It is so interesting, thanks Dex for yours explainations and thanks Karlosoft for this intersting link.
I be part of the "Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual" reader, and i think i'm "formated" under this arch. I want to play with my old iPaq3600 to try to port my little kernel.
I have some questions:
(Sorry for my bad english and amount of questions...)
1 - Bootloader:
- Ok, If i understand, the bootloader are at the begining of the ROM, it's size is 4Ko and it automatically load in RAM after POST ?...No BIOS to set things up for you...
... all that happans when you turn the device on is 4k of code is load from Rom to ram starting at 0 and than it jumps to the 0 address...
- Do you think is the same under PocketPC ?
2 - Kernel and Hardware:
- Ok, but there is a Bios under an ARM mainboard ?...And most things that need setting up are differant on the differant ARM chips. ...
- For exemple how to get the memory size under and ARM arch ?
- Or an other exemple how to acces to an UART serial port ? (inport/outport ?)
- And for the Pocket PC screen, how it's mapper ?
- if i understand, you say for exemple that under a ARM chips A there is an instruction or register to get the memory size and on and ARM chip B there is different instruction or register ?
3 - Constructors:
- I see that constructor "dont play the game" to deliver datasheet or information about Pocket PC plateform, someone know where to find a ipaq3600 datasheet or other document about pocket PC plateforme ?
4 - Emulations:
- For emulation of Pocket PC, i think i have to map some device on memory,screen, I/O port, etc... how can emulate this ? (perhaps i go to bad way...)
The ARM arch seems very interesting, but i dont find a lot under pocket Pc plateform, if you have document or entry point, i want it please.
Sorry for this amount of question but i want to understand and x86unformat my brain.
Thanks for read me
(thanks for the effort)