frank is correct, you do have to read the byte-long scan code from the VT82C42 Keyboard Controller. Your IRQ handler will not be called more than once if you don't do that. Checklist:
1) Read the scan-code from the VT82C42 Keyboard Controller at port 0x60.
2) Send the End of Interrupt (EOI) signal to the Master PIC (at port 0x20). Send 0x20 to port 0x20 where the first 0x20 is the EOI signal and the latter 0x20 is the port number of the master PIC.
I hope that helps. However, below is the code that I have written for my IRQ1 handler. It might be able to help you:
Code: Select all
; void Interrupt __IRQ1Handler (void); StdCall;
; *EAX = The pressed key
; *EBX = value of the keyboard handler
; *EDX = Offset of the KeyInformation variable
XOR EAX , EAX ; Clear the value of the EAX, temporarily
MOV EBX , DWORD PTR [KeyboardHandler] ; EBX now holds the value of [KeyboardHandler]
MOV EDX , OFFSET KeyInformation ; EDX holds the offset of the [KeyInformation] variable
MOV EAX , DWORD PTR [EDX] ; EAX is the value of [KeyInformation] variable now
IN AL , 0x60 ; Read the current scan code sent through this IRQ
TEST EBX , EBX ; See if any keyboard handlers are defined
JZ .SendEOI ; Jump to ... if not
; At this point, We are sure that a keyboard handler is registered
CMP AL , EXTENDEDKEY_PREFIX1 ; See if the current key is an extended key
JE .ExtendedKeyPressed ; Jump to ... if yes
CMP AH , EXTENDEDKEY_PREFIX1 ; See if the previously entered key was an extended key
JE .InvokeHandlerForExtendedKey ; Jump to ... if yes
; If it is proved not to be an extended key
.InvokeHandlerForNonExtendedKey: ; At this point, we are sure that the pressed key is not extended
AND EAX , 0x000000FF ; Clear all bytes except for the scan code now
.InvokeHandlerForExtendedKey: ; We should now invoke the Keyboard Handler Procedure (KHP)
PUSH EDX ; Preserve the value of the data register
INVOKE EBX , EAX ; Invoke the KHP with EAX as the PressedKey parameter
POP EDX ; Restore the offset of the [KeyInformation] variable
XOR EAX , EAX ; Set the value of the EAX register to zero
MOV DWORD PTR [EDX] , EAX ; KeyInformation is renewed and awaits to save new keys' information
JMP .SendEOI ; Jump to ... now, after we are done invoking the KHP
.ExtendedKeyPressed: ; At this moment, an extended key is proven to have been pressed
SHL EAX , 0x08 ; Move the extended key code to AH, AL = 0
MOV DWORD PTR [EDX] , EAX ; Put this value in the [KeyInformation] variable
.SendEOI: ; End of the IRQ handler
On the field with sword and shield amidst the din of dying of men's wails. War is waged and the battle will rage until only the righteous prevails.