I have a strange problem.
Whe I boot my OS compiled on my pc, it raises an invalid opcode exception.
This problem only happens to me, in fact different people have tried to compile and boot the OS and it works without any problem.
My pc has Debian SID installed and gcc 4.3.1, and another pc is equipped with Archlinux and gcc 4.3.0.
Those who tried the OS have different distros, but they all have a gcc version older than 4.3.0.
Is it possible that newer versions of gcc cause this crash?
The compilation is Ok, the problem appears at boot time.
Help me please ^_^
Strange problem - Invalid Opcode Exception
Is it 100% repeatable? If it only happened once, I suppose it could be something obscure like a memory error feeding the processor garbage.
Other than that, I don't know if GCC could cause that since I wouldn't think that the opcodes for any instructions would have changed between processor versions. Intel was very strong willed about backwards compatibility afterall.
As to what's causing it... can't really say without more information.
Other than that, I don't know if GCC could cause that since I wouldn't think that the opcodes for any instructions would have changed between processor versions. Intel was very strong willed about backwards compatibility afterall.
As to what's causing it... can't really say without more information.