing and bootloader which i failed and cann't be bothered anymore with keep formating floppy disks after time and time. I want to be able to make my os a general use os like ubuntu. I had a look at grub for starters and i don't think i can make it work after with a simple string of text which I looked at the osdev wiki and i find it very hard to impalemt and understand. Plus i work with windows and also i need to make floppy images becasue it is so easy for people to test and everyone is asking for them.Not many people use actual hardware far as i experence being here. Can you guys help me out. I also uploaded my code to see if it fits the "/boot/kernal.bin" grub standards. I want to try a new approch of using grub. So i need all the help i need. The tutorial in wiki is not clear? so many question? For 1 how do make a axliary disk. It doesn't tell you any thing that you are start from starch
Code: Select all
;Patricknet Bootsector
;Built By Patrick V(Project Manager)
;Bootsector is opensource
[bits 16]
[org 0x7c00]
jmp Start
; Message Strap
msg db "Patricknet - Version: Beta 0.2 (15/9/2008)",13,10,0
xor ax,ax
mov ss,ax
mov sp,0x7C00
mov si,msg
call printdriver
mov ah,0x0E
mov bh,0x00
mov bx,0x07
or al,al
jz short printdriverend
int 0x10
jmp printdriverloop
jmp printdriverend ; return to caller
padding TIMEs 510-($-$$) db 0
;Flag Point Form Bios To Notice That This A Patricknet Boot Sector Is Vaild By Signature
Dw 0AA55h