I need (or well - want =) ) to switch to 80 x 50 text mode under protected mode. I'm not asking you to code it for me, I just need some info, where can I find it. I've searched google, but there's nothing about how to do it in protected mode only real mode.
80 x 50 text-mode switch in protected mode
RE:80 x 50 text-mode switch in protected mode
You switch to real mode,Switch to 80x50 text-mode and then switch back to pmode.
RE:80 x 50 text-mode switch in protected mode
Yes, I thought of it too. But well - if there is a way to do it in pmode, I'd like to do it that way.
RE:80 x 50 text-mode switch in protected mode
you have to change values in the VGA registers. google for FreeVGA. We had it on osdever but our server is not up right now.
FreeVGA is documentation on vga regs, it should help you out :]
FreeVGA is documentation on vga regs, it should help you out :]