Taken from scott mueller's upgrading & repairing pc's 16th edition.
(Excellent Book btw)
This is my understanding .(let me know where I go wrong)Bios (basic input/output system). This refers to the collection of actual drivers used to act as a basic interface between the operating system and your hardware when the system is booted and running.
When running Dos or windows in safe mode, you are running almost solely on rom bios based drivers because none are loaded from disk
Concerning safe mode.
When running windows xp in safe mode your running it in 16bit protected mode?
How come i can run firefox in safe mode?
Concerning protected mode(normal)
The bios is discarded once windows xp is fully loaded and device drivers(32bit) take over to interface with the hardware.The bios then on the motherboard cannot be used or isn't used at all untill another reboot .
I hope this question doesn't take up to much time just a simple answer is sufficient.
Thanks a lot .