My boot loader is too big!

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My boot loader is too big!

Post by Jeko »

My bootloader is too big for the FAT12 filesystem, it is bigger than 512 bytes. How can i make???
This bootloader is good, but when i insert the code for enabling the a20 line, the bootloader is too big.
This is the code of the bootloader without the a20:

Code: Select all

%define ROOT_SEG	0x60
%define FAT_SEG		0x800
%define IMAGE_SEG	0x1000

%if ROOT_SEG & 31
  %error "ROOT_SEG DEVE essere divisibile per 0x20"
%if ROOT_SEG > 0xC00
  %error "Root directory deve stare sotto i  64Kb"
%if FAT_SEG & 31
  %error "FAT_SEG DEVE essere divisibile per 0x20"
%if FAT_SEG > 0xE80
  %error "FAT deve stare sotto i 64Kb"
%if IMAGE_SEG & 31
  %error "IMAGE_SEG DEVE essere divisibile per 0x20"

	org	0x7C00

	jmp	short begin

BS_OEMName db 'mkdosfs '
BPB_BytsPerSec dw 512
BPB_SecPerClus db 1
BPB_RsvdSecCnt dw 1
BPB_NumFATs db 2
BPB_RootEntCnt dw 224
BPB_TotSec16 dw 2880
BPB_Media db 240
BPB_FATSz16 dw  9
BPB_SecPerTrk dw 18
BPB_NumHeads  dw 2
BPB_HiddSec dd 0
BPB_TotSec32 dd 0
BS_DrvNum db 0
BS_Reserved1 db 0
BS_BootSig db 41
BS_VolId dd 541359850
BS_VolLab db 'mkdosfs '
BS_FileSysType db 'FAT     '

	xor	ax, ax
	mov	ds, ax
	mov	ss, ax
	mov	sp, 0xFFFE 
	mov	bp, sp
	mov	[BS_DrvNum], dl	;numero del driver

	mov	al, [BPB_NumFATs]	;numero di FAT
	mul	word [BPB_FATSz16]	; * Settori per FAT
	add	ax, [BPB_RsvdSecCnt]	; + Settori prima della FAT
				;AX = Settori della Root

	mov	si, [BPB_RootEntCnt]	;Massimo numero di entry delle directory
	mov	cl, 4
	dec	si
	shr	si, cl
	inc	si		;SI = lunghezza dei settori della root

	mov	di, ROOT_SEG/32	;buffer
	call	read_16		;leggo la root
	push	ax		;settore del secondo cluster
%define sc_clu2 bp-2		;memorizzp per + tardi l'indirizzo del settore

	mov	dx, [BPB_RootEntCnt]	;numero di directory
	push	ds
	pop	es
	mov	di, ROOT_SEG*16

	dec	dx		;altre direcotry
	js	error2		;No
	mov	si, filename	;vedo se �il nome che sto cercando
	mov	cx, 11		;lunghezza 11 caratteri
	lea	ax, [di+0x20]	;memorizzo il successivo indirizzo
	push	ax
	repe cmpsb		;Comparo
	pop	di
	jnz	search		;ripeto finche ci sono dir

	push word [di-6]	;numero del cluster di inizio

	mov	ax, [BPB_RsvdSecCnt]	;numero del settore della fat
	mov	si, [BPB_FATSz16]	;lunghezza della fat
	mov	di, FAT_SEG/32	;buffer
	call	read_16		;leggo la fat

	pop	bx		;numero del cluster
	mov	si, bx		;primo cluster
	mov	ax, bx		;ultimo cluster

	cmp	bx, 0xFF8	;sono alla fine del file?
	jae	.2		; si
	inc	ax		;ultimo cluster + 1

	;guardo nella FAT il cluster successivo
	mov	di, bx		;numero del cluster
	rcr	bx, 1		;1.5 byte �r ogni cluster
				;bx = 0x8000 + cluster/2

	mov	bx, [bx+di+FAT_SEG*16-0x8000]
	jnc	.1
	shr	bx, 1
	shr	bx, 1
	shr	bx, 1
	shr	bx, 1
.1:	and	bh, 0xF

	cmp	ax, bx		;il successivo claster �continguo?
	je	.0		;si
.2:	sub	ax, si		;quanti ce ne sono in sequenza?
	jz	eof		;basta il file �finito

	push	bx		;salvo il successivo cluster
	mov	bl, [BPB_SecPerClus]	;settori per cluster
	mov	bh, 0		;  come word
	mul	bx		;lunghezza dei settori in sequenza
.3:	mov	di, IMAGE_SEG/32 ;destinazione
	add	[.3+1], ax	 ;salvo la destinazione successiva
	xchg	ax, si		;AX = inizio del cluster ;SI = lunghezza in settori
	dec	ax
	dec	ax		;inizio dei cluster meno 2
	mul	bx		; * settori per cluster
	add	ax, [sc_clu2]	; + numero del settore del secondo cluster
	adc	dl, dh		;memorizzo il risultato

	call	read_32		;leggo
	jmp	short next	;guardo dopo

	mov	si, 	notfound	
	mov	ax, 0xE0D	
	mov	bx, 7
.1:	int	10h
	test	al, al
	jnz	.1
	xor	ah, ah
	int	16h		;aspetto un tasto
	int	19h		;riavvio


  in  al, 0x64
  test  al, 2
  jnz .wait1
  mov al, 0xD1
  out 0x64, al

  in  al, 0x64
  and ax, byte 2
  jnz .wait2
  mov al, 0xDF
  out 0x60, al

  lgdt  [gdtinfo]  ;carico la gdt

  mov eax,cr0   ;  metto in eat cr0
  or  al,1      ;imposto il bit per la modalit�protetta
  mov cr0,eax   ;siiiiiiiii, vado in modalit�protetta
  jmp dword (flat_code-gdt_table):pmode1; tutto �pronto, e quindi eseguo il kernel

[BITS 32]

  mov ax, flat_data-gdt_table ; Selector for 4Gb data seg
  ;mov  ax,0x10
  mov ds, ax      ; {2} Extend limit for ds
  mov es, ax      ; Extend limit for es
  mov fs, ax      ; fs and...
  mov   gs, ax      ; gs
  mov ss,ax
  mov esp,  0x9FFF0

  push dword 2

  mov eax, 0x10000

  jmp eax

[bits 16]
error:	mov	si, errmsg	
	mov	ax, 0xE0D	
	mov	bx, 7
.1:	int	10h
	test	al, al
	jnz	.1
;	xor	ah, ah
;	int	16h		
	int	19h		

	xor	dx, dx

; Input:
;    dx:ax = settori
;    si    = contatore dei settori
;    di    = segmento di destinazione / 32
; Il numero del settore �convertito nella tripletta testina settore cilindro
; e i settori letti vengono scritti in (di*32):0
; Output:
;    dx:ax  aggiornato
;    di     aggiornato
;    si = 0
;    bp, ds preservato
;    bx, cx, es modificato

.1:	push	dx			;settore relativo alto
	push	ax			;settore relativo basso

	add	ax, [BPB_HiddSec]		
	adc	dx, [BPB_HiddSec+2]

	mov	bx, [BPB_SecPerTrk]	
	div	bx		
	sub	bx, dx	
	cmp	bx, si		
	jbe	.2		
	mov	bx, si	
.2:	inc	dx	
	mov	cx, dx	
	div	word [BPB_NumHeads]	
	mov	dh, dl		

	xchg	ch, al		
	ror	ah, 1			
	ror	ah, 1
	add	cl, ah			

	sub	ax, di
	and	ax, byte 0x7F	
	jz	.3
	cmp	ax, bx		
	jbe	.4		
.3:	xchg	ax, bx
.4:	push	ax		
	mov	bx, di		
	push	cx
	mov	cl, 5
	shl	bx, cl
	pop	cx
	mov	es, bx
	xor	bx, bx			
	mov	dl, [BS_DrvNum]	
	mov	ah, 2			
	int	13h		
	jc	error
	pop	bx			
	pop	ax			
	pop	dx			
	add	ax, bx		
	adc	dl, dh
	add	di, bx		
	sub	si, bx		
	jnz	.1			

errmsg	db	"FM",0

notfound	db "KERNEL NON TROVATO",0


dw  gdtlength
dd  gdt_table


    dd  0
    dd  0

    dw  0xFFFF  ;
    dw  0x0000  ; Base == 0x00000000
    db  0x00  ; Limit == 0xFFFFFFFF
    db  0x9A  ; Flag1 == 0x4 == b0100 (G, D/B, reserved, AVL)
    db  0xCF  ; Flag2 == 0x9A == b10011010 (P, DPL, S, Type)
    db  0x00  ;

    dw  0xFFFF  ;
    dw  0x0000  ; Base == 0x00000000
    db  0x00  ; Limit == 0xFFFFF
    db  0x92  ; Flag1 == 0x4 == b0100 (G, D/B, reserved, AVL)
    db  0xCF  ; Flag2 == 0x92 == b10010010 (P, DPL, S, Type)
    db  0x00  ;

gdtlength equ $ - gdt_table

size	equ	$ - entry

%if size+11+2 > 512
 %error "Codice troppo grande per un bootloader"
times	(512 - size - 11 - 2) db 0

filename db	"KERNEL  BIN"		;nome
	db	0x55, 0xAA

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Post by nirvana111 »

You can put part of you boot loader to second sector.
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Post by chase »

There are two approaches. Typically with either approach you'll move your PMode code out of your boot sector because you'll have to use BIOS ints to load the rest of your boot code.

1) Move some of your code to the sector(s) after your boot sector. This is basically what nirvana111 is talking about. The boot sector becomes boot sectors, the only problem is that the BIOS isn't going to load anything beyond the first sector. To maintain a valid FAT12 FS you just have to increase the reserved sector count in your BPB section. A big drawback to this approach is that the standard reserved sector count that most format programs use is 1. You can't format a disk with another OS and just rewrite the boot sector anymore, you have to create the whole disk image now. I did this once and the easiest thing to do is to write the whole floppy image in assembly, there really isn't much data in a empty FAT12 FS so it's mostly a bunch of zeros. Starting with FAT32 Microsoft went in this direction and has 32 reserved sectors.

2) Move some of your code to a file within the FAT12 FS, typically in the root directory. This seems to be the more common approach. The hard part is you have to add in code that can find files in a FAT12 FS and load them. Here's a boot sector that I wrote that does this if you want an example
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Post by Jeko »

thank you!
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Post by bubach »

Here's two very small functions for setting the a20:

Code: Select all

a20:                                                  ; Enable A20
          in      al, 0x64
          test    al, 2
          jnz     a20
          mov     al, 0xD1
          out     0x64, al
          in      al, 0x64
          and     ax, 2
          jnz     .d6
          mov     al, 0xDF
          out     0x60, al  

Code: Select all

          in      al, 0x92
          or      al, 0x02
          out     0x92, al   
You should be able to fit in version 2, or if you still can't
try doing like this:

Code: Select all

BS_BootSig db 0  ;41
;BS_VolId dd 541359850
;BS_VolLab db 'mkdosfs '
;BS_FileSysType db 'FAT     ' 
the three last things isn't needed if you set the signature to zero
instead of 41. that saves about 20 bytes. :)

/ Christoffer
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Post by Jeko »

if i delete that three things, the floppy can be readed by windows or linux?
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Post by bubach »

I haven't tried in Linux, but on windows it works, just set the signature to zero instead of 41.
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