This is how I thaught to do it:
First I will break down the highest possible memory address (Provided by GRUB) into its component parts (as if it were a virtual PAGED address), telling me how many Page Directory Entries are used and how many Page Table Entries (In the final Page Directory) are used to reach this address.
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EndAddress = Memory Length (in bytes)
DirectoryEntries = bits 22-32 of EndAddrees
TableEntries = bits 12-22 of EndAddress
All of my Page Table Entries will be stored in a single array with my Page Directory situated just before it:
NOTE: PageDirectory and PageTable, both 4Kb aligned
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unsigned long *PageDirectory = (unsigned long *)0x400000;
unsigned long *PageTable = (unsigned long *)0x401000;
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i=0, address=0;
for(i=0;i<=((DirectoryEntries*0x400)+TableEntries);i++) {
PageTable[i]= address | 3;
Address=(Address+0x1000); // 4Kb in HEX
NOTE: See above for definition of DirectoryEntries
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for(i=0;i<=DirectoryEntries;i++) {
PageDirectory[i]=PageDirectory[i] | 3;
for(i=DirectoryEntries;i<=0x400;i++) {
PageDirectory[i]=0 | 2;
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Set CR3 to address of PageDirectory
Set PE bit in CR0
I have tried and something is wrong.
I just can't figure out the problem