Trying to reason out a way to load my kernel from grub.

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Post by Kennethan »

They best way I've found is to get a premade version of grub from They've got two images, but you're going to want the one that loads your kernel at 0x100000.

Once you've got the image file, you can use VFD [someone mentioned it in an earlier post] to load the image; copy your bin to the A:\ drive [VFD gives you a chance to designate device0 to a letter, I'm assuming you'll pick a] and once that's done you just have to the save the image to a file. You would then use the image you just made for VMware.

Just as an example, what I do is:
I'll run my build.bat to get the kernel out, then
copy kernel.bin to A:\kernel.bin
vfd save C:\Users\<yourname>\Projects\os.img

then I just run VMware and it's all good.

And as a side note, if you open and edit the grub.img that you download instead of making a copy of it, make sure you load it as just a ram disk or you won't be able to make changes to the disk while VMware is running a copy of the os, you'll get a file in use error.
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Post by naiksidd_85 »

hey buddy can you just let me know what exactly are you using
VMWARE workstation , server or ESX.

There are ways to modify it.
I am using Vmware and works fine without physical floppy .
Am working with VMware for 1 year now might be i could help.
Learning a lot these days THANKS to OSdev users
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