how to use pree installed grub flppy image??

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how to use pree installed grub flppy image??

Post by shrikant »

can anyone tell me how to use pree installed grub flppy image??
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Post by inflater »

OMFG. It was answered in your previous thread.

I think you do not belong here.
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Post by piranha »

See your first post for my response. Here

Don't repost asking the same question that was answered twice.

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Post by Combuster »

The forum rules exist for a reason - so far you've violated 3 out of 7, practically every post you made contains at least one.

1: You ask answered questions. Everything you have asked about grub has been said before, on the wiki, on google, by searching. You even open a new thread for the same problem.

2: Meet the intellectual requirements. So far you showed no single trace of ability, intellect, or even a hint that you are trying. OS development is *not* for noobs

3: Post smart questions.
"1. Try to find an answer by searching the archives of the forum you plan to post to."
You apparently didn't
"2. Try to find an answer by searching the Web."
You apparently didn't
"3. Try to find an answer by reading the manual."
You obviously didn't
"4. Try to find an answer by reading a FAQ."
You obviously didn't do that either
"5. Try to find an answer by inspection or experimentation."
Looks like a negative too
"6. Try to find an answer by asking a skilled friend."
Get a life, maybe it helps :twisted:
And I could go on and on.

Seriously, If you ever hope to achieve something, you should be the one doing the work, not us.

For now, I think you better go brush up on your skills where more people of your level are.

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