What is the problem???!!! I don't know

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What is the problem???!!! I don't know

Post by parkys1 »

I edit this question, please read below... :!: :!:

I think I'm doing ok...

But it doesn't work well....

I have two files. First file is boot_loader.. make PMode and IDTs

and Second File is my kernel... It's very simple code...

and I'm using Vmware... Because I'm studying in my lap top computer..

First time I just boot my Vmware with just boot_loader...

And I works very well.... until jmp $ :cry:

but if I just make an Image file with boot_loader.o and kernel.o files, I has some fault... Vmware said it's stack fault... :cry:

I don't know what is wrong... um.... :cry:

I'll attach my code here...

Code: Select all

; segmentselector.inc
SysCodeSelector		equ 0x08
SysDataSelector		equ 0x10
VideoSelector		equ 0x18

Code: Select all

; boot_loader.asm
%include "segmentselector.inc"

;************************ real mode **************************
;************************ 16 bit mode ************************

[ORG 0]   ; Origin location
[bits 16]
 jmp 0x07C0:main

;---------------------- Main Program ----------------------;
main:		; Label for the start of the main program

 	mov ax,cs	; Location of data is DS:Offset
 	mov ds,ax	; This can not be loaded directly it has to be in two steps.
			; 'mov ds, 0x0000' will NOT work due to limitations on the CPU
 	mov es,ax

 	mov si, NextLine
 	call PutStr

 	mov si, BootLoader	; Load the string into position for the procedure.
 	call PutStr		; Call/start the procedure
 	call _floppy_reset
 	call _floppy_load_kernel
	; make the floppy driver stop 
	mov dx, 0x3F2
	xor al, al
	out dx, al
 	mov si, StartKernel	; Load the string into position for the procedure.
 	call PutStr ; Call/start the procedure

	; icw1
	mov al, 0x11		; initialize pic
	out 0x20, al		; master pic
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb	; jmp $+2, jmp $+2
	out 0xA0, al		; slave pic
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb

	; icw2
	mov al, 0x20
	out 0x21, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb
	mov al, 0x28
	out 0xA1, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb

	; icw3
	mov al, 0x04
	out 0x21, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb
	mov al, 0x02
	out 0xA1, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb

	; icw4
	mov al, 0x01		; use 8086 mode
	out 0x21, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb
	out 0xA1, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb

        ;disable all interrupts
	mov al, 0xFF
	out 0xA1, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb
	mov al, 0xFB
	out 0x21, al

        ;setup gdt

	mov eax, cr0
	or eax, 0x00000001
	mov cr0, eax

	jmp $+2

	mov bx, SysDataSelector
	mov ds, bx
	mov es, bx
	mov fs, bx
	mov gs, bx
	mov ss, bx
	jmp $      ; [b]I just stop the everything here[/b]
 	jmp dword SysCodeSelector:0x10000		; JUMP TO KERNEL
;---------------------- Procedures ----------------------;
PutStr:			; Procedure label/start
 	; Set up the registers for the interrupt call
	mov ah,0x0E	; The function to display a chacter (teletype)
	mov bh,0x00	; Page number
	mov bl,0x07	; Normal text attribute

.nextchar	; Internal label (needed to loop round for the next character)
	lodsb		; I think of this as LOaD String Block 
			; (Not sure if thats the real meaning though)
			; Loads [SI] into AL and increases SI by one
 ; Check for end of string '0' 
	or al,al	; Sets the zero flag if al = 0 
			; (OR outputs 0's where there is a zero bit in the register)
	jz .return	; If the zero flag has been set go to the end of the procedure.
			; Zero flag gets set when an instruction returns 0 as the answer.
	int 0x10	; Run the BIOS video interrupt 
	jmp .nextchar	; Loop back round tothe top
.return		; Label at the end to jump to when complete
	ret		; Return to main program

global _floppy_reset
_floppy_reset:			; Reset the floppy drive
	mov ax,0			;
	mov dl,0			; Drive=0 (=A)
	int 13h				;
	jc _floppy_error	; ERROR => reset again

;end _floppy_reset

global _floppy_error
	mov si, Error
	call PutStr

global _floppy_load_kernel
	push es
	mov ax,1000h	; ES:BX = 1000h:0000h
	mov es,ax		;
	mov bx,0		;
	mov ah,2		; Load disk data to ES:BX
	mov al,8		; Load 8 sectors
	mov ch,0		; Cylinder=0
	mov cl,2		; Sector=2
	mov dh,0		; Head=0
	mov dl,0		; Drive=0
	int 13h			; Read!
	jc _floppy_load_kernel_loop	; ERROR => Try again

	pop es
;end _floppy_load_kernel

;-------------- Data Section -----------------------;
;gdt data
	dw gdt_end - gdt -1
	dd gdt+0x10000

	dd 0, 0				; Null Descriptor
	dd 0x0000FFFF, 0x00CF9A01	; Kernel Code Descriptor
					; base addr = 0x10000, limit = 0xFFFFF
					; DPL = 0(kernel), G = 1(4KB), D = 1(32bit), code, 
					; readable, non-conforming
	dd 0x0000FFFF, 0x00CF9201	; Kernel Data Descriptor
					; base addr = 0x10000, limit = 0xFFFFF
					; DPL = 0(kernel), G = 1(4KB), D = 1(32bit), data,
					; writable, expand-up
	dd 0x8000FFFF, 0x0040920B	; Video Memory Selector
					; base addr = 0xB8000, limit = 0xFFFF
					; DPL = 0(kernel), G = 0(byte), D = 1(32bit), data,
					; writable, expand-up
NextLine db 13,10,0
BootLoader db 'Boot Loader',13,10,0
StartKernel db 'Start Kernel',13,10,0
Error db 'Error',13,10,0
; End Matter

times 510-($-$$) db 0	; Fill the rest with zeros
dw 0xAA55		; Boot loader signature

Code: Select all


%include "segmentselector.inc"

;**************** Protected Mode from here ******************
;********************* 32 bits mode *************************
;---------------- Start Protected Mode ------------------;
[org 0x10000]
[bits 32]
	mov bx, SysDataSelector ; identify all selector with SysDataSelector
	mov ds, bx
	mov es, bx
	mov fs, bx
	mov gs, bx
	mov ss, bx
	lea esp, [PM_Start]
	mov edi, 2*5 * 80*2*0 ; set position to (5, 0)
	lea esi, [msgOS]
	call PM_printf

	mov edi, 2*30 + 80*2*0  ; set position to (30, 0)
	lea esi, [PMode]

	call PM_printf

	;setup 256 idt(s)
	mov ax, SysDataSelector
	mov es, ax
	xor eax, eax
	xor ecx, ecx
	mov ax, 256
	mov edi, 0

	;call _test
	;mov edi, 2*0 + 80*2*5
	;lea esi, [msg_test]
	;call PM_printf

	; initialize all interrupts (make ignored)
	lea esi, [idt_ignore]
	mov cx, 8
	rep movsb
	dec ax
	jnz loop_idt

	; register timer interrupt 0x20
	mov edi, 8*0x20		
	lea esi, [idt_timer]
	mov cx, 8
	rep movsb

	; register keyboard interrupt 0x21
	mov edi, 8*0x21
	lea esi, [idt_keyboard]
	mov cx, 8
	rep movsb


	; enable bit0 and bit1 -> 0xFC
	; bit0 = timer interrupt, bit1 = keyboard interrupt
	mov al, 0xFC
	out 0x21, al
	jmp $

;---------------------- Procedures ----------------------;
global _test
	push eax
	push es
	push ds
	push edi
	push esi
	mov ax, SysDataSelector
	mov ds, ax
	xor eax, eax
	mov edi, 2*0 + 80*2*6  ; set position to (0, 6)
	lea esi, [msg_test]
	call PM_printf

	pop esi
	pop edi
	pop ds
	pop es
	pop eax


; PM_printf - Print Characters on the video memory
; write characters from esi to es:edi
; pre - edi = position to write( 2*x + 80*2*y ), esi = phy addr of characters
	push eax		; use eax register
	push es
	mov ax, VideoSelector
	mov es, ax
	mov al, byte[esi]	; move byte from esi to al
	mov byte[es:edi],al	; move byte from al to video memory
	inc edi			; increase edi( to position of color )
	mov byte[es:edi],0x06	; write foreground color
	inc esi			; increase esi( character pointer )
	inc edi			; increase edi( to position of next character )
	or al, al		; check if al is 0
	jz .printf_end		; if al is 0, jump to .printf_end
	jmp .printf_loop

	pop es
	pop eax			; restore eax register
	ret			; return to next line of caller

;------------------------ Data Section --------------------;

;idt data
	dw 256*8-1		; the limit of IDT
	dd 0 			; base address of IDT

;Character Data
msg_test db "This is message for test", 0
msgOS db "PYS Operating System", 0
PMode db "Protected Mode Start", 0
msg_isr_ignore db "This is an ignorable interrupt", 0
msg_isr_32_timer db ".This is the timer interrupt", 0
msg_isr_33_keyboard db ".This is the keyboard interrupt", 0

;------------------------- ISR Section ---------------------;
	push gs
	push fs
	push es
	push ds

	mov al, 0x20
	out 0x20, al

	mov ax, VideoSelector
	mov es, ax
	mov edi, 2*0 + 80*2*4  ; set position to (30, 0)
	lea esi, [msg_isr_ignore]
	call PM_printf

	pop ds
	pop es
	pop fs
	pop gs


	push gs
	push fs
	push es
	push ds

	mov al, 0x20
	out 0x20, al

	mov edi, 2*0 + 80*2*5  ; set position to (30, 0)
	lea esi, [msg_isr_32_timer]
	call PM_printf
	inc byte [msg_isr_32_timer]

	pop ds
	pop es
	pop fs
	pop gs


	push gs
	push fs
	push es
	push ds

	in al, 0x60

	mov al, 0x20
	out 0x20, al

	mov edi, 2*0 + 80*2*6  ; set position to (30, 0)
	lea esi, [msg_isr_33_keyboard]
	call PM_printf
	inc byte [msg_isr_33_keyboard]

	pop ds
	pop es
	pop fs
	pop gs

;-------------------- IDT section --------------------;
	dw isr_ignore
	dw 0x08
	db 0
	db 0x8E
	dw 0x0001

	dw isr_32_timer
	dw 0x08
	db 0
	db 0x8E
	dw 0x0001

	dw isr_33_keyboard
	dw 0x08
	db 0
	db 0x8E
	dw 0x0001

times 1024-($-$$) db 0
It's very long i think. But I don't know what is the problem... :cry:
Last edited by parkys1 on Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Mikae »

Eeemmm... May be I didn't understand your question, but 'jmp $' instruction means jump to itself. This is the simpliest way to create endless cycle. If you remove it, execution will step further to next (long jump) instuction...
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Post by parkys1 »

em.................. First time I just use my boot_loader.asm file...

It works very well. until jmp $. Print all messages in the screen.

and it makes endless loop.

it located at the first sector.

and next time, I make os image file using boot_loader.asm and kernel.asm.

first sector is boot_loader.asm and next two sector is kernel.asm.

so I just load next two sector using 13h interrupt. and make not to jmp to

kernel.asm code. but there is an error if I just make an image file.

em............ :cry:

can you understand my question? em.............

It's really complex, I think..
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Post by intel_breaker »

I think you have a problem with image creation. May be u do it wrong? What program are u using for this?
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Post by parkys1 »

I use batch file to make image file

Code: Select all

nasmw -f bin -o boot_loader.o boot_loader.asm
nasmw -f bin -o kernel.o kernel.asm
copy boot_loader.o+kernel.o /b PYSOS.img
it works very well....

em.......... I don't know why..... :cry:
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Post by parkys1 »

I think i have to write question again.

I've just make the boot_loader.asm and kernel.asm short.

But it also didn't work. :cry:

I'll attach code again..

Code: Select all

; boot_loader.asm
%include "segmentselector.inc"

;************************ real mode **************************
;************************ 16 bit mode ************************

[ORG 0]   ; Origin location
[bits 16]
 jmp 0x07C0:main

;---------------------- Main Program ----------------------;
main:		; Label for the start of the main program

 	mov ax,cs	; Location of data is DS:Offset
 	mov ds,ax	; This can not be loaded directly it has to be in two steps.
			; 'mov ds, 0x0000' will NOT work due to limitations on the CPU
 	mov es,ax

 	mov si, NextLine
 	call PutStr

 	mov si, BootLoader	; Load the string into position for the procedure.
 	call PutStr		; Call/start the procedure
 	call _floppy_reset
 	call _floppy_load_kernel
	; make the floppy driver stop 
	mov dx, 0x3F2
	xor al, al
	out dx, al

	; disable all interrupts
	mov al, 0xFF
	out 0xA1, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb
	mov al, 0xFB
	out 0x21, al

 	mov si, StartKernel	; Load the string into position for the procedure.
 	call PutStr ; Call/start the procedure

	; setup pic ( icw1 ~ icw4 )
	; icw1
	mov al, 0x11		; initialize pic
	out 0x20, al		; master pic
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb	; jmp $+2, jmp $+2
	out 0xA0, al		; slave pic
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb

	; icw2
	mov al, 0x20
	out 0x21, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb
	mov al, 0x28
	out 0xA1, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb

	; icw3
	mov al, 0x04
	out 0x21, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb
	mov al, 0x02
	out 0xA1, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb

	; icw4
	mov al, 0x01		; use 8086 mode
	out 0x21, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb
	out 0xA1, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb

	mov al, 0xFF
	out 0xA1, al
	dw 0x00eb, 0x00eb
	mov al, 0xFB
	out 0x21, al

	;setup gdt

	mov eax, cr0
	or eax, 0x00000001
	mov cr0, eax

	jmp $+2

	mov bx, SysDataSelector
	mov ds, bx
	mov es, bx
	mov fs, bx
	mov gs, bx
	mov ss, bx
	jmp $
 	;jmp dword SysCodeSelector:0x10000		; JUMP TO KERNEL
	;jmp $
;---------------------- Procedures ----------------------;
PutStr:			; Procedure label/start
 	; Set up the registers for the interrupt call
	mov ah,0x0E	; The function to display a chacter (teletype)
	mov bh,0x00	; Page number
	mov bl,0x07	; Normal text attribute

.nextchar	; Internal label (needed to loop round for the next character)
	lodsb		; I think of this as LOaD String Block 
			; (Not sure if thats the real meaning though)
			; Loads [SI] into AL and increases SI by one
 ; Check for end of string '0' 
	or al,al	; Sets the zero flag if al = 0 
			; (OR outputs 0's where there is a zero bit in the register)
	jz .return	; If the zero flag has been set go to the end of the procedure.
			; Zero flag gets set when an instruction returns 0 as the answer.
	int 0x10	; Run the BIOS video interrupt 
	jmp .nextchar	; Loop back round tothe top
.return		; Label at the end to jump to when complete
	ret		; Return to main program

global _floppy_reset
_floppy_reset:			; Reset the floppy drive
	mov ax,0			;
	mov dl,0			; Drive=0 (=A)
	int 13h				;
	jc _floppy_error	; ERROR => reset again

;end _floppy_reset

global _floppy_error
	mov si, Error
	call PutStr

global _floppy_load_kernel
	push es
	mov ax,1000h	; ES:BX = 1000h:0000h
	mov es,ax		;
	mov bx,0		;
	mov ah,2		; Load disk data to ES:BX
	mov al,8		; Load 8 sectors
	mov ch,0		; Cylinder=0
	mov cl,2		; Sector=2
	mov dh,0		; Head=0
	mov dl,0		; Drive=0
	int 13h			; Read!
	jc _floppy_load_kernel_loop	; ERROR => Try again

	pop es
;end _floppy_load_kernel

;-------------- Data Section -----------------------;
;gdt data
	dw gdt_end - gdt -1
	dd gdt+0x10000

	dd 0, 0				; Null Descriptor
	dd 0x0000FFFF, 0x00CF9A01	; Kernel Code Descriptor
					; base addr = 0x10000, limit = 0xFFFFF
					; DPL = 0(kernel), G = 1(4KB), D = 1(32bit), code, 
					; readable, non-conforming
	dd 0x0000FFFF, 0x00CF9201	; Kernel Data Descriptor
					; base addr = 0x10000, limit = 0xFFFFF
					; DPL = 0(kernel), G = 1(4KB), D = 1(32bit), data,
					; writable, expand-up
	dd 0x8000FFFF, 0x0040920B	; Video Memory Selector
					; base addr = 0xB8000, limit = 0xFFFF
					; DPL = 0(kernel), G = 0(byte), D = 1(32bit), data,
					; writable, expand-up
NextLine db 13,10,0
BootLoader db 'Boot Loader',13,10,0
StartKernel db 'Start Kernel',13,10,0
Error db 'Error',13,10,0
; End Matter

times 510-($-$$) db 0	; Fill the rest with zeros
dw 0xAA55		; Boot loader signature
boot_loader.asm do some works such as default work and load kernel from the second sector and setting the gdt and idt and change to the PMode. boot_loader.asm alone works very well.

when I make the Image only for the boot_loader.asm I use like this.

nasmw -f bin -o boot_loader.o boot_loader.asm
copy boot_loader.o boot_loader.img

boot_loader.img works very well..

but when I use the kernel.asm with boot_loader.asm, it didn't work.

vmware said
*** Virtual machine kernel stack fault (hardware reset) ***
The virtual machine just suffered a stack fault in kernel mode. On a real computer, this would amount to a reset of the processor. It can be caused by an incorrect configuration of the virtual machine, a bug in the operating system, or a problem in the VMware Workstation software. Press OK to reboot virtual machine or Cancel to shut it down.
hm.... I can't attach picture file.

my kernel.asm is very simple. hm... I don't know the reason.

Code: Select all

%include "segmentselector.inc"

;**************** Protected Mode from here ******************
;********************* 32 bits mode *************************
;---------------- Start Protected Mode ------------------;
[org 0x10000]
[bits 32]
	mov bx, SysDataSelector ; identify all selector with SysDataSelector
	mov ds, bx
	mov es, bx
	mov fs, bx
	mov gs, bx
	mov ss, bx
	lea esp, [PM_Start]

times 1024-($-$$) db 0	
I make image file like this.

Code: Select all

nasmw -f bin -o boot_loader.o boot_loader.asm
nasmw -f bin -o kernel.o kernel.asm
copy boot_loader.o+kernel.o /b PYSOS.img
making the img file worked for other program. It works really well..

But only my kernel didn't work. I can't know the reason...
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Post by Mikae »

Can you describe the way your code doesn't work? Rebooting or hanging untill 'jmp $' instruction? I'm not sure about how you switching to PM, but as I understrood, you have problems when you still in RM?
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Post by parkys1 »

Yes, I will describe the way I use.

First time, I just boot with boot_loader.asm.
At that time, I works very well until jmp $. So It seems like to repeated at the 'jmp $'.

But After I make an image file with boot_loader.asm + kernel.asm.
I think there will be no problem. Because 'jmp $' make not to jmp to kernel.asm file. But when I boot boot_loader.asm + kernel.asm image file, my vmware said like that I write up there.

If you tell me your mail address, I will give you my two Image file.

Thanks for helping me. :wink:
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Post by Mikae »

Ok, send your file. mail: -=mika0x65=--=gmail=--=com=- (without '-=' and '=-')
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Post by parkys1 »

I send you email... Thanks...
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Post by Mikae »

Hello. Sorry for long silence -- I am in a trip now, but now I have a disassembler, so I can to look for you code. If it is still actual -- please, send me your files again.
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Post by hailstorm »

parkys! I hope your problem is still actual, otherwise I spent a lot of time on something that's now worthless.

The problem is very simple and can be found in the declaration of your gdt-pointer. You should not add 0x10000 to the base address in your pointer, because gdt isn't there yet! So:

Code: Select all

   dw gdt_end - gdt -1 
   dd gdt+0x10000 
Must be changed to:

Code: Select all

   dw gdt_end - gdt -1 
   dd gdt+0x7c00
Believe me, this will work.
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