Error when compiling GCC 4.3.1

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Error when compiling GCC 4.3.1

Post by Mounter »


I have found an error when trying to compile the libstdc++ of the OS Specific Toolchain wiki page, when I am want to compile the GCC 4.3.1 gives me the following error:

Configuration i586-pc-Myos not supported.

And I saw that was necessary to configure the file libgcc/ to continue to build on.

But now I get the following error:

checking for shl_load... configure: error: Link tests are not allowed

And I do not know how I can resolve this problem.
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Joined: Sun Aug 12, 2007 12:45 pm
Location: Feliz, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Re: Error when compiling GCC 4.3.1

Post by Mounter »

I found a thread with the resolution of the problem:

To make the toolchain I used GCC 4.3.1, binutils 2.18 and newlib-1.16.0.

I posted this topic here, considering the correction of the page OS Specific toolchain.

Until more.
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