Looking for BIOS programming referance

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Looking for BIOS programming referance

Post by QBRADQ »

Hi there! I am new to OS programming, and ASM in general. My only experiance with ASM is on the NES (6502 variant w/ memory remaped virtual registers serving as gates to other IC hardware) and what little bit of x86 ASM I have picked up in the past day and a half.

All the referance matterial I see centers on using the DOS interrupt redirects for I/O and the like. I am looking for material that shows how to access the I/O devices and disks using the BIOS calls.

For example, I know that INT 13h:02h is a read from disk interupt, however, I have no idea how use this interrupt function to access the floppy drive. More over, I don't know what heads I should be reading from.

Any links to such information would be great.


RE:Looking for BIOS programming referance

Post by Moose »

You want ralf browns interrupt list.


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