"bootloader" in C?
It's not that GRUB doesn't have desired functionality, it's simply that it's not mine and cannot be released with my OS when it goes through the copyright process. I have (basically) everything I need already done and setup through PMode.
Within my kernel I have setup my gdt, idt, isrs, A20, drivers, ect...
I just need to be able to get a loader that sets up a pseudo gdt and pop me into 32 bit mode so that I can load my OS at the 1meg mark and then my kernel can load the 'actual' gdt and ect...
Within my kernel I have setup my gdt, idt, isrs, A20, drivers, ect...
I just need to be able to get a loader that sets up a pseudo gdt and pop me into 32 bit mode so that I can load my OS at the 1meg mark and then my kernel can load the 'actual' gdt and ect...
Website: https://joscor.com
Grub uses the GPL license, which doesnt prohibit distribution alongside closed source binaries.
The cake is a lie | rackbits.com
That's a big negatory.
Exerpts from the GNU General Public Liscence:
Exerpts from the GNU General Public Liscence:
You have a GPL'ed program that I'd like to link with my code to build a proprietary program. Does the fact that I link with your program mean I have to GPL my program?
If so, is there any chance I could get a license of your program under the Lesser GPL?
You can ask, but most authors will stand firm and say no. The idea of the GPL is that if you want to include our code in your program, your program must also be free software. It is supposed to put pressure on you to release your program in a way that makes it part of our community.
You always have the legal alternative of not using our code.
I want to keep my source code closed. Thus the reason I need to develop my own bootloader.What is the difference between "mere aggregation" and "combining two modules into one program"?
Mere aggregation of two programs means putting them side by side on the same CD-ROM or hard disk. We use this term in the case where they are separate programs, not parts of a single program. In this case, if one of the programs is covered by the GPL, it has no effect on the other program.
Combining two modules means connecting them together so that they form a single larger program. If either part is covered by the GPL, the whole combination must also be released under the GPL--if you can't, or won't, do that, you may not combine them.
Website: https://joscor.com
- AndrewAPrice
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- Location: USA (and Australia)
Don't distribute it with Grub, rather say you need a multiboot-compliant bootloader, and recommend Grub.
My OS is Perception.
that would work, except it cant in my situation.
ok, ill list the specifics.
* DiNS gets shipped on proprietary hardware ready-to-go.
* there is no video output or keyboard support (no-UI, security reasons)
* It must be my code so that no liscencing gets tangled up.
also, GRUB is waayy too loaded for what I need a bootloader to do, its overkill. I just need a simple 16-bit loader to load my OS off of a disk to an arbitrary location in memory (below 1m obviously).
Then my OS will take over, load the GDT, IDT, ISRs, switch into PMode and re-load the OS somewhere else in higher memory.
I am having a realllly hard time finding a good bootloader example source that loades a BIN off of a floppy. If I could find a decent one I could learn from that and fit whatever else I know about it together to create one of my own.
ok, ill list the specifics.
* DiNS gets shipped on proprietary hardware ready-to-go.
* there is no video output or keyboard support (no-UI, security reasons)
* It must be my code so that no liscencing gets tangled up.
also, GRUB is waayy too loaded for what I need a bootloader to do, its overkill. I just need a simple 16-bit loader to load my OS off of a disk to an arbitrary location in memory (below 1m obviously).
Then my OS will take over, load the GDT, IDT, ISRs, switch into PMode and re-load the OS somewhere else in higher memory.
I am having a realllly hard time finding a good bootloader example source that loades a BIN off of a floppy. If I could find a decent one I could learn from that and fit whatever else I know about it together to create one of my own.
Website: https://joscor.com
- AndrewAPrice
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- Posts: 2309
- Joined: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:00 pm
- Location: USA (and Australia)
yea, tell me about it.
I developed my OS backwards.
the things that I should know first, I learned last.
Do you have any fitting tutorials in mind?
I developed my OS backwards.
the things that I should know first, I learned last.
Do you have any fitting tutorials in mind?
Website: https://joscor.com
- AndrewAPrice
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- Posts: 2309
- Joined: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:00 pm
- Location: USA (and Australia)
None that come to me straight away, but I am sure I have seen plenty, since most OSdev tutes don't get any further than writing a bootloader that loads a C "Hello World" kernel from a FAT12 disk.
I found the following bootloader that might be what you need (I didn't write this code):
I found the following bootloader that might be what you need (I didn't write this code):
Code: Select all
; aiorOS bootsector
; <[email protected]>
; Memory structure
;| | | /\
;| | | ||
;| KERNEL | | || (max 4GB)
;| (max 4GB) | | ||
;|(cod.& dat.)| | KERNEL CODE, DATA & STACK
;| | |
;|------------| 0x1000:0x0000 | (pmode 0x08:0x00010000) ----------------
;| | |
;| | | GDT + IDT + PAGEDIR
;| | | ||
;|------------| 0x07C0:0x0200 | ||
;| BOOTSECTOR | | ||
;|------------| 0x07C0:0x0000 | || (max 64KB)
;| | | ||
;|------------| | ||
;| 16bit BIOS | | \/
; ------------ 0x0000:0x0000 |-----------------------------------------
KERNEL_SIZE EQU 0x100 ;(512byte sector unit, 0x100 sector = 128KB)
KERNEL_START16 EQU 0x1000;:0
[BITS 16]
[ORG 0x7C00]
jmp start
msg_dot db '.',0
msg_loading db 13,10,'Loading aiorOS kernel...',0
pusha ;save all
mov ah,0Eh
lodsb ;loads a byte from DS:SI to AL
cmp al,00
je end_string ;check for terminating null character
int 10h
jmp string_loop
popa ;restore all
ret;Ret returns
mov al, 0x0C
mov dx, 0x3F2
out dx, al
mov ax, 0x0E44
int 0x10
debug_loop: jmp debug_loop
;setting stack base:offset (SS:SP)
mov ax, 0x0
mov ss, ax
mov ds, ax
mov ax, 0x7C00
mov sp, ax
;switch to graph mode VGA 320x200 256col
;mov ax, 0x0013
;int 10h
;loading kernel
;setting up data buffer for
;kernel size in sectors (512byte)
;kernel ar ES:BX = KERNEL_START16:0 (flat=KERNEL_START32)
mov ax, KERNEL_START16
mov es, ax
mov ax, 0x0
mov bx, ax
;CH=cylinder, CL=start sector
mov cx,0x0002
;DH=head number=0, DL=drive number
mov dx, ax
push si
mov si, msg_loading
call print_message
pop si
; print a dot on the screen
push si
mov si, msg_dot
call print_message
pop si
;AH = 02h, AL=number of sector to read = 1
mov ax, 0x0201
int 0x13
;increment data buffer segment base ES (allow kernel size up to 1Mb)
mov ax, es
add ax, 0x20 ;segments overlap every 16bytes, 512/16 = 32 = 0x20
mov es, ax
dec si
jz end_of_read
;next sector to read
inc cl
;check if we are at the end of track (18 sect)
cmp cl, 0x12
;jump to read_sector if below or equal
jbe read_sector
;reset sector to 1
mov cl, 1
;heads change in alternate way (0-1-0-1...)
inc dh ;dh = (dh + 1) MOD 2
cmp dh, 2
jne read_sector_dot
mov dh, 0
inc ch ;goto next cylinder number
jmp read_sector_dot
call kill_floppy_motor
;enabling A20
in al, 0x64
test al, 2
jnz delay1
mov al, 0xD1
out 0x64, al
in al, 0x64
and ax, byte 2
jnz delay2
mov al, 0xDF
out 0x60, al
cli ;disable interrupts
lgdt [gdt_48]
lidt [idt_48]
;enter in protected mode
mov eax, cr0
or eax,1
mov cr0, eax
;IA 386 suggest to make a jmp after the
;swith to pmode in order to clear the pipeline
jmp 0x8 : protected_mode
[BITS 32]
;init data segment to gdt[2]
mov ax,0x10
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
;init stack segment to gdt[2] too
mov ss, ax
mov esp, 0xA0000 ;use this area for stack (640KB->0KB)
jmp 0x8 : KERNEL_START32 ;do not use call
; IDT Register 48bit
; _______________________________________
;| IDT 0-31 | SIZE 0-15 |
; _______________________________________
dw 0
dd 0
; GDT Register 48bit
; _______________________________________
;| GDT 0-31 | SIZE 0-15 |
; _______________________________________
dw gdt_end - gdt - 1 ;gdt size
dd gdt ;gdt address
; 31 24 19 15 7 0
; |__________|_________|___________|____________________|__________|
; |BASE 31-24|G|D|0|AVL|LIMIT 16-19|P|DPL|S| Type |BASE 16-23|
; |________________________________________________________________
; | BASE 15-0 | LIMIT 0-15 |
; ________________________________________________________________
gdt: ; Address for the GDT
gdt_null: ; Null Segment
dd 0
dd 0
gdt_code: ; Code segment, read/execute
dw 0FFFFh ; LIMIT 0-15 = 0xFFFF
dw 0 ; BASE 0-15 = 0
db 0 ; BASE 16-23
db 10011010b ; P=1, DPL=00, S=1, Type=1010 (Code Read/Execute)
db 11001111b ; G=1 (4kb unit), D=1, 0, AVL=1, LIMIT 16-19 = 0xF
db 0 ; BASE 31-24 = 0
gdt_data: ; Data segment, read/write
dw 0FFFFh ; LIMIT 0-15 = 0xFFFF
dw 0 ; BASE 0-15 = 0
db 0 ; BASE 16-23
db 10010010b ; P=1, DPL=00, S=1, Type=0010 (Data Read/Write)
db 11001111b ; G=1 (4kb unit), D=1, 0, AVL=1, LIMIT 16-19 = 0xF
db 0 ; BASE 31-24 = 0
gdt_end: ; Used to calculate the size of the GDT
times 510 - ($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55
Last edited by AndrewAPrice on Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
My OS is Perception.
Finally a bootsector example that shows what I needed to see.
Thank you very much.
Finally a bootsector example that shows what I needed to see.
Thank you very much.
Website: https://joscor.com
- AndrewAPrice
- Member
- Posts: 2309
- Joined: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:00 pm
- Location: USA (and Australia)
You're welcome!
I have the sources to a few dozen different OS's on my computer. I have no clue why. It makes it easy if I want to look up the best way to do something (e.g. how to read FAT12 disks or handle the paging) since I can bring up their source code to compare within a few clicks.
I have the sources to a few dozen different OS's on my computer. I have no clue why. It makes it easy if I want to look up the best way to do something (e.g. how to read FAT12 disks or handle the paging) since I can bring up their source code to compare within a few clicks.
My OS is Perception.