Question about which tools to use, bugs, the best way to implement a function, etc should go here. Don't forget to see if your question is answered in the wiki first! When in doubt post here.
Hello all. I plan to make this place my new 'home' as a plan to progress in OS Development. I am the leader of an indie game design team called gag-studio. I am very interested in operating system development, and have just recently finished 'Hello World' tutorial at I have TONS of questions and would like to get many experience and knowledgeable user's MSN or AIM names so when I am stumped or have questions, I can ask quickly.
Right now, I am programming a tool called Osclay. It basically does what NASM does but makes it more simplified. For example, the command 'End Matter' will put this in your source:
times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Fill the rest with zeros
dw 0xAA55 ; Boot loader signature
I have some trouble understanding some parts of this language, but some is familiar. I would just like people to give me their contacts so i can speak with them quickly! Thanks alot
Last edited by djtrickdog on Sat Dec 15, 2007 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you have tons of questions you haven't done enough research. Don't forget that we have a wiki.
You'll find that quick answers are not highly regarded here, and having patience is a must.
The 'language' you're referring to is assembly. (If you didn't already know...) You'll need to know it before you get into osdev. There are several good tutorials on the net.
Oh, and by the by, a CAPS title is not bound to get you many contacts.
If you have tons of questions you haven't done enough research. Don't forget that we have a wiki.
You'll find that quick answers are not highly regarded here, and having patience is a must.
The 'language' you're referring to is assembly. (If you didn't already know...) You'll need to know it before you get into osdev. There are several good tutorials on the net.
Oh, and by the by, a CAPS title is not bound to get you many contacts.
Good Luck!
1.i have been on the wiki for a while now
2.yes but a tutorial can't explain everything. Somethings it takes an actual person to teach you something
3.Yes i know, i was saying i am programming my own program to compile ASM quicker.
4.sorry and edited
madeofstaples wrote:So you're making a program that makes it "easier" to add the boot signature to, what I can only assume will become, the boot sector?
hmm.. wasting time to save time.. a puzzling concept
madeofstaples wrote:So you're making a program that makes it "easier" to add the boot signature to, what I can only assume will become, the boot sector?
hmm.. wasting time to save time.. a puzzling concept
that was simply an example of one line of code
As such, is it not a concept that you plan to implement? I maintain my original comment.
There are asm tutorials on the wiki. Including the one you are looking for.
"Certainly avoid yourself. He is a newbie and might not realize it. You'll hate his code deeply a few years down the road." - Sortie
[ My OS ] [ VDisk/SFS ]
i looked and i found something to help me about setting up Pmode, i am not sure if its in pmode or not, so i guess i got that down. now i cant find a tut on making kernel in strictly ASM or how to start the kernel.
what is there in "STFW" that you don't understand?
"Certainly avoid yourself. He is a newbie and might not realize it. You'll hate his code deeply a few years down the road." - Sortie
[ My OS ] [ VDisk/SFS ]
now i cant find a tut on making kernel in strictly ASM
Instead of looking for somebody elses code or them telling you how, just read the manual and figure it out yourself.
I find that looking at everybody elses code blocks creativity a ton. Figuring it out is more challenging too.
Codname: Cipher
Working On: Design Doc(CFFS file system)
djtrickdog wrote:Hello all. I plan to make this place my new 'home' as a plan to progress in OS Development. I am the leader of an indie game design team called gag-studio. I am very interested in operating system development, and have just recently finished 'Hello World' tutorial at I have TONS of questions and would like to get many experience and knowledgeable user's MSN or AIM names so when I am stumped or have questions, I can ask quickly.
Right now, I am programming a tool called Osclay. It basically does what NASM does but makes it more simplified. For example, the command 'End Matter' will put this in your source:
times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Fill the rest with zeros
dw 0xAA55 ; Boot loader signature
I have some trouble understanding some parts of this language, but some is familiar. I would just like people to give me their contacts so i can speak with them quickly! Thanks alot