Ok so address 0000 to FFFF = 0000 to 65535 (65535 bits right? which = 1MB?)
The low memmory would be drawn like so , without any sections for whats in between
Code: Select all
0 1 2 (etc) F
0 0 0 F
0 0 0 F
0 0 0 F
^ ^ ^ ^ -->
What confuses me is theres a guide which shows
0xFFFFFFF as the final memmory address? thats 28 bits?
I could do with some explination and a good but as basic as possible and well explained memmory map if possible
Im trying to get a on paper representation of memmory and see what memmory addresses look like in bits and how long a memmory address is etc, I have read a fair bit but I know theres alot I need clarified , I have read about segment:offset addressing in real mode but I want to make my memmory map of absolute addresses just so I can see whats going on , initially Im not to interested in the secrions that fill the 1mb address space , only the width of memmory addresses and what they really look like, I imagine in bits as I think thats how the computer sees them